Strangers abuse to Rhys
Why does the stranger (loaderbot) abuse Rhys? It would be acceptable if you had chosen to self destruct him.
But it makes no sense that he would abuse Rhys all the time when you have chosen to let him escape.
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I think he would have assumed that Rhys was involved in the "betrayal" too. That is why he is so short-tempered with them at the beginning.
Also, you must admit, that explanation scene was heart breaking.
Well he did sort of feel betrayed with the 'death' of Gortys - even though Rhys wasn't there... maybe it just made him really bitter?
Yeah but what about Fiona... loaderbot doesn't abuse her the whole time.
Yeah it was, but I'd think that Fiona would get abused more then. Because she shot the rocket.
I'll also note that he saw Rhys lying down unconscious next to the skeleton he took.
Perhaps Gortys rubbed off on him and his became a little more human. As a result of this, the human inclination to not hurt women may have kicked in. In that case, he would revert all his anger onto Rhys, perhaps explaining the abuse.
Furthermore, you could argue that Rhys was more frustrating throughout the time with the Stranger
You can say that LB was very angry about the betrayal. Or that he was playing the tough bandit in order to force Rhys and Fiona to tell the true story without sugarcoating it.
It does make me wonder what the hell happened when Loader bot saved Fiona and Sasha from Athena back in episode 2 and how HE questioned it wasn't right. But then again, Unreliable narrators. :P
You could actually interpret LB calling that out as him accidentally breaking character. Freudian slips and all that.
I mean think about it: who else besides an actual Loader Bot would know that they can't do that? He slipped up.
I'd chalk it up to him playing a character. He didn't want them to know who he was, and him not knocking them around a bit would result in them either A) getting suspicious of his identity, or
calling his bluffs and trying to escape him/overpower him. If he has to threaten them and put them in their place in order to achieve that, then so be it.
Same, why abuse Rhys when Fiona 'murdered' Gortys?
LB was bitter and angry up until they explained what happened with Gortys, so I'm sure he liked to beat Rhys all he wanted.