Keep failing to proceed with ep. 4

I'm asking for help here. I can't pass the finger gun fight as Vasquez. Just when 4 screens appear and a player must swipe in all directions (I play on Android phone), I swipe but nothing happens. And I keep dying.
Any advice?
I really want to play the finale, and I paid for it too. Please, give me any help! Maybe I can move forward to the next scene somehow?


  • I'm playing on a Kindle Fire HDX and I'm having a similiar problem. To me, it happens right after the 4 screens appear; those work fine, but the next QTEs don't. I can solve this problem by dying and starting the finger-gun fight from the 2nd checkpoint.

  • Thank you for reply. But I don't get any save points. And I have to listen to that dialog every time.
    Sometimes I can get one of the arrows, but four? Not possible at all. I'm devastated really. Such a shame.

  • Oh my god, I made it! Just deleted all unnecessary apps on my phone to boost the performance and pressed really hard on the screen. Oh my god, I'll play the finale next week! Sorry for making this fuss.

    Mawula posted: »

    Thank you for reply. But I don't get any save points. And I have to listen to that dialog every time. Sometimes I can get one of the arrows, but four? Not possible at all. I'm devastated really. Such a shame.

  • I'm really glad you made it! I'm sure the finale won't disappoint!

    Mawula posted: »

    Oh my god, I made it! Just deleted all unnecessary apps on my phone to boost the performance and pressed really hard on the screen. Oh my god, I'll play the finale next week! Sorry for making this fuss.

  • You're so nice! Vaughn avatar suits you ;)

    AlfMusic posted: »

    I'm really glad you made it! I'm sure the finale won't disappoint!

  • Haha, thank you! But beware... we don't know if Vaughn is still going to be nice in episode 5 :)

    Mawula posted: »

    You're so nice! Vaughn avatar suits you

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