Tales from the Borderlands characters as new Vault Hunters

So, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one that would LOVE if some of the characters from TFTB made to Borderlands 3 (are they calling the next one 3 or 4?) not only as NPCs but as vault hunters, especially the ones that can't die during the game.

I can already imagine some of the skill trees that would come with that, like Vaughn, the mighty survivalist accountant, buffing himself and the party with more money drops and using his way with numbers to influence damage and elemental chance.

Or the allmighty Loaderbot, with his incredibly convenient new body, and his skill trees based on the power of friendship, poetry and wisdom.

August would also make a nice vault hunter, especially after he proved at the end that he can work with others, and last but not least, Sasha, who proved through all the season that she would be a very capable hunter.

Not mentioning Rhys and Fiona because I think that if the next Borderlands come before the next Tales, they will come as pretty important NPCs after that cliffhanger ending, going after them might be even THE (along with that war mentioned by that weird alien at the end of the pre-sequel) plot now that Jack is gone (and I hope he stays that way for a while, he was an awesome character but his image should rest for a while now).

What are your opinions? Who would you like to play as? What skills could they have?


  • Id love for them all to come back again but like I said, the ending has Rhys and Fiona disappear which makes me think they did that so they dont need to worry about choices they'd do or say in Borderlands 3

  • I nominate Cassius for his amazing digi kinetic energy move.

  • Yeah, Cassius would be awesome, but since he can die, I guess it would be hard for him to return to the franchise =/ Same with Felix...

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I nominate Cassius for his amazing digi kinetic energy move.

  • Actually Cassius can't die, Athena doesn't get the chance.

    LukeZC posted: »

    Yeah, Cassius would be awesome, but since he can die, I guess it would be hard for him to return to the franchise =/ Same with Felix...

  • Oh, I spared him, but I thought that Athena would really kill him if we'd let.

    Well, that's good to know, digistruct hadouken sounds like a neat action skill :D

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Actually Cassius can't die, Athena doesn't get the chance.

  • If you try to have Cassius killed he actually turns Vaughn over to Vallory and you can talk to him in episode 4.

    LukeZC posted: »

    Oh, I spared him, but I thought that Athena would really kill him if we'd let. Well, that's good to know, digistruct hadouken sounds like a neat action skill

  • You know, Loaderbot could be a Vault Hunter, cuz now he has like a human body

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