Discussion over possible queer baiting


  • I'd actually be interested in the elaboration because I didn't see it and it's typically something I pick up on. Borderlands is actually a pretty good series in regards to being open about character's sexualities too, in a way that's actually relatively blunt. So while I know Gearbox wasn't writing TFTB, I feel that any character with a non-heteronormative sexuality would've been pretty bluntly out there. Sort of like how Athena and Janey's relationship is clearly show (which honestly as a borderlands fan and a big old fan of their relationship I was sooo excited to see more of)

    If anything, I felt that the only substantially built feelings for Rhys that were built into the canon were towards Sasha, but I did like that if you bucked the trend you could leave the line of 'I'm into someone else' open to interpretation. While it is said to Fiona I think it's just vague enough to satisfy fans of all Rhys ships.

  • I think you're just looking for something to be offended over

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