How Would You Rank the Song Choices for Season 1?

Needless to say, I loved this series and I think it's my new favorite Telltale game. Part of what made it awesome was the stellar soundtrack, both instrumental and licensed music. Some worked better than others (hence the thread), but just the idea of using the soundtrack for the intro sequences was an inspired choice on Telltale's part! So to make our voice heard as to what kind of songs Telltale should consider should Season 2 be a reality (please please please please!), list your rankings for which songs worked best this season. I'll start from last to first

6) "To The Top" by Twin Shadow (Episode 4) - I don't know why but this was the one song that never really gelled together for me. The accompanying scene was funny and it's a good song on its own, but it felt too dramatic in tone compared to the previous episodes. It was clearly picked for their reference to "The Right Stuff" and other space launch movies rather than if it worked as part of the overall soundtrack.

5) "Pieces of The People We Love" by The Rapture (Episode 3) - For some reason, the way this song played with its intro made me think of the montages in "Limitless" in terms of its tempo and tone. Just a fun thought! This was probably my least favorite of the intros only in that it kind of dragged on for a bit, but this song more than made up for it.

4) "Retrograde" by James Blake (Episode 5 Intro Song) - I remember hearing this song first on the advertisements for the "The Leftovers" and falling in love with it. So obviously I'm a little biased in liking this song, but it was a good choice for the intro it matched with. Maybe a little too heavy emotionally in context to what was happening, but it also had a fitting sense of finality which made it work.

3) "My Silver Lining" by First Aid Kit (Episode 5 End Song) - A strong choice for the end credit number. It's energetic and catchy without being too upbeat for the scene that happened right before it. Also points for being the most "Western" choice for a game inspired by Western tropes, which made it stand out even more.

2) "Busy Earnin' by Jungle (Episode 1) - Now this is how you make an entrance! A great opening number for the game that promises fun and delivers even before the song has finished. It's a distinct and catchy sound too, setting the tone for the type of story we were getting into.

1) "Kiss the Sky" by Shawn Lee and Nino Moschella (Episode 2) - The fact this was my favorite intro sequence of the series helps here, but it's also just the right song for the visuals being utilized. The way the slow motion played into the speed of the song and how the scene flowed just felt right on every level. It had just the right balance of not too funny or too dramatic too, making you feel sad for what was happening while allowing the jokes to flow naturally.

Your rankings?


  • edited October 2015

    6.) "Busy Earnin' by Jungle - It's a nice song and intro, but literally every single intro tops this in my opinion

    okay, so this is where everything is split because the rest of these are pure fucking gold.

    5.) "Pieces of The People We Love" by The Rapture** - Really catchy song that fit perfectly with what was happening. Just buddies going on a road trip and hanging out.

    4.) "To The Top" by Twin Shadow - Insanely good song right here. It took me awhile to get into it, but once I did OH man!

    3.) "Retrograde" by James Blake - At first I wasn't feeling it (than again I was really taking Loaders sacrifice incredibly hard so I was too distracted to enjoy it to its fullest), but I listened to the intro again and holy shit it's perfect! It's somber,sad and really reflects how the crew is feeling.

    2.) "My Silver Lining" by First Aid Kit - This one came out of nowhere! It fits the credits absolutely perfectly. I felt like this was definitely a song they would've played at the end credits of a movie. Just fantastic.

    1.) "Kiss the Sky" by Shawn Lee and Nino Moschella - PERFECT. JUST PURE PERFECTION!

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited October 2015

    Oh man, that's actually pretty difficult

    1. To The Top - This one was the most catchy of all the tracks for me, and has managed to stay stuck in my head since I first played the episode. I consider this a good thing. This intro is also either by second or third favorite intro, but I'm really not sure. But honestly, favorite intros are a whole different topic.

    2. Retrograde - This track is just fantastic overall on it's own. But it really compliments the intro sequence for episode 5, especially when you take the tonal difference from all of the other intros into consideration. A really mellow, but unique and impacting song, for a mellow, unique and impacting intro.

    3. My Silver Lining - this song was pretty much perfect for the ending. There was this feeling I got back when I first heard Take Us Back at the end of TWD S1. This song got me to experience that same feeling again. I'm not entirely sure what said feeling was (it's hard to describe it), but whatever it is, it is a good thing. A very good thing.

    4. Busy Earnin' - The original intro, and the original kick-ass song that accompanied it. A very apt and fitting tune for the intro, and just overall good at establishing the game's theme and personality right out of the gate.

    5. Kiss The Sky - I have a feeling some people will be on my case for this track being this low. Like all music selections in this game, it's still very good, but it didn't leave the same lasting impact the others did. That being said, though, the episode 2 intro is still one of the best, if not the best intro of the entire series, even if I'm not that keen on the track.

    6. Pieces of The People We Love - No doubt a fitting track for the intro, but unfortunately, it wasn't as memorable as the rest for me. Again, still a great track, but the least stand-out for me. It was a perfect fit for the intro, no doubt, but both the song and the intro just aren't really stand-out to me. I'm kind of indifferent/neutral towards them, in all honesty.

    Also, a very, very honorable mention to Never Let Up by Nathan Ortega, featured in the free episode 1 trailer. I refrained from putting it on the list since it's not technically in any of the episodes, but god DAMN is it a catchy track, and god DAMN have I looped it way too many times by now.

    1. Kiss the Sky - absolutely perfect intro/song combo.
    2. Busy Earnin - Fantastic start that got me totally pumped for what would come next.
    3. Pieces of the People We Love - Great song, timed well with the intro.
    4. My Silver Lining - Ah Man my game lost sound for the credits, and it's only this thread that got me to hear it. I already love it, and it would probably be #2-3 if I had heard it during the credits
    5. Retrograde - solid song, fit well with the isolation caused by the gangs "break-up"
    6. To the Top- only song I didn't really care for, still a decent song, just not on par with the others(plus it felt out of place)

    ps. I had never heard any of these songs before, so it's another awesome impact of the game that I have 6 new songs on my iPhone.

  • 6) Retrograde- For me, this just didn't click. That being said, I didn't think it was bad song; just the one I liked the least of the 6.

    5) Pieces of The People We Love- A pretty solid song, and it worked with the intro itself, but it wasn't as epic as the others. Just a couple of friends taking a road-trip. But, like I said, working with the intro itself is more important than being an epic song, IMO, so props for that.

    4) My Silver Lining- A great song, that fit perfectly for the ending of this game. Totally works and makes sense in the context of the game, and it just went with the entirity of the game itself.

    3) To The Top- A great song, super catchy, and worked in context of the intro. It felt epic, and made me feel good, and strong, and powerful, which felt like the feeling the intro was going for.

    2) Busy Earnin' - Was awesome. This intro said to me 'This is a Borderlands Game', with the catchy and upbeat style. Reminded me of Ain't No Rest For The Wicked.

    1) Kiss the Sky- This song was amazing. It was the right tone, rhythm, and had the overall feel for the scene being played out. It worked well with the slow motion, as zgamer said. 11/10. Freaking amazing.

  • edited October 2015
    1. Kiss The Sky - honestly, for me this was like the best song, it's just my type of music, I loved the lyrics and I think it went really good with the intro.
    2. Retrograde - it was the first time I've heard this song, but it seemed like it perfectly matched the moment. It wasn't too depresive and dramatical but still very intense, catchy and touching at the same time. Left me speechless for a while, though.
    3. Busy Earnin' - wasn't really my favourite genre of music but I felt good listening to it, and again, I think it perfectly matched the game as a intro. It was imo a very borderland-ish choice of intro music and definitely a good one.
    4. My Silver Lining - the first time I heard this song was in the Renault Kadjar advertisement and I kinda expected that the song would appear in ep5 and I wasn't wrong! It matches the series perfectly, was a good, catchy and maybe kinda cheerful song to hear after the rollercoaster of emotions in the finale.
    5. The Galatarium - an instrumental,appeared at the end of ep2, I think it was a good episode ending song, felt like it froze my emotions and made me think a lot about what's gonna happen in the next episode.
    6. Main Menu (the new orchestral song, added along with the final episode) - that was a nice surprising change, I felt like TellTale really wanted to get us in the "kick asses really hard for the last time" mood, and for me it worked. Why is it at the last position on my list? Because it didn't stuck in my head as long as 1-4 did, but still - it's gooood.
  • They were all great, but To The Top would be tops for me.

  • To the top was the only one I actively didn't like. Enjoyed the rest equally.

  • Hmm,
    I think for me it would be :
    5)Episode 3's intro song
    4)Episode 5's intro song
    3)Episode 1's intro song
    2)Episode 4's intro song
    1)Episode 2's intro song

  • That pun didn't go unnoticed

    Scaeva posted: »

    They were all great, but To The Top would be tops for me.

  • edited October 2015

    This was really tough for me, especially the top three, but I think I got it:
    1. My Silver Lining - Perfect ending. Just the right amount of western sound to it to match the western influences on Borderlands, it was just the right mix of upbeat and somber and even the lyrics kinda matched the series as a whole. ("I won't take the easy road." "Keep on keepin' on.")
    2. Busy Earnin': Such an epic start to the series. It fit what was happening in the opening rather well and sets the overall tone for the episode really well. I haven't actually played the other Borderlands games, but I have seen the song openings, and I thought it was rather interesting that this tied into them somewhat, since they ran over a skag near a roadside billboard.
    3. Kiss the Sky: Mostly I thought that this song more than any other fit the opening perfectly. It's kinda strange because listening to it alone I wouldn't think they could match it to the game, but for some reason, when I watch it, it just works. I think the use of slow motion is what makes it work so well, they just nailed it with the exact right amount.
    4. Retrograde: My second least favorite song, but I thought it really captured the feel of the opening. The sadness, the destruction, etc.
    5. To The Top: This was my least favorite song, but again I feel like it did work pretty well with the opening. It really caught the feel they were going for.
    6. Pieces of the People We Love: I liked the song well enough, but it just didn't feel like it worked as well with the opening as it could have.

  • In terms of the songs:

    1. My Silver Lining (I literally cannot listen to this song, I've tried, but I keep having to pause it because it just reminds me that it's all over)
    2. To the Top
    3. Kiss the Sky
    4. Pieces of the People We Love
    5. Busy Earnin
    6. Retrograde

    In terms of the openings themselves:

    1. Episode 4
    2. Episode 2
    3. Episode 3
    4. Episode 5
    5. Episode 1
  • edited October 2015

    Busy Earnin - The perfect Borderlands tune. Set the theme perfectly for the series and have been listening to it tonnes ever since.

    My Silver Lining - Haven't stopped listening to it since the credits!! Another song to add to the amazing list of Borderlands credit themes.

    Kiss the Sky - Loved the opening sequence and the music matched it perfectly.

    Pieces of the People We Love - Liked the song but the intro didn't have any stand out moments in it.

    To the Top- One of my favourite intros, and the song was good, but just didn't seem like Borderlands.

    Retrograde - Just don't like the song. It may grow on me!

    But the soundtrack was amazing. The original scores mixed with some classic Borderlands music... perfect!

  • edited October 2015

    1.Kiss the Sky Episode 2

    2.Retrograde Episode 5 Opening

    3.Busy Earnin Episode 1

    4.My Silver Lining Episode 5 Ending Song

    5.Pieces of the People We Love Episode 3

    6.To the Top Episode 4

    This game introduced me to some really great music.

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