Decisions That Are Questionably Considered Important

I'm like really confused about the choices that are considered important.

1) The weapons chosen for Loader Bot.

2) Either stopping, or letting August touch the fake Vault Key.

3) Letting Vallory help you up or not.

4) Bro fisting Vaughn.

5) Stealing Athena's shield and/or telling Janey that she's been lied to. ... I'd assume that Athena will be pissed off at Fiona for those decisions.

6) Talking Yvette down, or knocking her out.

How are these important?


  • Flavor, mostly; they let you play how you want to play. From a technical viewpoint they only affect a few lines of dialog, but when it comes to storytelling they're important.

    Let's say you didn't believe Vaughn when he said he only sided with Vasquez to shut him up, and that you legitimately believed he betrayed you. It would be pretty jarring if Rhys forgave him, no questions asked, when you'd rather smack him. So, even though the brofist/no brofist choice doesn't actually change anything in the long run, it does give you just that bit more control over the narrative.

    (That said, I think the consequence of stealing Athena's shield was something that got dropped through development,.)

  • Just because their displayed at the end doesn't mean their important.

  • edited October 2015

    1) Blaming August/Felix/Vasquez. August gets simply scolded. Vasquez dies no matter what and Felix is only determinant whether he's dead or alive, but even if he's alive, I've seen no consequence so far

    2)Telling Sasha to cover Fiona or stay with Rhys

    3) When Vallory offers you the hand and you have to choose whether to accept her help or refuse

  • 3) I already mentioned that.

    TheTP87 posted: »

    1) Blaming August/Felix/Vasquez. August gets simply scolded. Vasquez dies no matter what and Felix is only determinant whether he's dead or

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