Favorite Intro?

Honestly I loved all of them but episode 5's was just so goddamn good I can't even.


  • Definitely the second one, it is the masterpiece, it's flawless and perfect. In fact, I'm going to call it the perfect masterpiece of flawlessness.
    Yes, I stole it from the RedLetterMedia.

  • Before episode 5 it was definitely episode 2's

    but goddamn episode 5 mayn

  • Ep 2 and 5

  • Episode 4.

    Great music and great sequence. XD

  • 4,5,2,3,1 :')

  • Well before episode 5 it would of been episode 4's intro. but episode 5's was the most emotional one of the whole season.

  • Episode 5 really got the emotions going.

    But episode 3 will always hold a special place in my Tales trash riddled heart.

  • Episode 5 hands down! The whole scale of it along with the sad Broader Bot moment was perfect, and that beautiful song was just icing on the cake.

  • It's a tie between episode 2 and episode 5. Both are fantastic and so tonally different.

    (Also, shoutout to the end credits for episode 5. "My Silver Lining" was very unexpected and 100% awesome. thanks telltale!)

  • Would be a tie betweet episode 2 et 5, I think.

  • My favorite intro was episode 5.

    I've got to admit, for the majority of the season, Rhys didn't appeal to me as much as the other characters. His cloth were goofy(dat tie), the main conflict is kinda of his fault....but this opening, and the rest of the episode really made me like him.

    You can see when Rhys escapes Helios the emotional distress he's going through. His whole life is literally breaking into pieces and burning in the stratosphere, it's just so much more emotionally appealing then Fiona's "Life just went back to normal".

  • Episode 4 > Episode 2 > Episode 5 > Episode 3 > Episode 1

  • Episode 4 and Episode 3 were my favorites.

    Episode 3 because of the sense of camaraderie you get between all the characters and Episode 4 due to the amazing slo-mo walk and triumphant music.

  • Ep5, Loader Bot's sacrifice almost had me to tears, he was my favorite from the beginning. But he's alive and I'm glad for it, but it still hurts seeing him get shot by Kroger.

  • My heart's telling me Episode 2. There was just something about it. It was soooo cinematic. I started to get excited when Rhys grabbed onto Vaughn and Fiona grabbed onto Rhys. Then finally the boot came off, and the credits started while Vaughn and Rhys were suspended in slow motion. That was really when I began to think "This game is really gonna be something."

  • Got to go with 2 just a bad-ass moment of all heroes relay coming together for the first time to help each other only to now be split off from one another. Just bumps me up every time i see it.

  • Episoe 5 ;_;
    So many feels.

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