I wonder....

I just finished the game, it was fun, but I wonder, is it possible to let Sasha hug you first instead of Vaughn? Even if u side with her for a whole game? Because I think, i fucked it up a little with ruling the Hyperion, so she.... did not like me that much :P


  • edited October 2015

    Yeah man you gotta reject hyperion if you want that hug.

  • I knew it would do something about Rhys and Sasha's relationship too. You should never side with Jack if you ship Rhysha

  • I didn't get a hug either :'(

    I'm pretty sure that I didn't side with jack at all. But I didn't tell Fiona or Sasha about him being in my brain until just before going on the rocket ship...

  • I got a hug! yippie me because i really ship Rhysha :D

  • I didn't tell them about him being in my brain too, but still got a hug.

    oopshasorry posted: »

    I didn't get a hug either I'm pretty sure that I didn't side with jack at all. But I didn't tell Fiona or Sasha about him being in my brain until just before going on the rocket ship...

  • Sidded with Jack the whole time. Except for once when I told Vaughn and the others about him.

  • I was joined with Jack at the hip, so Sasha hugging me was probably a far fetch for my Rhys.

  • Yep.

    enter image description here

    As people above said, you need to reject Hyperion.

  • damnit i wanted to rule hyperion aswell but noo helios crashed i guess he still rules atlas

  • GOD...damnit, now i gotta replay whole fucking episode only to get this hug :D

    Pipas posted: »

    Yep. As people above said, you need to reject Hyperion.

  • Why is that a bad thing?

    Dawidek posted: »

    GOD...damnit, now i gotta replay whole fucking episode only to get this hug

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