August, You the real MVP

I told all of you. I told you August would come to the good side.

enter image description here

Seriously I was so happy to see August on our side <3


  • Didn't take him. I choose the mysterious VH. Ha ha.

  • Might want to include a spoiler warning for that pic

  • Oh, was he a good ally at the end? I only helped.him turn against Finch and Kroger

  • He is like Mako, complete douche I couldn't care less about through the series. But when the finale comes, he goes all hero and wins me over.

  • edited October 2015

    Now I'll add that to the list of reasons for why I love August :^)

  • Yeah, he some sick ass brawler moves

    Someguy12 posted: »

    Oh, was he a good ally at the end? I only helped.him turn against Finch and Kroger

  • I'd like to see him return in Borderlands 3 as the Berserker, or more appropriately, Brawler. Possibly more bulked up and ready to end arguments with his fists.

  • You're about as bummed as I am, then.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Didn't take him. I choose the mysterious VH. Ha ha.

  • I called it.


    He's our new berserker, HE CAN FREAKING SMASH THE CRAP OUTTA PEOPLE and he finally joined the good guys!

    August...well done, man. Well done!

  • As soon as I found out who it was, I immediately regretted the decision.

    You're about as bummed as I am, then.

  • Yup, Im happy he's a "good" guy now, I hope Hollow Point and the Purple Skag appears in Borderlands 3, maybe we can get some missions from him

    LawmanZero posted: »

    I called it. I FUCKING CALLED IT. He's our new berserker, HE CAN FREAKING SMASH THE CRAP OUTTA PEOPLE and he finally joined the good guys! August...well done, man. Well done!

  • Or, you know, he can be the new Berserker in BL3, and has the honor of being trained by Brick.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yup, Im happy he's a "good" guy now, I hope Hollow Point and the Purple Skag appears in Borderlands 3, maybe we can get some missions from him

  • As someone who has never played Borderlands before this one, I didn't mind too much. Also, why is he censored?

    As soon as I found out who it was, I immediately regretted the decision.

  • I guess Claptrap units just come with, its not the first time he's been bleeped

  • He was programmed with it. Oh, and, uh, he's very annoying, in-universe and out of it.

  • Wouldn't mind playing as him

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Or, you know, he can be the new Berserker in BL3, and has the honor of being trained by Brick.

  • Was torn between him and Cassius, but went with him because "Brawler" and the brass knuckles tipped me off that he'd be punching shit if I took him along. No regrets.

  • August was my first pick for my crew. Really liked the character and was glad to see him become his own.

  • Basically, he's Brick, but even tougher and with 2000% more snark.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Wouldn't mind playing as him

  • I really wanted to pick him, but I decided to go with Cassius instead so that there would be more interesting banter between team mates. I thought that Janey + Athena + Cassius would = the perfect (awkward) party. I was very let down that Athena and Cassius had no comments for each other. Should have gone with August.

  • I liked that we were given the ability to get him (back?) on our side. I still would never trust someone that unstable, but in a video game/ Borderlands game, he makes a good ally.

  • On Pandora, you're gonna need every ally you can find, no matter who they are.

    AdamGoodtme posted: »

    I liked that we were given the ability to get him (back?) on our side. I still would never trust someone that unstable, but in a video game/ Borderlands game, he makes a good ally.

  • I rewinded the game because I'd rather replay that bit than have the stupid mystery vault hunter.

    As soon as I found out who it was, I immediately regretted the decision.

  • Yep. And given that in the previous games people like Brick, Krieg, Salvador and Aurelia can all be trusted (more or less), I think August fits in just fine.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    On Pandora, you're gonna need every ally you can find, no matter who they are.

  • edited December 2016

    (Stupid attempt at writing dialogue is gone now)

    Yeah, he'll fit in just fine in the group. If he stops being so grumpy, that is.

    AdamGoodtme posted: »

    Yep. And given that in the previous games people like Brick, Krieg, Salvador and Aurelia can all be trusted (more or less), I think August fits in just fine.

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