So Handsome Jack's attitude at the start of Episode 5 and the end of Episode 4 don't line up for me.

At the end of episode 4, I chose to "rule hellios" but hesitated when he asked me to plug that thing into my head. Because of my hesitation, the ending I got was Jack forcing me and being all angry. He even said he was going to kill Fiona. Once on the monitors, he yelled out "I can't believe how long I was stuck in that empty little head of yours! God it's good to be out!" After I called him a maniac, he looks out at me and says "No, I am Handsome Goddamn Jack!"

A legit ending.

Episode 5 begins and he's pampering my every need as the new president of Hellios. Telling me how smart I am, how cool this is, and trying to make big plans for the future with me.

Umm? Did I get the wrong ending last time, or did it misread my choice from last time? Did this happen to anyone else?


  • Yeah, there are several issues present with the save stuff. No idea if telltale has any plans to fix this though.

  • This happened to me as well. I had to rewind to the end of episode 4 in order for the finale to make sense.

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