Congrats Telltale!

This is gonna be my review of Tales From the Borderlands. I may not be some important person, I'm just some random guy that absolutely LOVED this game! :D
Perfect, perfect, perfect, perfect, perfect, perfection of perfections!

This game made me start playing the other Borderlands games. The universe is so well explained. The characters, the big corporations, the history of Pandora.. Everything!
I don't know why, but I didn't have very high expectations over this game. Mostly because it was Borderlands related but I had no idea how much I'm gonna like it when I actually play it. The Walking Dead used to be my favorite Telltale game and my favorite game overall but TFTB CRUSHED IT! Just gobbled it up completely!

I'm mostly gonna talk about episode 5 here so beware of dem spoilurz.

It was a masterpiece.. The betrayal, the escape, the sacrifices.. Every single detail just fit perfectly into the story and that's what I loved so much about it.. Like, even though I know Loader Bot is alive, I still wanna cry when I see the "sacrifice" scene.. LB was my favorite character from the beginning, I know it's silly but he was so awesome and the brofist just made me tear up when I was playing.. And that proves that it's just soooo well done.. What made me feel like I have power was the fact that I could smile at Handsome goddamn Jack and tell him "I win!".. It was priceless.. And the Stranger reveal is so WTF, it's insane.. I literally just paused my game and stared at the screen with my jaw hanging for like 2 minutes.. The later fight.. It had the the hype, the thrill, of course the finger-guns and it was just too intense, I never knew what to expect.. The only thing I regret is not saving enough money, I had only 1100$ on me so I had to pick Janey, Athena and August since Cassius was pissed at me and Felix was way too dead to be on my side.. xD

The last part just left me in a "how the heck do I feel now" mood.. That's why I have this love/hate relationship with Telltale.. You make a perfect story but you make me feel stuff! The feels are too hard to handle! Jk I absolutely love Telltale and I can't wait for more masterpieces like this one to be put up on the magic Steam shelves.. One day, there might be a season 2 of TFTB and that's what I want the MOST out of all these games that I mentioned and I think many other Telltale fans will agree with me on this.. Pl0x Telltale, make it happen! And sorry for skipping the credits, ok? It just had to be done.. :D

I'm givin' it a motherfucking 10/10! Deal with it! :D

Guys, post your thoughts on the episode down there, I really want to see other people's opinions on this game. :D
(sorry if there are any grammar problems, English isn't my native language :D )

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