About Season 2....

I kind of don't want there to be a Season 2 at least not right now or in a year or so because I REALLY, REALLY, do NOT want to rush Telltale or the crew that worked hard on this season. Telltale has a lot on their plate right now and I don't want a huge amount of pressure to be loaded on them to make a Season 2 as fast as possible as it would probably end up feeling rushed and underwhelming in so many places and not share the same kind of storytelling the original season has. I mean, God knows I don't want another underwhelming sequel to a series I love to death, I had to go through with that last year and it pissed me off in how underwhelming the whole experience was and I walked away feeling betrayed. It's only my opinion though, I got nothing against people who loved TWD S2, but I didn't love it and it REALLY could have been MUCH better than it turned out to be.

If Telltale are thinking about a S2, I'll gladly wait five years just to give them time to fully develop another story if they want to tell another story.

If Telltale aren't planning a S2, that's totally okay by me. Would I like to see these characters again? Hell yes. But would I want them to be used in story filled with terrible flaws and mediocrity? HELL NO.

If this is the only story Telltale has for these characters then that's fine by me. I'll gladly wait to hear what Gearbox's plans are for the Borderlands series instead as long as they take a few writing queues from Telltale.

I'm not hating a S2, I just don't want this series to become a disaster.

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