Just an observation I made (Episode 5 Spoilers)

Some spoilers for NBC's Chuck and shit. Kinda a Rhyiona post? Really just an observation comment/post about Fiona, Vaughn, and Rhys' relationship. Wasn't entirely sure where to post this so I just made a whole new discussion.

Can I just say that Episode 5 Vaughn:

Episode 5 Vaughn

Reminds me a lot like Morgan Grimes from the NBC show Chuck that concluded back in 2012?:

Morgan Grimes

Vaughn and Rhys' relationship also kinda reminds me of the relationship between Chuck and Morgan. How Morgan constantly lived in Chuck's shadow but they were best friends then in the later seasons of the show Morgan grew into his own character and climbed out of Chuck's shadow. Hell, Morgan even helped Chuck get the girl. Just like Vaughn eventually crawled out of Rhys' shadow and became a strong leader.

Sarah Walker who was Chuck's main love interest also reminds me of Fiona. She doesn't really romantically like Chuck until the later seasons, gets pissed at him periodically throughout the show. Doesn't fully open up with him or trust him right away.

Rhys also reminds me of Chuck in a lot of ways, kinda nerdy company guy who wants to impress the girls, he manages to do that via his charismatic personality along with his humor and jokes. Gets pulled into violence but adapts to it slowly, sucking at first then becoming a badass in the later episodes.

Lemme just say that Rhys also looks a tad bit like Chuck:



I ship Sarah x Chuck as hard as I ship Rhys x Fiona, I also respect all other ships in this community, your all fantastic.

Edit: Probably chose a shitty title for this post, I apologize.

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