The Thanks Telltale Thread ↠|| Episode 5 Spoilers? ||↞
Alright first discussion nerves.
Ok, so today's the day. Tales from the Borderlands is finally coming to an end and i don't know you guys but i think Telltale did a damn good job with this series. In fact, when i got into Borderlands i wasn't sure how how things were going to work in this game. But i saw Let's Plays of the first episode and by the end of Zer0 Sum i was already loading another video of a LP of Atlas Mugged. The game totally had me. Everything worked so well, the intro music choices, the storytelling, the characters and their personalities, the eviroments (Catch a Ride man!), absolutely everything was so well done i HAD to have this game. And i bought it. And i do not regret it.
I haven't played Episode 5 yet but im pretty sure it will be as amazing as any other series finale and im also sure that i will post my thanks here after i finish it.
But enough of that. My point here is that i made this discussion so anyone that wants to thank the Telltale team for doing an amazing job can post their thanks here and comment on what they liked from this series, about what you liked of the story, of how the characters were in x episode, anything that made you say "Oh wow this game is great!"
Because i think Telltale deserves it.
Telltale deserves all the praise they been getting with the Finale because it was PHENOMENAL! Simply the best episode they've ever made! And Tales will go down as being Telltale's best series ever! Finally I can safety put Tales on #1 of my favorite Telltale game ever! (Sorry Devil's Playhouse).
I'm out of words.
This was just...
I couldn't have asked for anything more. This is BY FAR the best TellTale game I have ever played. Oh my god. OH. MY. GOD.
I literally love this game now and it is my favorite game you have made by far. Seriously thanks t the amazing storywriters and everyone else out there for their hardwork.
Just chiming in to say thanks for a blast Telltale, loved the game
(and thx for Sasha's gift!)
Awesome.. just awesome:) Of all the telltale games... This is the one I want to be continued in the future!
Joining in to give Telltale my deepest and heartfelt thanks for making this game. I have such a big smile on my face as I played the episode and I applauded when it ended. BRAVO!
Definitly the best game that telltale make! They can when they want ;p
Praise be!
Now I really hope they make season 2! Woot!
Obviously, my prediction is all wrong. It's one of the most clever way to incorporate all the choices that you've made, and indeed... following a main canon, but still honor all the branches, this is like... WOW! Hats off to gearbox too. I can't believe they allowed Telltale to make so much progress on the canon. I honestly thought this game is just a small cog in the whole grand universe, but man, was I wrong! All those people that skipped this and play only the main series? They are going to miss SO MUCH.
At first, over a year ago when I heard about this game I was really skeptical, as I didn't really know what to expect because I've never played any Telltale game before. I was a little afraid that Telltale just won't handle it, will do something wrong and not-borderlandish.
Then I risked and bought this game. And I truly fell in love. Honestly, this is my favourite game. Also I've given a try to other Telltale games and I really enjoyed them.
But this... man, I'm kinda sensitive girl, but I've never been laughing, crying because of a game so much. Telltale did a freaking good job! I truly think they've left a big, awesome imprint on the Borderlands series, and thanks to them the universe is like more dynamic, alive, and I'm lovin' it even more. If I didn't risk and I'd just skip Tales From The Borderlands, I'd make a huge mistake.
This game and the fandom even brought back to me my old forgotten hobby - drawing. I haven't touched a pen like forever, and then I felt like I wanted to make some tribute, fanarts, because this game is really something I enjoyed waiting for (yes, really, it is a nice feeling when you have something to wait for and then it comes).
And I want to really send big thanks and a big hug to the Telltale crew because they deserve it. This game kind of made me think more positive of life, even though it sounds silly.
**it's been fun, and it was worth every single penny I spent
So thank you VERY MUCH!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
and here a hug for the crew and the whole fandom!
greetings from Poland everyone!** ⊂(・ω・*⊂)
Respect to the TTG Team, big time. One of the best if not the best episode and definitely my favourite game from TTG. The game had, imo no "weak" episode and everything just clicked perfectly. In the last episode I actually felt that the game honored the choices I made, illusion or not it did feel real. They cleverly solved pretty much all problems the community had with the game gracefully, I think even the shippers are satisfied with the last episode. I don't remember a game I laughed so good with in every episode and that still gets other emotions very straight without it feeling weird, or you know the good kind of weird at least.
I just wanted to thank all the dedicated people working for and with Telltale Games for delivering such a masterpiece of a game, you are awesome and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Telltale have done it. My word, have they done it.
They capped off one hell of a series, and made the greatest gaming experience I've ever had. This is the pinnacle of their work, and they've set the bar pretty damn high. When I try to point other gamers into your direction, I will absolutely use this game as evidence of your ability
Everything in this season has been perfect: characters, music, voice acting, story, comedy, drama, action, branching. They seemed to do everything right. They made me laugh. Made me want to break my monitor out of sadness. Left me smiling.
Thanks Telltale. Everyone there deserves the praise and goodwill that gets sent their way because of this game. You've struck gold. Defied the hate and pushed on to create your best series yet. If you can make a second series, please do. And I sincerely hope that award organisations turn their heads towards this game - because, damnit, it is GOTY material. So, consider this a preemptive congratulations guys.
I'm with you completely on that
Haha. But for real, if Sasha's gift wasn't like that, I would've broken my monitor. Such a freaking curveball
wow, just wow TTG.
I can't say how impressed I am. this game was a rollercoaster of emotions
That was just awesome, you guys rule.
Telltale, good gods that was utterly amazing. Spoilers below.
Oh my goodness. The way that all of your choices did end up mattering with who you could pick to join you towards the end kinda blew my mind. I was lucky enough to be able to have access to everyone (in my main save, at least), but it really did amaze me -- so many of those little choices that I thought were mostly irrelevant all came together to truly alter your ending.
The story was fantastic. The scare with Sasha broke my heart, and I was so scared that all of those theories of Vaughn or Sasha dying were going to come true. Thank god that gift pulled through. A bit of a cop out, but 100% a welcome one -- wouldn't have it any other way.
Man, Telltale, you guys put so much work into this, and it really shows. I was laughing throughout the series, but even so, the emotional moments? Gods, they hurt. They hurt a lot. You really brought together the world of Borderlands in a fantastic way, and I sincerely hope we get to see more of this 'squad,' because I don't think I've ever been more attached to a set of characters.
You've truly outdone yourselves. Thank you so much for creating such a fantastic game. I'm definitely going to be replaying it for a long time.
I was a little scared for this finale....scrap that I was very scared T.T some things you don't forget you know. So happy I had nothing to worry about it. This finale turned out incredible! That tweet about the blood, sweat and tears going into this episodes, you really weren't kidding. Compared to Life Is Strange's finale, I think Tales from the Borderlands wins! The choices, and the story, the characters, the jokes, they were all perfect! And I loved the conclusion with how it's setting up another game. Jesus you guys better be making another game in the future on this. TELL ME YOU ARE! YOU HAVE TO DO THIS! PLEASE! ;.; the kidney is still on offer here.
I didn't know where else to say this so I'll just put it here.
[List of things I loved!]
-The chair Rhys being stuck in...having wheels!
-Loaderbot being heroic saving Rhys and Fiona when the base was coming down.
-August having a turn around and being on our side! I love you buddy!
-The option for Yvette to tag along and to save her life. Like hell was I going to let her slip! And also the fact she still plays into the story and speaks! Woohoo
-Rhys giving Jack the middle finger when running for the escape pods. I laughed so hard.
-Dramatic opening music, dun dun duuuuun.
-The epic showdown with Jack, it was so, BADASS! Rhys having to detach his arm, cut out the port thing and rip out the echo eye. And his face before he even did it, like realizing what he had to do to get rid of Jack once and for all. You earned the medal of badassness Rhys!
-Crushing Jack, on yeah, I did it and I don't regret it....although I did say sorry first >.>
-The whole epic thingy with the sand storm and the gate and the giant figures you can't see clearly, friggin epic!
-Being able to shoot one of Vallory's henchmen. Asshole tried to leave us for dead on a deathtrap!
-Vallory getting squashed! Sorry August, your mom was kinda a bitch!
-Fiona mentioning Rhys made googily eyes at Sasha, heheheehehehe
-Telling Vallory's other dude his moustache looked shitty, because it did.
-Vaughn's new make over! Daaaamn you looking mighty fine with that beard bro! And I hadn't seen him for an episode in my playthrough so sure as hell Fiona hugged the hell out of that bro!
-LOADERBOT REVEAL! Holy fudgeballs that was unexpected. I seriously thought it might be Felix or August as the stranger. I didn't suspect anything, the only thing I did think was that the eye thing on the mask, I couldn't imagine anybody being able to see out of that properly with where it was positioned on the face, now I can see why. And no dead Loaderbot, woo!
-The scene with Felix and the reveal of the money. I saved the guy in my playthrough, and I was really worried how and if Flex would come back and that scene was really great and so well handled. It made me think of how players in Life is Strange could get that extra scene with Kate in the hospital in a later episode if they saved her. Totally worth it ;.;
-Sasha's new outfit. I loooooove the hairdo. I want that hair!
-Rhys and Sasha HUGGING! Oh yeah baby!
-Being able to tell Sasha that Rhys missed her and them staring at each, all cute! Ugh, you two, procreate already!
-Gortys alive agaaaaaaain!
-Lots of button mashing combo stuff with all the characters taking on the monsteeer! Seriously do more of this in your games, I had to think a little because I was used to pressing X all the time.
-Kicking butt inside the gland thingy. I have no idea what the Heartless from Kingdom Hearts were doing in there and don't caaaare, that was cool with the gravity! T.T
-Fake out on Sasha's death, honestly thought it was going to do it for dramatic and let her die, thank god that was a bluff! Even Claptrap said something about it that made me crack up. Time heals all wounds, oh the pun.
-Having Fiona tell Sasha she wuved her ;.; thank god she's not dead.
-Rhys getting confused about Tangle realism. You're not Rapunzel you fucking idiot XD
-I'm floating and aliiive-OOF!
-Group hug, everybody group hugging! So damn sweet!
-Running for the vault, and getting Fiona's blessing with Sasha. I regret nothing, not even the flowery thing!
-The game drawing to a close with them saying what they said way back in episode 1 when they went to press the button and pick up the Gortys core pieces, and doing the same with them opening up the magical box thing.
-Choosing the sad it's over with Fiona and Rhys saying 'maybe it's just the beginning' oh hell yeaaaaah!
-You and such amount of people shipped Rhys and Sasha, BWAHAHAHA!
[The list of things I didn't love]
-The load times were a bitch on the PS3, especially between the fight with the vault monster. I think with one loading screen, I was waiting at least a minute.
-After I got the money from the Felix decision, I went for the Mystery Vault Hunter option and despite this and Fiona mentioning Sasha was getting those vault hunters, they never showed up.
-I was sad Felix couldn't be part of the teaaaaam.
-Rhys' tattooooooooo! That blue thingy I wanted to see it! >.< you better show it in Season 2 or this fan will be very grumpy!
You guys are the best!
I'm not afraid to say that this was their best episode ever! I love you Telltale! AND I HATE U FOR THAT DAMN CLIFFHANGER!!!
Never have I enjoyed a wait for a game as much as I did with Tales.
Thank you, Telltale, and thank you to all the people who hung out in waiting room threads for all those months!