Favorite Lines of Dialogue Thread

If that wasn't self explanatory enough, it's your favorite dialogue, getting dropped in the comments. I'll go first, just some episode 5 quotes from me for now.

Vaughn :
They just went ahead and labeled it for you. Camera looks at very terribly written "Rhys" on HJ statue

Get in the gland-wow it's so weird saying that-and place the charges.

when he introduces the Helios survivors as 'The Children'

So now we can get loot...? bolts towards the Traveler's drops

I call any shields cause I get shot a lot!

Rhys :
We have answers and we want questions! Smashes fist on table

...Wait. Am I bad cop or... what was I, again?

I think I missed you...

See ya, kiddo.

Hahhahaha!! How's that feel, huh?! middle finger motion towards Jack monitors

makes it to the Vault clearly last ...Let's call it a tie.

Fiona :
Hey you got a little something on your FACE falcon punches Yvette

No, we're waiting for Rhys. Rhys conveniently falls

There's no way you're beating me! le race to vault

It's the last one. It's only right that we both reveal it. That's the best part. throwback to episode 1

Sasha :
Sounds good. What I heard of it, at least.

I thought you were dead... get over here!

...I'm not dead yet, guys.

Maybe Felix did care enough to-violently dropped to ground

The Vindicator! I called it already! runs towards gun

Gortys :
Living the criminal life! after taking out the guards

after Rhys trying to use bro fist attack Rhys... that did nothing at all.

Hey you... big.. tall...Monster person! Over here!

Loader Bot:
takes off mask I am.. your friend. Hi.

While they attack from up there, we will provide additional damage on the flank. camera looks up to gortys while she grabs the whole group


  • "Don't make me crap on the floor and make you clean it up!"- Vasquez

  • edited October 2015

    Athena: I'm here to help you! You IDIOTS!

    Fiona: ...oh.

    I swear to god that exchange cracks me up the most in episode 3. xD It's just seeing the normally-stoic Athena yelling so angrily is amazing.

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