[Spoilers Ep 5] About a Vault Hunter..

I don't know if a thread has been made for this yet, but what the hell was with Zer0's voice this episode? It didn't sound the same to me that he normaly has, and sounded really weird and put me out of the final sequence.

Anyone else feel the same?


  • I know right!? His voice sounded a lot more high pitched and whiney. Was the voice actor not available or something? I better check that to see if it's the same.

  • Did he became a woman all of a sudden?

  • It's a different Voice Actor. In the Last bl2 Dlc, he had a different Voice, too.

  • Maybe there are supposed to be multiple Zer0s?

    GSSalvador posted: »

    It's a different Voice Actor. In the Last bl2 Dlc, he had a different Voice, too.

  • I've posted this other places, but:

    I'm not sure if this is the reason, but I was recently going through Anthony Burch's ask.fm and a fair while ago he made a comment about the voice actor originally playing Zer0 as a more gender-neutral character, but it was ultimately lowered/masculinised in post for various reasons.

    It was always something that Anthony regretted (he since has confirmed that Zer0 is agender and uses they/them pronouns), so maybe Gearbox/Telltale have attempted to rectify that?

    I'm the first to admit that it's weird Zer0 still had their regular voice in the first episode, though...

    It's the same voice actor, just FYI.

  • Yeah, Zer0's vocie goes all over the place I guess. It's different here, Borderlands 2, and then Episode 1 and the DLCs of Borderlands 2. It's weird cause all the way to Episode 1 it was all the same actor. I wonder if this is a new one or something

  • Mhh. I don't think so. Maybe they forgot it to edit it's Voice.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Maybe there are supposed to be multiple Zer0s?

  • i really prefer the previous voice, im gonna guess the voice actor just wasnt available : U kinda bothered me since hes my favourite of all the vault hunters (next to mordecai and timothy)

  • His voice actor is the same, from what I've been hearing he got throat cancer, that's why it sounds off.

  • This actually makes me glad I picked August over Zer0. My ocd would be too much to handle, hell I thought the game revived Felix on me for a moment.

  • I don't really mind who voices Zer0. I just wish that they'd keep it consistent. He just keeps switching back and forth at the moment.

  • edited October 2015

    Zer0's voice doesn't really seem that irritating... but actually I only played borderlands and a little bit of the second one, so yeah... anyways off with the awkward start here. How do you even get Zer0 anyways? I am too lazy trying to search for the specific episode and scene to just choose a certain dialogue so he can hear about "our" exploits. If anyone can tell me what episode and scene this was on, I will be very much thankful for your time.

  • I seriously have all the vault hunter characters unlocked... seriously, my OCD is kicking in; I have everyone besides Zer0 :/

    Vindictive posted: »

    Zer0's voice doesn't really seem that irritating... but actually I only played borderlands and a little bit of the second one, so yeah... an

  • Did anybody else think August voice sounded different?

  • As someone said, I wish if they could have kept it consistent. It's kinda weird hearing him with a deeper voice at first and then high pitched all of the sudden in the finale for no particular reason.

    I've posted this other places, but: I'm not sure if this is the reason, but I was recently going through Anthony Burch's ask.fm and a fai

  • Source?

    LeFedore posted: »

    His voice actor is the same, from what I've been hearing he got throat cancer, that's why it sounds off.

  • You have to tell Mordecai that you're a vault hunter as Fiona in episode 3 before Athena is captured. There might be another way to do so, as I remember seeing a playthrough with different unlock dialogue, like "Zer0 heard of your badass experiences and would like to see you in action" or something like that. Telling Mordecai is the only sure way I know of, though.

    Vindictive posted: »

    Zer0's voice doesn't really seem that irritating... but actually I only played borderlands and a little bit of the second one, so yeah... an

  • I can live with it, but I preferred the episode 1 voice.

  • It was always Nolan North so, it shouldn't....

    Did anybody else think August voice sounded different?

  • Yeah, it's annoying. Bothers me quite a lot.

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