Puzzles are too easy



  • YES! The episode had so much energy, so much momentum, and then it just dies, and even though it tries to regain it, it just never fully recovered.

  • I only had to push 3 levers X)

    That puzzle at the end of the episode took me 15 minutes... *cries

  • Is it bad that the first two levers I hit were the ones I needed and I finished?

    That puzzle at the end of the episode took me 15 minutes... *cries

  • I liked the "puzzles" from the walking dead season 1. they weren't really puzzles but problems we faced, and they weren't really hard either. getting through a parking lot full of walkers, unlocking the barn door, starting the train, even little things like saying the right thing to the crazy woman so she wouldn't shoot you. I've been disappointed in most telltale games since wd season 1. seems like we get less and less control of our character with each new game. even the dialogue choices don't really shape our relationships with people anymore. More and more of watching cut scenes and choosing a dialogue option every now and then. I think the stories they're telling are still good but they've taken away too much of our control over the main character that the stories have lost a lot of the immersion.

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