
What do you think about the Megazord scene with Gortys and Co. Did you enjoyed it the same way like me ? xD


  • My word, Telltale went all out with it. Such a great idea executed to perfection. I absolutely loved the whole Megazord thing, and it highlights how unique they made it. Just amazing, so damn good!

  • Damn good I say :^)

  • My only regret is that your team doesn't get into colored suits before boarding...

    But, I loved it! It was so much fun! I like that the button combos seemed like an arcade fighting game, and Athena was really into it.

  • Especially Zer0 was awesome with his whole meditation thing and everybody were like wtf xD

  • And the death blow when Gortys used a sword similar to Clouds from Final Fantasy 7

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