stuff that could be in the next borderlands

basically a wishlist for references to put into borderlands 3 (if its in the format of 1 /2 / pre sequel not tales)

    • athena and janey wedding side mission
    • loader bot and gortys have to be included somehow... i guess another side mission idk ideas
    • obvs u should be able to visit rhys @ atlas HQ and get missions
    • ruins of helios should be a location and whenever you go there the 'children of helios' or whatever vaughn called em just shoot at you with finger guns and vaughn can give u missions

what else?


  • i'm really hoping it will be set on pandora just for the chance we'd get to interact with tales characters haha

  • I'm guessing BL3 will feature multiple planets if I were to guess.

    Pandora being one of them, or at least a hub.

  • edited October 2015

    Fiona as a Vault Hunter

    Also, the Atlas weapons as OfficialSheriffMaybe said

  • It be cool to have Hollow Point as a location with the purple skag, and maybe August to give missions.

    Also to find out where Rhys and Fiona went ;-;

  • All the characters obvs... they have to be in the game, even if we dont play as them...

  • If you play as August...a subplot could be fighting a rival gang in a parody of every 1920s gangster movie ever.

  • edited October 2015


    I'm actually hoping Gearbox lets Telltale write or help them write Borderlands 3, and they make the RPG like elements of the game more deep and expansive. Like being able to chat to characters with a Dialogue wheel in a similar manner to say Fallout 4.

    A 4 option dialogue wheel (like the one in Tales) when talking to NPC's would pretty much be identical to the one in Tale's as well, so this kind of stuff might come to Telltale pretty naturally.

    It would be great for allowing charterers to be more then just glorified vendors like they were in BL 1 and 2.

    It seems like the logical direction to evolve the gameplay mechanics of the series in my opinion.

    If Borderlands 3 has a story even half as good as Tales, I'll be very, very happy. And I think (hope) Telltale has helped Gearbox make that push to help turn Borderlands into a franchise that will become renounced for it's great storytelling.

  • Basically, I just want all the characters introduced in TFTB to appear in BL3. Fiona is almost certainly going to be a Vault Hunter, Rhys and the rest can provide missions. Also, the wedding will be pretty momentous

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