Ultraspoilers: Too many fake deaths, too many resurrections.

Ok, I'll get hate for this...
Gortys was resurrected, Sasha was resurrected, Loader Bot looked dead but it wasn't, August looked dead but it wasn't, Vault Guardian looked dead but it wasn't. And I'm leaving characters who seemed missing like Athena and Vaughn...
A little too much for a single episode.... It looked a little bit too fake and seemed having bad story arcs.

Am I the only one thinking this?


  • ye ur the only one lol

  • edited October 2015

    To be fair, the Vault Guardian did end up dying though?

    Also, after Scooter dying in Episode 4, Loader Bot or Sasha Dying wasn't completely out of the question in my opinion, and them being revived genuinely surprised me.

    Don't forget, a far amount of other main characters also died in this episode: Finch, Kroger, Valory and Handsome Jack.

    But eh, maybe I'm just a big ol' dummy?

    Although I somewhat agree, I could have gone without the whole Sasha almost dying scene, I'd rather she just come out of that like a badass unharmed, but that's me being nitpicky.

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