What was your reaction to the Vault Hunter?

So for the ones who picked the Mystery Vault Hunter, what were your reactions to finding out that the Vault Hunter was Claptrap? :D

I burst out in laughter when he was revealed. I actually really enjoyed him getting some time in the game!


  • I was happy that it was the only Vault Hunter not previously introduced in Tales that I actually knew lol

  • i screamed out YES and pissed myself laughing.

  • I loved it. Was absolutely hilarious.

  • Can someone tell me how much money you need to buy him?

  • You must either have collected all the money in the game, or if Felix had survived in your playthrough, recruit him and he'll give you the money to recruit him.

    Can someone tell me how much money you need to buy him?

  • edited October 2015

    enter image description here


  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I laughed, Borderlands wouldn't be Borderlands without Claptrap :P

  • edited October 2015

    I was so pissed off I threw my scarf on the floor and kicked my bike, then I closed the game and came here just to say that because fuck.

    I fucking hate Clap Trap, was loving the episode until there but I just can't carry on with Clap trap, fuck that guy.

    To be clear I can't stand him, he's supposed to be an annoying character and in my opinion the games succeeded in making him just that, which means I just think he's annoying as hell and I do not care about him at all, then again I don't know what I was expecting, I guess I was still hoping for Gaige or Krieg to be there since I like both of them quite a lot.

    It was the perfect troll though.

  • It was brilliant. Totally caught me off guard, and I was frustrated and excited at the same time, when I saw him.

  • Ugh I didn't do either of them lmao

    lupinb0y posted: »

    You must either have collected all the money in the game, or if Felix had survived in your playthrough, recruit him and he'll give you the money to recruit him.

  • I couldn't afford him and didn't know, but when I saw the credits and saw his name, I freaked out, I regret every dime I spent and not saving Felix. Damn you Telltale.

  • Is it enough of an incentive for you to replay the whole thing? ;)

    I couldn't afford him and didn't know, but when I saw the credits and saw his name, I freaked out, I regret every dime I spent and not saving Felix. Damn you Telltale.

  • I don't know. A few days ago, I did start a second save file, but it was originally just to replay the episodes before the finale, I was planning on making the same choices, so in Episode 1, I bought the mask and killed Felix. It wasn't until after that I decided to use that for a play through for hoarding the money, I was just praying that the $100 bucks wouldn't matter. So considering how I just finished the series, just went back and played it again, and have a shit ton of schoolwork to do, chances are probably not. I did see a video of it, so that's good.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Is it enough of an incentive for you to replay the whole thing?

  • I'm ashamed to admit it, but in my complete and utter delusion I had convinced myself it was Timothy and that Telltale had FINALLY #Save(ed)Timothy. Before you find out who it is they regularly refer to him as a 'he', and I went through all the Vault Hunters trying to figure out why they would hide their reveal (before finally deciding on "because it would be shocking for players who aren't familiar with the series to suddenly see 'Jack' come out"). I was so freakin' excited!

    ...And then Clappy came out...

    Fortunately my complete and utter faith/ignorance somehow made it a MILLION times funnier - and in the end I was stoked to see that busted pile of bolts!

    enter image description here

  • I was expecting Maya or maybe one of the originals, but I got a big dumb grin on my face when Clap Trap appeared. He's never really been one of my favorites but he certainly made the last bit more funny, I was happy to have him along.

  • CL4P-TP is the true hero of BL so of course I had to get him in my second game.

    enter image description here

  • enter image description here

    They teased Lilith and Krieg

    And then I learn it's Claptrap

    enter link description here

  • edited October 2015

    I am still upset. Vault hunters have an exorbitant fee and all we get is claptrap? Not cool. Some of his lines were funny, but other than that he is painfully annoying.

  • I just bursted out laughing, and I don´t regret the choice at all. It was one of the funniest things of the game for me.

  • I burst into a hysterical fit of laughter that didn't stop until the giant version of Gortys came on screen.

  • I smiled larger than I think I ever have and died laughing with every bleep. Especially since I had picked Felix and was expecting Krieg or Lillith.

  • ^^THIS^^

    This so much.

    ponds75 posted: »

    It was brilliant. Totally caught me off guard, and I was frustrated and excited at the same time, when I saw him.

  • I laughed my head off and it was literally the best thing ever.

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