Why do they even have QTEs if you can't fail them?

So near the end of the game, I got irritated that I was forced to leave Sasha in the vault monster. I figured that Gortys and the others had held it off good enough, so we should hold off on shooting the thing until she got out. It was a questionable thought process, but that's not the point. The point is that after I realized what the game was doing, I refused to participate. I didn't press the button, then when Gortys was beating the monster up, I didn't hit the QTEs. And Gortys proceeded to kill the monster anyway and I beat the game. WTF Telltale. Why even have QTEs if they're impossible to fail? I wanted to see what would happen if I didn't kill the monster. At least give me a game over screen.


  • edited October 2015

    They either didn't have time to make failed QTE sequences or they were just having too much fun animating the sequence instead.

  • No idea. Could be because it was your teammates mashing the buttons, and not Rhys himself. Could just be an oversight.

  • I guess it's because it's in the present a game over wouldn't really make sense? I'm not sure.

  • It kinda takes you out of the moment if you fail.

    Like, Jack can kill you if you dont stab your arm fast enough, and if you failed that qte it really brings you out of the moment.

  • I didn't check this out yet. But even if you fail, don't the scenes play out differently? Like getting your butt kicked during the fight and dialogue from the characters.

  • I didn't try performing the QTEs so I'm not sure. Watching the scene, the victory sure seemed flawless and I don't recall any dialogue alluding to a screw-up.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    I didn't check this out yet. But even if you fail, don't the scenes play out differently? Like getting your butt kicked during the fight and dialogue from the characters.

  • 'Cause failing them leads to stuff like this:

    enter image description here

  • LOL

    'Cause failing them leads to stuff like this:

  • I failed some of them to see what would happen, and yes, you don't get killed, but Gortys doesn't perform the moves, she gets hit or nothing happens. Anyway, I think they were meant to make the fight funnier.

  • Because at the end of the day they're telling a story and the QTEs are for you to feel like you are participating in the story.

    But the show will go on, even if you fail the QTEs. Makes sense for me.

  • failure in those QTEs mean not being as cool, QTEs that you can really fail at (meaning you have to do them again) suck and totally ruin the immersion, luckley telltale make most QTEs easy or hard to fail, but whenever i have failed and had to repeat myself it has always made the experience worse

  • edited October 2015

    Immersion. If I just watch the fight happen without my involvement, I wouldn't be as into it.

    The way Telltale handles QTE makes you feel like you are helping the characters through their struggle. It isn't as overwhelming as say Heavy Rain where it is waaaay to much. Here it is usually only grounded in fights or actions scenes.

  • That would be A LOT of death animations. It's honestly pretty unnecessary.

  • kills the action i just think they added the quick time events to immerse you

  • For all the QTE's, it'd be a lot of money to spend on failing each one on something only a tiny amount of players would fail.

    Also, all the best fail QTE's are hilarious.

    Still, sometimes it can be annoying, I get it.

  • If I recall. I screwed up one on Claptrap's QTEs and he said something like ops my finger slipped (funny since has no fingers).

    mosfet posted: »

    I didn't try performing the QTEs so I'm not sure. Watching the scene, the victory sure seemed flawless and I don't recall any dialogue alluding to a screw-up.

  • I'll tell you what kills my immersion. I wanted to not fight the monster but the game just ignored me and killed it anyway.

    Immersion. If I just watch the fight happen without my involvement, I wouldn't be as into it. The way Telltale handles QTE makes you feel

  • They're not telling a story at the later parts of episode 5 though.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Because at the end of the day they're telling a story and the QTEs are for you to feel like you are participating in the story. But the show will go on, even if you fail the QTEs. Makes sense for me.

  • Failing to do a QTE leads to some pretty funny dialogue sometimes.

    Like when August points his gun at Rhys while he's on the vehicle, if you don't do anything, Rhys recoils into the fetal position and August admits that he feels weird shooting someone in the fetal position.

    Something along the lines of "Hey, don't do that. I feel weird shooting someone in the fetal position."

    Then Sasha kicks the gun out of his hand and the scenes play out.

  • Personally as I explored the QTEs for the silent treatment, its like someone mentioned, its to either make it look cool or clumsy.

    Very few is actually look cool by doing nothing.

    In this case its because there's too many players... NPCs they're doing the fight for you... Damn team!!!

    Ur moves is just not in it.

  • I like in ep 1 they joke what if u die..

    So when Fiona don't close the door and August got I was funny. :D

    Failing to do a QTE leads to some pretty funny dialogue sometimes. Like when August points his gun at Rhys while he's on the vehicle, if

  • My mother insisted.

  • Right between the eyes!

    That was hilarious.

    Vold posted: »

    I like in ep 1 they joke what if u die.. So when Fiona don't close the door and August got I was funny.

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