This is officially the GREATEST STORY Telltale has ever done!

Um.....just wow.

enter image description here

That was beautiful, I honestly NEVER thought Telltale would ever top TWD S1, but I come before you, feeling illuminated that Telltale finally did it.
TWAU was good, though never really quite reached those levels TWD S1 gave me, and the less I say about TWD S2, the better, but this piece of art was just extraordinary.

Where do I start?

Vaughn pulling a S2 Kenny return?
Loader Bot being the stranger the whole time?
The Handsome Jack "break up" scene?
The fact that you can create your OWN vault hunting team depending on the choices you made in previous episodes?
The Vault Monster fight?
The ending?

It was fantastic through and through, I am very happy as a Tales fan.

enter image description here

Now.....there are a few things that didn't exactly pan out the way I wanted to but it's only one quibble

Yvette and Vallory were kind of brushed off rather quickly at least in my play through where Yvette is locked up in a cell, Rhys leaves her and the story kind of forgets about her and Vallory pretty much gets axed without much character intrigue halfway. I feel as though this kind of highlighted how much I miss Huge Vasquez as an antagonist and that bothered me a bit.

That being said though, well-fucking done Telltale.

enter image description here

So....I guess there's only one thing to say...............................when can we do this again?


  • So....I guess there's only thing to say...............................when can we do this again?

    Man, as much as I want a season 2, I have to say I think this is the one series Telltale should leave alone. It was practically perfect and I think we should leave it off on this note ^-^

  • least until Borderlands 3.

    Green613 posted: »

    So....I guess there's only thing to say...............................when can we do this again? Man, as much as I want a season 2,

  • I couldn't agree more.

  • Hells to the yes.
    enter image description here

    Also their dialogue if chosen to them team together is the cutest ^_^

  • edited October 2015

    Ok, I'm gonna say... I was disappointed. Now, before everyone gets on my case, I'm not bashing the episode, it's good, this is purely my very personal impression resulting from my choices.

    The thing is, I was probably expecting too much, but the whole deal at the beginning if you chose Jack all the time felt like an ass-pull. Now, I was expecting consequences, but I was hoping for the 'lonely at the top' kind. 'You chose to trust Jack? Fine, now your companions don't respect you, a lot of people want to kill you, and your best friend/s will die. Jack influences all of your executive decisions and they're all 'kill people'. How do you like that?' I would have accepted that. Instead what I got was... Jack made you president for all of five minutes, but now he wants to kill you for... no reason! Stop questioning, get back with the group!

    I suppose it would have required TT to make two different episodes to get the choice to play out differently, but still, it's a letdown for me, it made so little sense.

    Idk... I have to replay the ep again since it came out in the wee hours of the morning and I sleep-played through it, but the very start just kinda soured it for me.

  • There will be a Telltale AMA on Thursday, got to ask about it

    Green613 posted: »

    So....I guess there's only thing to say...............................when can we do this again? Man, as much as I want a season 2,

  • Yep, they've done it. They've outdone themselves

  • Maybe I chose a lot of decisions that didn't conflict with Telltale's grand story (Or maybe it's just that good), but I was completely blown away. I was kinda crying out in my head because I kept getting the achievement checkpoints so quickly, but that FINAL stretch from finding out the Stranger's identity was amazing.

    And I literally got to ship Rhys and Sasha in the actual game. Like wow.

  • That's...kinda what i thought about that bit too :/ I actually looked that the pc clock and thought "Wow, Jack. Took you 10 whole minutes to go completely loony-tune and turn on me". After all the build up, it felt like the whole sub-plot got swept under a rug :/ Ah well, can't have it all...

  • Oh... my... god...

    I just beat it and IT WAS SO FUCKING AMAZING!!! I've never before been so wanting the perfect happy ending and my god there wasn't a moment of disappointment! Mega Zord Gortys?!?! FUCK YEAH TELL TALE!!!

    This is my new favorite game from TellTale and I don't think it'll be changing ever.

  • " not dead yet" LAUGHED MY FUCKING ASS OFF

  • Haha I was getting a little choked up during that scene... Then she said made me laugh..damn you Telltales for messing with my emotions.

    Wigams posted: »

    " not dead yet" LAUGHED MY FUCKING ASS OFF

  • I kinda choked laughing and borderline crying at the same time at that scene :p

    Wigams posted: »

    " not dead yet" LAUGHED MY FUCKING ASS OFF

  • Oh another? Do you have a link to where it will be?

    Someguy12 posted: »

    There will be a Telltale AMA on Thursday, got to ask about it

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Oh another? Do you have a link to where it will be?

  • loved it, loader bot is awesome, i was worried for a second the ending was gonna be lame (after killing gorty) but the ending was great, and i felt like my choices had the right kind of impact

  • I LOVED IT!!! and the combos were so fucking intense!! and LB is the purest cinnamon roll ever :'( oh man this was just amaaaazing!!!!

  • This is officially the GREATEST F**CKING STORY Telltlae has ever done!

    Far from it.


    I'm really sad it's over, but boy did it go out with a bang.

    If Telltale only made other seasons of this for the rest of their career, I would die happy.

  • Rhys being the boss of Atlas is awesome ;))

  • K, so, non-spoilery overall opinion.

    I’m gonna go against the flow here… Episode 5 was a big disappointment for me. TFTB was my first foray into Telltale games, and I guess it will be the last, at least for quite a while. Don’t get me wrong, it was a great, well written story, but the way my personal choices - the ones that felt important to me at least - had barely any effect on the outcome just turned me off this type of game. I guess, looking back, that’s standard for TT, but like I said this was my first TT game and it didn’t really deliver what I was looking for, namely the 'cause and effect' gameplay. Throughout all of ep.5 I felt like I wasn’t playing my character anymore, as almost none of the available choices matched with what I felt my character would do or say. Granted, what I wanted to do or say would make for a very different story, which is why I’m in no way bashing TT, they had a scenario in mind and they played it out. I suppose the TT formula is just not for me after all.
    Either way, in case I don’t hang around here much anymore - it was a lot of fun while it lasted, glad to have shared the experience with you guys, you’re all cool. :)

  • edited October 2015

    I whole-heartedly agree, good sir.

    To quote Gortys "What a rollercoaster of emotions, huh?"

    Greatest rollercoaster, so emotional and brilliant, perfect for me, everything that I could ever wished for happened there... Vaughn, Sasha, Gortys and LB, the ending, Vault Hunters, Athena and Janey.... Rhys and Fiona. And there were so many different outcomes depending on our choices, just amazing. And the music, ah, the music, blew my mind immediately, destroyed me in the most glorious way possible.

    Grand job TellTale, kowtow to you from all my heart. ♡

  • edited October 2015

    enter image description here

    Never thought this day would come, but The Walking Dead S1 has been kicked off the throne.

  • This finale was FUCKING EPIC! From the destruction of Helios, to the final fight with the Vault Monster, to the huge twist, to the shipping, to our choices playing a huge impact, to choosing our own team, it was incredible. This is officially my all time favorite Telltale series and my all time favorite game.

  • Freaking amazing. Easily the best game IMO.

  • At first I didn't think TFTBL would be that good but hell it exceeded my expectations and went to the #1 spot on Telltale Games lmao. At least on my list.

  • Holy shit I couldn't stop crying. Goddammit telltale why did you have to trick me like that?! XD

  • enter image description here

    (This is a joke by the way, just so you don't take it seriously)

    Cope49 posted: »

    This is officially the GREATEST F**CKING STORY Telltlae has ever done! Far from it.

  • This is one of my favourite games of all time. The story was brilliant. It was hilarious, the voice acting was perfect and each episode was fantastic. There was never a weak moment. Telltale did such an amazing job to keep producing 10/10 episodes every time. Thank-you to all involved with developing this game!!

  • Too late .

    You've offended me sir . I'm reporting you...

    dojo32161 posted: »

    (This is a joke by the way, just so you don't take it seriously)

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