Best Telltale Games Series Of All Time

There, I said it. It was on par with Season One of The Walking Dead after Ep4, but my god! There's rain falling onto me right now because of how much my mind blew up the whole freaking roof off the place!

I cried like a little girl when Loaderbot "died", only for him to be the FREAKING STRANGER THIS WHOLE TIME!

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I cried like a little girl when Gortys "died", only for her to come back and kick some serious ass!

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And, of course, I almost died inside when Sasha "died".... and also cried like a little girl.... but hey! Turns out Felix wasn't such a bad guy after all! It was pretty much;

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the entire time....

From the death (once again) of Handsome Jack to Gortys' finger guns. From Vaughn and Sasha's sweet new look to the multitude of help you could bring along. And from the amazing writing, storytelling and all-round badass-ness to the emotional rollercoaster that I experienced, this has BY FAR been the best Telltale Games series to ever exist.

People can say I'm overhyping it, people can say that it wasn't as good as other series', but I feel like I speak for the majority of the Telltale Community when I say that this game was an absolute masterpiece, and not even saying that does it enough justice. (And I finally got the Rhys and Sasha thing going on, but I'll save that for another thread ;) )

I understand that with Borderlands 3 coming out, we may not see a Season 2 for a very, VERY long time, if even at all....

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But it has to be said, that if we never do get that second season, that this is a game that has blown away my expectations, nuked them into freaking orbit for that matter, and I am proud to have been here from the start.

Here's to Telltale Games! For without them, this amazing experience would never have been experienced. It's been one helluva ride. And I look forward to their future projects!

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psst... did I mention Season 2 would be awesome?! Just making sure ;)


  • I'm replaying the whole game right now because holy crap you are SO RIGHT!!


  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    As soon as we started kicking the Traveler's ass, this series cemented itself as my favorite Telltale series

    Sorry TWD S1, you had a good run, but it's time for Tales to enjoy the throne now (no pun intended. Y'know, because GoT.)

  • To me, this one's tied with TWAU, I just can't decide which one I like more. TWD season 1 left a huge impression on me (ya boy Lee doe) but TFTB has something to it.

  • The team in charge of GoT will have to pull out something really extraordinary to get anywhere close to this finale, especially after the Episode 5 fiasco.

    Deltino posted: »

    As soon as we started kicking the Traveler's ass, this series cemented itself as my favorite Telltale series Sorry TWD S1, you had a good run, but it's time for Tales to enjoy the throne now (no pun intended. Y'know, because GoT.)

  • Fucking agreed. Thank you Telltale.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    I have faith in the GoT team being able to pull off a solid finale. Truth be told, not a single Telltale finale has disappointed me so far. I'm not the biggest fan of GoT, and it probably won't top this finale for me, sure, but I know they'll do a good job with it.

    Abeille posted: »

    The team in charge of GoT will have to pull out something really extraordinary to get anywhere close to this finale, especially after the Episode 5 fiasco.

  • I have pretty high expectations for the GoT finale, and TFTB set the bar stupidly high after this finale. But yeah, I don't think it will top this finale. If it can get anywhere close, it will already be great.

    I feel like GoT has more boundaries regarding what can and what cannot be done than Tales, and that can influence the story in a negative way. Tales happens after the Borderlands games, and it had one of the writers of the original games working on it too. Meanwhile, GoT happens in the middle of the already established story, the plot is strongly influenced by canon characters (and we know everything that happens to them) and GRRM doesn't overview the story directly. I imagine that it limits a lot what the GoT writers can do for the finale, but I still expect greatness.

    Deltino posted: »

    I have faith in the GoT team being able to pull off a solid finale. Truth be told, not a single Telltale finale has disappointed me so far.

  • edited October 2015

    And then they died.


    But real talk, I fucking loved this game, 10/10? Nah.


    and even that isnt a high enough rating.

  • The Walking Dead season 1 and Tales from the Borderlands are pretty much tied for me. It's even better because I wasn't a huge fan of the borderlands universe, so it was an awesome surprise. Sad it's over, but hopefully we'll see a second season at some point.

  • Agreed, Telltale have done a great job.

  • they'll have to pull out a Hardhome, or blackwater bay type of awesomeness

    Abeille posted: »

    The team in charge of GoT will have to pull out something really extraordinary to get anywhere close to this finale, especially after the Episode 5 fiasco.

  • Fantastic season!

  • This finale solidifies the season as topping TWD S1 for me. I was so skeptical of this series going in, despite being a fan of both Telltale and Borderlands, but this entire past season has just been a masterpiece.

  • this is their best work. i was gonna post this earlier but thanks cuz i didnt want to deal with the notification lol.

    TWDG is still my favorite (both because i count them as one, hate all you want.) TT game, just because it stole muh heart, but this is so legit. every single part of this was amazing. that fight so much fun. when everyone that you chose to help you went into gortys to fight didnt it feel like some power ranger type shit?? lol it was awesome.

    this is a GAME OF THE YEAR CONTENDER. it probably wont win, because of the witcher 3, and if FO4 just completely blow our fucking minds, i really cant see it winning but ut sure as hell DESERVES to be considered as one of the best games of the year.

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