Messed up Timeline.

Now before I start, I might be wrong about this. If someone was able to hire the mystery icon please say what it was, but here we go.

When you're able to choose your Vault team one of the options is Athena. In Episode 3 Athena is captured by Brick and Mordecai and is taken to Lilith for questioning. For those who don't want to know about this skip it entirely. At the end of Pre sequel a guardian shows up right before Lilith attempts to kill Athena saying war is coming soon. What happened in between. One might say Borderlands 3 happened and then after that that the finale to Tales. Tell me what you think in the comments.


  • why does BL3 have to happen before Tales? What makes you think that?

  • I think that Borderlands 3 hasn't quite happened in the timeline yet, seeing as the whole Tales is supposed to be a bit of a lead-in to it :p Eridians are pretty much eternal as far as we know, so their soon is the same as TellTale SOON(tm) xD

  • Since Athena is captured and the Vault is opened quite a lot of time has passed in between.

    why does BL3 have to happen before Tales? What makes you think that?

  • The current day of Tales happens about one year after the first unsuccesfull opening of the vault.

    martymf621 posted: »

    Since Athena is captured and the Vault is opened quite a lot of time has passed in between.

  • edited October 2015

    Timeline is as such.

    Borderlands -> Pre-Sequel (Handsome Jack is born) -> Borderlands 2 -> Tales From The Borderlands Episodes 1-4 (Up to Episode 4's Intro) -> Pre-Sequel Intro (Athena's capture) & Ending -> Tales From The Borderlands Episode 4 (Creation of Spaceship -> Rest of Episode) -> Tales From The Borderlands Episode 5 -> ???

  • Episode 4 took place between Borderlands the Pre-Sequels since Athena was captured and she appeared in the beginning of the game. The day present day Rhys and Fiona are talking to the stranger took place after Borderlands the Presequel

  • Some of Episode 4 took place before the Pre-Sequel Ending.

    By the time you go into space Athena's story telling is over.

    SilentmanX posted: »

    Episode 4 took place between Borderlands the Pre-Sequels since Athena was captured and she appeared in the beginning of the game. The day present day Rhys and Fiona are talking to the stranger took place after Borderlands the Presequel

  • Definitely Tales before BL3. I thought 2K games weren't in the development of making a new game yet. They don't even have an idea of what's going to happen in BL3 or if it would even be called BL3.

  • Well since Gearbox announced Last year that they're working on it, I think there's something in the works.

    ChocoHallic posted: »

    Definitely Tales before BL3. I thought 2K games weren't in the development of making a new game yet. They don't even have an idea of what's going to happen in BL3 or if it would even be called BL3.

  • So when the Guardian comes around and warns that there's war coming the vault hunters don't even care ?

    SazukeEX posted: »

    Some of Episode 4 took place before the Pre-Sequel Ending. By the time you go into space Athena's story telling is over.

  • They never announced that they were working on it last year. They announced at the beginning of this year that they were hiring for it (but that Battleborn was currently taking priority).

    BL3 is still a looooooooong way off...

    martymf621 posted: »

    Well since Gearbox announced Last year that they're working on it, I think there's something in the works.

  • Also, that Hodunk guy should be long dead.

  • I can bet they will announce something in 2016

    They never announced that they were working on it last year. They announced at the beginning of this year that they were hiring for it (but that Battleborn was currently taking priority). BL3 is still a looooooooong way off...

  • They care but not much they can do about that atm.

    martymf621 posted: »

    So when the Guardian comes around and warns that there's war coming the vault hunters don't even care ?

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    To be fair, this isn't really a broken timeline (or even a plot hole), it's just a lack of an explanation. But it's passable for me since it could be explained rather easily. Athena wasn't in an impossible to escape situation up in Sanctuary, especially after the Eridian showed up.

    I mean, it would have been nice to get a small dialogue tree of Fiona asking how she ended up cooking with Grease Face, but I can let it slide.

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