How to unlock Zero and the other Vault Hunters?

Before facing the Vault Monster Fiona has to pick three members to recruit. Zer0 was one I'm trying to get but it won't let me since there is a dialogue I need to select. I know how to get Claptrap, but there are other Vault Hunters I can recruit. How do I get them and how much are they worth?


  • edited October 2015

    You get Zer0 if you have Fiona constantly say in Episode 4 that she's a Vault Hunter and be Pro-Vault Hunting.

    You get Athena if you tell Janey that Athena loves her.

    You get Claptrap if you saved your money or spared Felix, picked Felix and than get a ton of cash which is far more than enough to get Claptrap.

  • There's also the three other Vault Hunters. Krieg is on the list along with two others

  • That's just to distract from the fact that it's Claptrap.

    SilentmanX posted: »

    There's also the three other Vault Hunters. Krieg is on the list along with two others

  • They aren't there, just cameos/teasers.

    The only Vault Hunter there is Calptrap and he's hilarious.

    SilentmanX posted: »

    There's also the three other Vault Hunters. Krieg is on the list along with two others

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