Let's take a moment and remember our lost

Episode 5 was an emotional ride for all of us. As Jack said: Everyone thinks they are the hero of their story... But let's remember who truly was the hero of telltale's best game yet...Dumpy our little helper from Atlas who lost her precious life to protect her master. Write down all the adventures you had with Dumpy. Rest in pieces sweet prince (episode 2-5)
Rest in pieces sweet prince (episode 2-5


  • Dumpy belonged in the dump :^)

    lmao jk don't kill me

  • Wait, when did Dumpy die? I had in at the very end, just before we started fighting the Vault Monster.

  • Yeah I saw Dumpy floating around in the background too.

    Wait, when did Dumpy die? I had in at the very end, just before we started fighting the Vault Monster.

  • Interesting, maybe I did something differently... My dumpy was killed by Jack's surgical robot thing. Did you guys let Dumpy tase Yvette?

    Yeah I saw Dumpy floating around in the background too.

  • My Dumpy was floating around before we fought the Traveler then he disappeared.

    Gamersalad posted: »

    Interesting, maybe I did something differently... My dumpy was killed by Jack's surgical robot thing. Did you guys let Dumpy tase Yvette?

  • I think it depends on whether you rule Hyperion or not.

    Gamersalad posted: »

    Interesting, maybe I did something differently... My dumpy was killed by Jack's surgical robot thing. Did you guys let Dumpy tase Yvette?

  • My dumpy is alive ;)

    You guys that let him die are terrible fathers. Shame on you!

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