Thoughts about TFTB (Post-EP5)

Hello everyone,

So I'm not a well known person on this side of Telltale planet but I really wanted to share something after finishing EP5 just 10 minutes ago.

I brought TFTB back when it came out, and honestly I did it just to try it but I'm going to go right away that I never played a Borderlands game and I never was interested in it as much but considering my unrelenting love to TWAU and TWD, I gave Telltale the benefit of the doubt. I really wasn't expecting a lot from this game, when I first played it I felt like it was a good game but it wasn't really outstanding to me right away. I was interested in playing but I wasn't waiting for the EP2 like many of you did. Episode 2 got me a little bit more into this universe and I got interested in it a little bit more. But it was the EP3 when I really started enjoying this game so much. And don't get me wrong, it was always hilarious and great, I just didn't feel before like it was something I wanted to wait for so badly. With EP3, everything started to grow: character shipping, illuminati theories and other fun stuff. I've started appreciating this game much more from then on, I've made some stuff which was noticed by the Telltale and fans and began lurking into this part of the forums a lot more. EP4 showed me that Telltale can take even a comedy game and execute a very emotionally hitting scene in it. And now EP5... left me speechless. I usually do not have high expectations as games are predictable nowadays, and a lot of stuff were but wow, that was the biggest rollercoaster I've experienced in any sort of media. I did NOT expect Rhys to sacrifice his cybernetics, and I certainly did not expect Vaughn to look like Jesus from TWD comics. What happened next I can't even find words for... Just Thank You Telltale. Thank you again. The Wolf Among Us had ridiculously giant impact on my personal life and me as a person overall. That's why it will be always my favorite game of all time, but I feel like TFTB is going to leave a huge mark on my soul too. I did not believe this game could deliver such deeply emotional story to me, and for that I want to say sorry. I really really really wish that TWAU and TFTB could be the only games TTG would be making for the rest of the eternity, but still the job they did was outstanding.

Hats off guys, to Telltale, to this amazing Community, to all of you. Thanks for this amazing adventure (at least for now hopefully)

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  • Some choices I loved..others. I know I'm going to be in a tiny minority here when I say...Meh. Sort of feel like it was unsatisfying ending for those who have played the Borderlands games.

  • LOVED ever milisecond of it! Telltale were at their finest with this episode!

  • They've done it. Struck gold. Have absolutely no complaints, perfect ending to a brilliant series. Telltale's besr work, no question

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