Tales From The Borderlands: Ep 5 – The Vault Of The Traveler Review - Alternative Magazine Online

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"Tales From The Borderlands: Episode 5 – The Vault Of The Traveler offers a wonderful finale to one of the best games of the year and is certainly one of Telltale Games’ most accomplished and enjoyable episodic series to date. It’s hilarious, poignant and heartfelt. One particular fake out may annoy some players and the relentless pace can be a bit too fast for comfort at times, but it’s arguably worth it to end everything so satisfactorily while still leaving enough of a cliffhanger to make a future return to Pandora a tantalising possibility. Remember when video games used to be all about having fun? Tales From The Borderlands will remind you."

GAME REVIEW – Tales From The Borderlands: Episode 5 – The Vault Of The Traveler (PC) - Alternative Magazine Online

Agree? Disagree? I'd love to hear your thoughts! :)

Also, don't forget to check out my interview with Erin Yvette, the voice of Sasha!

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