About that ending...

It's a classic thing for a cliffhanger (main characters disappear because of an alien device).

BUT it's cool if you think there's a season 2. It's not cool when you think there's nothing after that and you just left your sister (for Fiona), your best friend ( for Rhys) and all of your group for unknown reason.

If it's the kind of ending like "Use your imagination! ", i'm not okay with that setting.


  • No way they would show up in Season 2.

    Having just Rhys abd Fiona at the start means the first few episodes can ease in a new cast and later ones deal with the reunions and wrapping things up.

  • If there is a sequel I think they should go with a couple new protagonists, but having Fiona and Rhys returning in cameos similar to Athena or Zero in Tales.

  • I could imagine if a Second Season happened we would Play As Vaughn and Sasha to find Rhys and Fiona. I would actually like it.

  • There will be BL3 - I m sure we will get answers there ;)

  • I don't understand why most people are denying the possible existence of a sequel to the first season. I'm sure most of us want to know where Rhys and Fiona ended up. I'm confident in TTG's ability to make the sequel work, just as they did with the masked man's identity--totally unexpected and reasonable.

  • Yeah, I was thinking that they could have two storylines happening at the same time:

    Rhys and Fiona trying to figure out where they are; Vaughn and Sasha trying to locate them

    GSSalvador posted: »

    I could imagine if a Second Season happened we would Play As Vaughn and Sasha to find Rhys and Fiona. I would actually like it.

  • Nobody is denying TT's ability to make the sequel work, the real problem could be their heavily filled schedule; TWD season 3; GOT season 2; M:SM; the Marvel game and who knows what other projects so we might have to wait several years before we see an announcement. I obviously hope they want take this long but, you know, the odds are what they are, and, to put it in Vaughn's words, "they're awful".

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