Let's talk about THAT decision [Episode 5 spoilers]



  • Totally crushed it, didn't even hesitate.

  • I didn't even think of it as technically keeping Jack alive until I came here. I saw the choice as either keeping a memento and reminder of what could have been or moving on entirely.

  • Same. Hopefully he's gone for good.

    This. My response was an automatic "Hell no" when I saw the option to keep it.

  • Okay, uh, talking of decisions.... could someone post a picture of their online Telltale choices page for Episode 5? I have a feeling that some of mine aren't showing up.

    Also, yes, I did just look for a thread relating to choices in any way to post this xD

  • I sat there for a LONG time before I made my choice. But I eventually crushed him thinking this whole game was probably the best send off he would ever have.

  • Kept it. No regrets. The fact that i could beat Jack (one of the universes top mass murderers) without having to destroy him is just perfect. Now he can't hurt anyone.

    It just feels good to not have to end the existance of such a good character and also give him a punishment equal to all the mass death he did.

  • edited October 2015

    Crushed it, also without hesitation. Jack is a demon and the AI is too dangerous to keep around.

  • i figured i should keep him, maybe you can make him into a tamagotchi or something

  • I never trusted Jack because I knew who he was and although he continuously wanted to kill me, I never felt the need to taunt him or say you lose. No matter if he's a narcissistic psychopath, I still felt sorry for him and I apologized. I crushed the AI Jack for his own good. He doesn't want to live in this world, and thus he continues demonstrating this destructive behavior. He pretty much committed suicide when he tried to take over Rhys because he knew he didn't want to go through it all again and he knew Rhys would stop him.

    I just wish I could've gave Jack a hug sometime before I killed him. And I shot his pony

    I apologised too - it honestly broke my heart.

  • Even though I like Jack, a lot......

    I crushed dat shit lol

  • I couldn't bring myself to crush it. I even stalled and waiting, hoping the game wouldn't force me to destroy the cybernetics (and my sexy red robot arm), but alas. Jack is my hero, I can't kill him.

  • hehe, awesome

    http://n0rara.tumblr.com/post/131649819417/yes-its-a-tamagochi This might be of interest.

  • As I said in a different thread, I kept him. And I still don't know entirely why. The entire game I called Jack out on shit, except that time he convinced me not to tell Fiona and Sasha about him. I took a lot of time and my gut just said keep it.

    Not killing Jack isn't merciful in the slightest, even though he begged not to die. His last act before you yank the remainder of Rhys' cyber eye out was Jack trying to retain himself in some way, going out while trying to strangle Rhys.

    But here I am with a tiny Jack in the remains of the echo eye. And he's probably remembering the last time he was stuck before this vault business with Fiona and Rhys, probably wiser of the fate of himself and his daughter.

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