Time heals all wounds

Soooo anyone else thought that was kinda stupid?



  • FuzFuz
    edited October 2015

    The fake-death-miracle-healing scene bothers me quite a lot. I generally hate these sort of things (even only the part when the inured-to-death person is basically unscattered after a huge explosion and still able to speak for half an hour before dying), it's cheap, it's annoying, you already know how it's gonna end and it's WAY too long.

  • I think it was the right amount of stupid.

    I mean, it was obvious that the death wasn't "for real", especially after Rhys was goofy with the healing tears thing.

  • Very. Still preferred it over a character death though.

  • Absolutely. Felix literally gave her a plot device.

    The whole scene was pointless.

    "She's dying, how sad!"


    I wasn't amused... the rest of the episode was pretty good though, I found it satisfying.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I didn't have a problem with it, they wanted the series to end on a high with Rhys and Fiona finally entering a vault with a somewhat happy attitude, if Sasha had only died a few minutes before the vault scene Fiona would probably be too upset to be opening a vault and the series would also have ended on a sad note.

    Sahsa "dying" and then saying "i'm not dead yet" along with being healed and then falling and breaking her a arm also fits the Borderlands humour that has been present throughout the game which i though was funny.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    Well, at least the watch played a role in the end

    unlike a certain tediore shield...

  • edited October 2015

    As a Borderlands player...let me tell this to the ones who haven't discovered all of Pandora yet.

    Throughout the franchise, all games had Bittersweet endings.

    Let's see:

    • Borderlands ends with shit loot and a dead T.K Baha.
    • Borderlands 2 has you finally defeat Jack, but at the cost of two close allies, a certain bird, a loyal corporal and many, many others.
    • Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel has Jack's team finally discover the Vault, but they created a monstrous Big-Brother-style dictator, the sympathetic extremist was killed before she could deliver an important message, three innocent men are murdered and a potential ally was given a horrific fate that she never deserved in the first place.

    It would have been a welcome relief to have at least ONE game where all your allies lived-and guess what? It happened.

    The thing about today's fiction is that pretty much everything has to be dark as fuck, so dark that it makes a black cat in a coal cellar look like a super-shiny plate. It's almost a requirement-people have to die, the ending has to be bittersweet, at great cost, bla bla bla. Happy endings are for sissies and little kids, anyway.

    And you know what? We're starting to get sick of it now.

    So, to me, who cares if that watch was a borderline plot device? Who cares if her revival was pretty cheap? I'm just happy to see that for once, everyone lived.


  • While it was knd of a deus-ex-machina, we needed at least one Telltale game with a happy ending after the gut punches of their other finales.

  • edited October 2015

    I'mma reiterate what I said in the other thread.

    The "sibling/friend sacrificing themselves at the very end" plot device is contrived, cliche, and overdone in plenty of forms of fiction nowadays, sometimes out of nowhere just for a cheap emotional gate for us to pass and move on. Sasha has been there since the beginning and quite literally till the end, and we already got her death teased once (Finch got his hair incinerated one last time from me) and even though Felix's magic plot device worked its....well, magic, it's not like it was pulled out of nowhere. Borderlands is a David and Goliath story where alien vaults are dumped on planets, their titanic aliens who guard them are defeated by ragtag groups of bandits with bullets, and among those bandits are legendary mystical creatures of alien origin who are bestowed magical powers and abilities, including ancient healing and resurrection abilities unknown to anyone else. Felix creating a healing device that revived Sasha from very-near-death isn't impossible in a universe where a prolific manufacturer of shields has this health-restore effect as a simple gimmick on their products. Besides, we've known about this device's existence since Episode 2 (if you chose to peek).

    I love that Telltale went for the meta and played this cliche'd scene out for laughs instead of forcing it onto us as something serious, it really makes me enjoy their writers' work more.

  • I don't know, I think it was intended to be a joke on the whole 'and now something will magically revive the character who dies' trope, and I gotta say, I liked it. I was worried it'd be a stupid thing where they kill Sasha off for some drama, so I was glad it wasn't intended to be completely serious, I mean the whole Tangle reference with the healing tears, god Rhys XD

    Also I swear, I could not stop thinking about that cheesy over the top scene from Final Fantasy XIII, where Serah turns to crystal and she's got her sister there and that Snow guy, with Troy Baker and Laura Bailey doing voices too! There's even a floating thing that goes on. It really felt like a parody of it! XD

  • I didn't mind it but I think the way it all came about didn't really connect.

    Like I know why they wanted the vault but Sasha going back to charge the bombs or whatever didn't feel as heavy like it should. When they founded her I was expecting her to look all bloody and just messed up. She looked fine for the most part(unless I had a glitch and saw no injuries). Then the whole sad deal happen and I was like "she is actually gonna die?". When they bought up the gift from Felix I immediately thought "well she's gonna be fine".

    I don't know how anyone cried during this game to be quite honest. None of the emotional scenes were presented like that and even seemed hopeful. Still a great game though....

    Also, how did Athena escape initially?

  • Lilith just let Athena go when the weird alien appears, in the pre-sequel. spoiler alert. Lilith wants to kill her at first. Play Borderlands The Pre-Sequel

    I didn't mind it but I think the way it all came about didn't really connect. Like I know why they wanted the vault but Sasha going back

  • It's borderlands dude. Everything is silly, weird, and over the top.

  • this is quite funny, don't you think?
    As it's been said in the series, Fiona was "Felix's favourite", he believed in her and he gave her a gun for an emergency and he knew she will make it.
    And Sasha? Just imagine what Felix thought while preparing the watch for her. "Goddammit, she's so clumsy she won't survive a day if she's on her own".

    And about the "resurrection". This is Borderlands. This is future. In Borderlands, Borderlands 2 and the Pre-Sequel we have a new-u station that instantly reconstructs our character when we die. There are healing stations almost everywhere, there's technology and all this stuff, honestly, this isn't much surprising that a guy that made a fake but freaking realistic vault key and was interested in stuff like that just built a healing watch. At least for me, after a while. Because at first I also was like WTF MAN, WTF IS GOING ON WHY IS THIS SO RIDICULOUS. But after thinking it through, realising that "hey, this isn't our century, this isn't real life, this isn't a soap opera" it just makes more sense.

  • I believe Rhys ate the shield at some point.

    Deltino posted: »

    Well, at least the watch played a role in the end unlike a certain tediore shield...

  • New-U stations are considered non canon.

    this is quite funny, don't you think? As it's been said in the series, Fiona was "Felix's favourite", he believed in her and he gave her a

  • But... but scooter

    LawmanZero posted: »

    As a Borderlands player...let me tell this to the ones who haven't discovered all of Pandora yet. Throughout the franchise, all games had

  • And some certain grenades :3

    Deltino posted: »

    Well, at least the watch played a role in the end unlike a certain tediore shield...

  • I know, just wanted to highlight the point which was simply "in the future with the right people and technology in a kinda sfi-fi game everything is possible". c: still I understand people can be disappointed with that healing scene. Just said my thoughts out loud ;)

    Shaboomm posted: »

    New-U stations are considered non canon.

  • Nah it was fine, it ended with a happy note and her falling right after was funny and her saying she already died for a gun was funny aswell

  • Well, at least he died a hero!

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    But... but scooter

  • She uses them when you pick Fiona over Jack in EP2

    And some certain grenades

  • I agree, an ending that doesn't kill off everyone is a nice change. That being said, they didn't have to have Sasha saved by a magical pocket watch. I think the issue isn't that she survived, it was how she was saved. As I said before only Loaderbot is allowed deus ex machina.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    As a Borderlands player...let me tell this to the ones who haven't discovered all of Pandora yet. Throughout the franchise, all games had

  • Don't worry, pretty sure that the Game of Thrones finale next month will have a plethora of gritty moments, sadness, and "doomed by canon" so we can all remember that bitterbitter taste in our mouth after it ends.

  • edited October 2015

    Pre-Sequel crew really got it bad though.

    Jack becomes Handsome Jack and dies in BL2.

    Jack copy killed off eventually by Handsome Jack or assassins thinking he's Handsome Jack. Either way he died.

    Athena captured and nearly executed.

    Wilhelm sells away his humanity for upgrades and is later poisoned by Handsome Jack so he would die to the BL2 Vault Hunters thus to sell the ruse.

    Nisha dates Handsome Jack, apparently betrays him and some point while still dating him than killed by the BL2 Crew. She did kill Brick' dog and helped kill a certain avian companion.

    Claptrap is assaulted by Handsome Jack, upgrades torn off, memory wiped and left for dead.

    Lady H is hunted by some of the BL2 cast and is nearly assassinated. Her life is spared when Lilith, after the alien stops her from having Athena executed, orders them to stand down as they need Vault Hunters in the future.

    So it's nice that Tales didn't go on a killing spree with the cast because the Pre-Sequel, game released before this, cast was annilated save Athena and Lady H. Claptrap don't count as he was brutalized and had his memory wiped.

  • I liked it. I kept saying the whole episode "Sasha is gonna die...," which is something that I didn't want to happen. The whole time during Sasha's "death" I was pissed. I'm just like "...really TellTale??? Have we had enough death this whole episode?" Realizing it was fake was a relief was a relief. I especially like the fact that she fell and broke he arm. It was a TellTale/Borderlands reminder that "Oh yeah, this is Pandora in the Borderlands universe. We can't have the ending be too happy." So while the ending was semi-cheesy, TellTale pulled it off with humor in the end which is what made it special.

  • She just got her Second Wind. Happens all the time with Vault Hunters.

  • Yes but we can pick up three grenades in Episode 2, and even if you went to Old Haven and trusted Fiona, that still means you have one left.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    She uses them when you pick Fiona over Jack in EP2

  • I thought it was hilarious.

    Or at least hilarious at the end. It fit right in with the rest of the game.

  • Fionas intro starts with a grenade at the start of Borderlands 3 confirmed?

    Yes but we can pick up three grenades in Episode 2, and even if you went to Old Haven and trusted Fiona, that still means you have one left.

  • cast was annilated save Athena and Lady H.

    And Timothy

    Save Timothy

    SazukeEX posted: »

    Pre-Sequel crew really got it bad though. Jack becomes Handsome Jack and dies in BL2. Jack copy killed off eventually by Handsome Jack

  • Felix really deserved much more screen time. He should not be a determenant character.

  • I was only slightly annoyed, because I was about to sob, I felt like I was punked. :v Cool moves, Telltale, cool moves.

  • Haha I feel you on that one dude. I was so freaking sad. I thought she was really gone. But then I got happy again and laughed when it dropped her. I was like MY EMOTIONS PLS STOP

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I was only slightly annoyed, because I was about to sob, I felt like I was punked. :v Cool moves, Telltale, cool moves.

  • We should buy one of those things for Felix..... oh wait.

  • I quite liked it actually, it was a nice emotional scene that was lit up by a sign of hope. Then laughter as we saw Sasha hit the ground.

  • I think it was funny. "Time heals all wounds". Heh i thought it was a subtle parody of every modern Shooter, were you heal yourself by waiting.

  • I thought it was pretty funny. Especially the "I'm not dead guys" line

  • Except I haven't developed anything towards game of thrones characters.

    LukeZC posted: »

    Don't worry, pretty sure that the Game of Thrones finale next month will have a plethora of gritty moments, sadness, and "doomed by canon" so we can all remember that bitterbitter taste in our mouth after it ends.

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