The End Credits song?

I quite liked that song, does anyone know who it was by?


  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    It's called "My Silver lining" by First Aid Kit

    enter link description here

  • Proud to be from the same country as them ^.^

  • I was freaking out when that song started playing at the end because I had literally been playing THAT EXACT SONG while waiting for the ep 5 download to finish.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    I guess there really is... a silver lining to everything-oh god why am I making this joke this is terrible just kill me

    nursethalia posted: »

    I was freaking out when that song started playing at the end because I had literally been playing THAT EXACT SONG while waiting for the ep 5 download to finish.

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