I will never get over that moment... (Episode 5 Spoilers)

This saddened me even more then the fact that I wasn't able to have CL4P-TP on my team....

Jack's death was so excruciatingly painful to watch for me. I felt so pitiful, and I just wanted to stop, but I couldn't.

I cried over Jack and I don't know why... He tried to kill me but his begging just got to me... That was 100% fear Jack had when Rhys was taking out his cybernetics.

It's going to take me a long time to get over Jack....



  • Best scene in TTG... right up there with the ending of the walking dead...

  • The only thing I could do was say sorry...

    Fuck my life...

    Best scene in TTG... right up there with the ending of the walking dead...

  • Same here...

    The only thing I could do was say sorry... Fuck my life...

  • Fantastic scene. I felt bad for him at the start, especially when he was talking about his daughter. But the second he mentioned Tassiter when he talked about being betrayed by everyone he gave a rat's ass about, I knew it was a ruse. And then I felt considerably less sorry for him after he'd tried to kill me.

    Still. +5000 to Dameon Clarke for that performance. Freakin' great.

  • What made me saddest of all about his death was the bit about Angel. He honestly couldn't understand why Angel did what she did and instead interpeted it as 'betrayal'. For the record, i believe he told us the 100% truth that Angel accidentally killed her mother and he, as Jack, tried to keep her safe and hidden from the world and the story about him strangling his wife was a to dissuade the curious as to the true circumstances of her death. But Handsome Jack couldn't see that he did to Angel exactly what Jack was trying to protect her from. Heck, he couldn't see that Rhys who went along with his plans didn't betray him either but merely defended himself. I couldn't hate him, even after he repeatedly tried to kill me. In the end Handsome Jack was just a broken, twisted shell of the man named John and i just felt sorry that life had turned out that way for him.

  • As much as I was pleased to see him finally go...it's going to be a hell of a time realizing that the biggest breakout character in the franchise is gone forever.

  • I'm glad that he's gone. He said it himself, even if he might not have meant it: The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions. And HJ was definitley way down that road.

    I felt a little bad for him, but then I remembered all the things he did, all the pain and suffering he caused, and then he tried to kill Rhys, just for a moment of revenge.

    It was a really powerful scene when Rhys pulled out all his Cybernetics, and in the end crushed Handsome Jack for good. I'm also glad that Telltale brought him back so he could get a proper sendoff, honestly his death in Borderlands 2 was shit.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited October 2015

    For some reason, I especially enjoy his last seconds in particular: he just charges you this one last time in a desperate, scared attempt before he dissipates into nothing.

  • "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." God that line gave me chills. Probably my favorite line in all of Telltale Games.

    I'm glad that he's gone. He said it himself, even if he might not have meant it: The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions. And HJ was

  • "i Win, Jack." - My Rhys. Then I kept him imprisoned. So it's all good he's still alive

  • I was really expecting a moment to spare him somehow. In just a computer, or something (Oddly enough I crushed the eye)! My last words to him were "I'm sorry..." because that was all I wanted to say. He's a jackass (Heh. Jack-ass), but those final moments really made me feel sorry for him. Props to Dameon Clarke throughout the entire series. It was an amazing performance that gave me a lot of laughs, and a lotta chills. Probably the best vocal performances I've heard in a Telltale game, up there with Andy St. John and Lee at the end of Starved For Help. Amazing.

  • What I found especially interesting in the Angel revelations was that Moxxi found out about Angel, and that's what made her leave... and goes a bit further in explaining her betrayal in TPS. The first murders, which are what made Lilith and Roland switch up on him, combined with the knowledge about Angel, paints a fuller picture as to why she'd not trust him with the Eye of Helios.

    What made me saddest of all about his death was the bit about Angel. He honestly couldn't understand why Angel did what she did and instead

  • Ever since playing Borderlands the Pre Sequel I do feel sorry for Jack at the end when he was begging for his life I think he meant it I would have liked a choice to have saved Jack and prove to him that he can trust people once again.
    Does this forgive him for what he did HELL NO...but we shouldn't be angry at him we should pity him he got backstabbed too many times and I was all for backstabbing him after I accepted being president of Hyperion.

    Damn him backstabbing me before I could backstab him I thought we were buddies Jack.

  • edited October 2015


  • You know guys, I would have really been into the whole 'you thought you could backstab me? I backstab you! deal, if it wasn't executed so poorly... a Jack with a pro-Jack Rhys had no reason to do that, a Rhys who was pro-Jack had no reason to do the 'I want you dead Jack' thing before asking Jack for some explanations...

    And most of all, as someone mentioned before, what was the point of the Jack AI at all... Surely it wasn't just TT trying to cash in on HJ's popularity... right?

  • I didn't, but I didn't hate him. I mean, why would I feel bad for a stupid hologram? Jack was already dead.

  • I thought it was a fitting send off such an amazing character and a great way to end Jack's arc once and for all. That scene was so well written and so well performed, and was also excruciatingly painful to play and watch, that it's definitely one of Telltale's best scenes

    Also, quick question, I noticed again that Anthony Burch had a writing credit, and since this episode didn't have any Jack-apedia entries, does anyone know yet what parts of the episode he wrote?

  • It's funny, in the end I just said goodbye. I didn't gloat, nor insult Jack. I just acknowledged his death as the final Chapter in Handsome Jacks story. Through all the highs, the lows, the in and outs Handsome Jack was one of the best villians we had in not just Borderlands but in gaming history.

    So In the end I felt no anger to him, nor any pity, just the acknowledgement that this was goodbye. So Handsome Jack.... from all of us here who witnessed your insane reign of beautiful, funny terror.....


  • I hope it wasn't. Maybe this is a lead up to a dramatic re-introduction of the AI. That's my hope, at least. I have a feeling gearbox is gonna regret killing off Handsome Jack... again.

    You know guys, I would have really been into the whole 'you thought you could backstab me? I backstab you! deal, if it wasn't executed so po

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    I thought it was a fitting send off such an amazing character and a great way to end Jack's arc once and for all. That scene was so well wri

  • edited October 2015

    I don't think he was speaking of Moxxi in that moment? From what I remember, he said his second wife found out about Angel and then left. Moxxi was never his wife, just a girlfriend.

    Ariel_D posted: »

    What I found especially interesting in the Angel revelations was that Moxxi found out about Angel, and that's what made her leave... and goe

  • edited October 2015

    Well he did a good job with the confrontation.

    Deltino posted: »


  • Damn, that's a lot more than I was expecting from him, not bad. Like I said, the Jack confrontation was one of my favorite Telltale scenes, and to be honest, considering that it's the end of Jack, I kind of expected Burch had a part in that, he did a great job with that scene, and the fight was epic.

    Deltino posted: »


  • Welp, they did it once, and now they did it again (excluding the 'keep the eye' thing determinant stuff..) so I'm assuming they want him out for good.

    Whatever though, I won't be buying BL3 for sure, since HJ was kinda the one thing that kept me interested in the franchise... without him there's a ton of fps that got the shooting stuff down and let you actually pick your faction... In fact Fallout 4 coming out soon is what's keeping me alive rn... I suppose I'll make a 'Jack' character in HJ's honor... he'll wipe that wasteland off all the bandits... i.e. everyone without an 'essential tag'. It'll be awesome.

    I hope it wasn't. Maybe this is a lead up to a dramatic re-introduction of the AI. That's my hope, at least. I have a feeling gearbox is gonna regret killing off Handsome Jack... again.

  • My hands were shaking during the Handsome Jack scenes. I was so damn nervous. Nervous for Rhys, for Helios, for Jack himself. As much as it hurt to see my favorite character essentially "die" for a second time, they pulled the scene off wonderfully.

    I really love Jack in those moments where he realizes it's over, that he lost. At the end of BL2, he goes on a rant about how he was the hero and he wasn't supposed to lose to bandits, scared to die. And here we have him on his knees, begging, scared to go back to the nothingness. It was all pretty heartbreaking, even though he had just tried to kill us on multiple occasions. Jack's a fascinating character, I'm really gonna miss him, but he had a great run. At least I held on to his AI.

  • Idk guys... the game was kinda letting me do what I wanted to do.. and that was 'yeah, Jack, do whatever you need to do to get yourself back on top... it worked with the choices the previous episodes gave me.

    But... no more, I guess. Can't choose that buddy, just work with what you're given here. Well, sorry guys, this only tells me Telltale games are not what I'm looking for game-wise. (if I can't back up the bad guy, it's a game failure for me guys, sorry... not :P)

  • As much as I would have loved a fully fleshed out trust-jack ending, I don't really think Telltale could have done it. This is set up for BL3, so multiple endings just wouldn't have worked out well. They needed everyone on the same page.

    Despite everyone getting the same ending, I think the game still did a much better job with choices than other recent telltale games.

    Idk guys... the game was kinda letting me do what I wanted to do.. and that was 'yeah, Jack, do whatever you need to do to get yourself back

  • The more I think about it the more I get annoyed. The Jack death scene could have been 10x better.

    I actually liked how Jack was like "I learned humility and everyone's betrayed me bla bla bla.." and then BAM he plugged back into Rhys' head to choke him to death. Awesome! That seems like something Jack would do. But then he gets on his knees to beg for his life? If Jacks is going to die, it better be in a way that makes me hate him not feel bad and have pity. Jack's death in BL2 was the way to go. It wasn't glorious, it wasn't sad it was real. Fitting death for an asshole.

    I also thought when Rhys was holding the glass shard to his head that he was going to actually kill himself. What's a better way to portray someone as evil than having your main character kill them self to escape them! I would like that better than I am building an evil robot army! Muwhahaha!

  • Idk, this is the one TT game that I've tried out... and while it was a great experience overall, the conclusion to TFTB left me wanting. Don't get me wrong, it was an amusing game. But what I like above everything else is being in control. Gearbox makes that... sketchy. Bethesda usually delivers on that front, so I'm waiting until 11/10 for fallout 4.

    Beyond that, I don't care about BL 3/4/78 whatever. The gameplay wasn't all that fun, the characters were... and since Jack is gone... so am I. I get that's the way they wanted to go with the franchise, but there's where they've lost me, sorry.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    As much as I would have loved a fully fleshed out trust-jack ending, I don't really think Telltale could have done it. This is set up for BL

  • My husband is under the same opinion. He was so hyped for BL3 and the movie, now he feels like it's going where COD was going, just paying attention to the hardcore players. As for me, this is literally the only FPS I play on a regular basis, the rest I suck at lol. I'll be on Fallout, for sure too. I'll still wanna watch the movie and get the next game, but only after watching gameplay and looking up the storyline.

    Welp, they did it once, and now they did it again (excluding the 'keep the eye' thing determinant stuff..) so I'm assuming they want him out

  • You have an unhealthy obsession with Claptrap

  • And most of all, as someone mentioned before, what was the point of the Jack AI at all... Surely it wasn't just TT trying to cash in on HJ's popularity... right?

    I think they brought Jack back to destroy Helios for storyline in Borderlands 3, so... Yeah, that was pretty clear for me. And I'm 100% sure, that they weren't trying to "Cash in on Hansome Jack's popularity".

    You know guys, I would have really been into the whole 'you thought you could backstab me? I backstab you! deal, if it wasn't executed so po

  • Possibly and probably to develop Rhy's character.

    You know guys, I would have really been into the whole 'you thought you could backstab me? I backstab you! deal, if it wasn't executed so po

  • edited October 2015

    You uh... realize the difference between an artificial intelligence, or even an uploaded consciousness, and a hologram, right...? Because one's like, human, and the other's not. Jack, as he appeared in Tales from the Borderlands, was definitely the former.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I didn't, but I didn't hate him. I mean, why would I feel bad for a stupid hologram? Jack was already dead.

  • What? So in your real life, assholes are pure asshole? It's far more realistic for a 'real' person to have multi-faceted personalities, and a clear aspect of Jack's was fear of death and the demise of his legacy. The scene was entirely fitting in the canon established; everything before was a desperate struggle for survival.

    The more I think about it the more I get annoyed. The Jack death scene could have been 10x better. I actually liked how Jack was like "I

  • Of course assholes have different parts to them. We saw that in the TPS. I just believe that Jack's death in BL2 was more fitting. I just don't know why Jack needed to be resurrected to be betrayed again. He obviously didn't change.

    Long story short, I'm just sick of seeing how misunderstood Jack is...that's been done before. I wanted something new or nothing at all.

    Rehjewel posted: »

    What? So in your real life, assholes are pure asshole? It's far more realistic for a 'real' person to have multi-faceted personalities, and

  • Well, Jack has killed Pro-Jack people before so in my opinion it's not off character.

    In BL2 he poisoned Wilhelm so that he would lose against the Vault Hunters (there are audio-files of Jack talking about it - they didn't make it in the game though)

    Also in the Pre-Sequel he killed off the Hyperion Scientists who made all the Loaders (and other stuff) for him.

    So why not killing Rhys to be the lone boss of Hyperion?

    PS: I agree with you though - The rejection ending of Episode 4 makes much more sense with the Ep5 storyline than the rule ending :)

    You know guys, I would have really been into the whole 'you thought you could backstab me? I backstab you! deal, if it wasn't executed so po

  • If you kept Felix alive and you pick for him to help you, he gives you 9 million dollars and you can then buy CL4P-TP.

  • Jack was always going to backstab Rhys, even if Rhys was Pro-Jack.


    Because Jack is a dick.

    The game even talks about how he abused his loyal underlings for no reason.

    Jack: It wasn't for no reason! It was for FUN!

  • The rejection ending of Episode 4 makes much more sense with the Ep5 storyline than the rule ending :)

    That is the thing, Jack wanting to kill Rhys just doesn't make sense in that scene. What was the point of making Rhys president at all? Why not just strap him in the chair and shove the endoskeleton inside him right away? And in the initial conversation Jack goes from saying stuff like this:

    enter image description here

    and giving Rhys advice on how to be a good CEO, to 'now I'll kill you and upload myself into you, fun, eh?' in the span of, like, a couple of minutes. So, um, what was he giving him tips for if he never intended to let him actually be a CEO... This was just bad writing and I'm upset that TT decided to give us such a major choice and then just scrapped it. If they always wanted to have Jack try to kill Rhys, it should have happened the moment Rhys sat down in that chair.

    Roymiller33 posted: »

    Well, Jack has killed Pro-Jack people before so in my opinion it's not off character. In BL2 he poisoned Wilhelm so that he would lose ag

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