Where else could the story go....if there was a Season 2? Different Characters?

Now, according to Nick Herman, a sequel is always a possibility and the fact that this whole story was a "sort of" BL3 but given the fact that the season just ended and the fact that Telltale are working on other projects on the horizon, a season 2 might not happen anytime soon. I can only suspect Telltale are more or less waiting on what Gearbox have up their sleeves when it comes to where exactly the storyline is going to go for the main series. As for this story, I don't have a real good clue where else the story could go without feeling like a rehash of the original as the original season kind of did everything associated with Borderlands, you start out as an underdog that gradually rises to the top, you meet new enemies and make new allies on your journey, you thwart the main villain's plans and kill him or get him out of the way, you fight a Vault monster and loot a Vault.

I suppose maybe a storyline dealing with the adventures Rhys and Fiona go on since the Vault of the Traveler seems to teleport all across the universe with the other four of the S1 cast going on their own journey looking for them though that probably would be an underwhelming story after this story.

A story dealing with different characters that takes place after or DURING S1's events? I guess that's the logical place to go but I don't know man, I have mixed feelings about it since, well, look at this:

enter link description here

HOW CAN I NOT FALL IN LOVE with this cast especially after episode 5? The serie's ending is a real tear jerker for me as I know I'm not going to see these wonderful characters again for a very long time. It's REALLY difficult to walk away from this and be introduced to a new cast though I suppose the S1 cast could work in the same way the original Borderlands Vault Hunters worked as characters in BL2 but I don't have a real good clue on what other two brand new characters could be just as good as Fiona and Rhys, especially Rhys, as he's, in my opinion, my favorite character in this entire tale. Perhaps a S2 with the main Vault Hunters from the main games could work but I guess we'll see....

Yeah, I had a blast...but this series is too damn good.


  • I recently heard an idea that we'd play as Vaughn and Sasha trying to find Rhys and Fiona.

  • thats actually an awesome idea!

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I recently heard an idea that we'd play as Vaughn and Sasha trying to find Rhys and Fiona.

  • I'd love if Season 2 had 4 playable characters. Now hear me out, it's not like just 4 random characters. We can play as Rhys and Fiona in the Vault, trying to get back to Pandora, then we can play Sasha and Vaughn on Pandora, trying to find Rhys and Fiona.

    It switches from the pairs, just like it'd switch from Rhys and Fiona.

  • Well, credit goes to the youtuber Angelarts.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    thats actually an awesome idea!

  • If there's a season 2

    WHEN, not if. Anyway, I don't know if I could handle a new cast, so, it might seem a little too safe, but I'd stick with the old one.

  • I'd like to fight an evil version of the gang in...

    Cuentos de la Frontera: La Segunda Temporada

    enter image description here

  • That reminds me so much of Community.

    Demarcoa posted: »

    I'd like to fight an evil version of the gang in... Cuentos de la Frontera: La Segunda Temporada

  • I think the whole story ended so perfectly that I'd be alost a little worried about throwing them in a second season. Then there's also the fact that Fiona is (hopefully) going to become a vault hunter in BL3 and the story has to somewhat fit for this. I don't think Gearbox want to fiddle with her story for so long when they're working on BL3.

    Season 2 could be whole new characters but meeting some familiar faces along the way. I think it could happen before or when Season 1 takes place, so we only witness it from another perspective, like Helios disappearing from the sky and a character pointing it out, ect.

  • We aren't just some mustache twirling villains

    Demarcoa posted: »

    I'd like to fight an evil version of the gang in... Cuentos de la Frontera: La Segunda Temporada

  • I like the idea of playing as Vaughn and Sasha looking for Rhys and Fiona but it wouldn't be the same without them. They always could follow Rhys and Fiona again but they would be sacrificing all those other characters.

  • There are so many of these Season 2 posts. Whatever I'll post my pitch/hope again cause I really like this idea.

    So, for my idea for a Season 2 would be new story, new characters, and just completely unrelated to the Gortys Arc. My idea is about the former classmates of Gaige. Cause it's been roughly a year or 2 since Gaige killed Marcy, fled to Pandora, and became a Vault Hunter. She is now viewed as a living legend and idolized by a lot of the students there. So much so, that a bunch of them get inspired to go to Pandora and join the Crimson Raiders. So a rag-tag team of would-be/wannabe Vault Hunters set off on their journey. And it's them trying to get to Sanctuary, and the adventure they have. This arc idea fits into my hope/pitch for BL3 (it's on that thread) and would be meant to give the backstory of either a few Vault Hunters or NPCs.

    In a way, the story would be more like Oregon Trail, since there is a set goal for you to achieve, it'd still be distinctly Telltale, but choices would literally affect your path and direction. Like how do you travel, stowaway or buy passes. You'd probably only play as one character and you get a bunch of your friends at the start. Then there would be characters that you could decide to befriend (like Shade but it'll actually matter), like you meet a dropout of Dahl's Officer Academy. Letting him/her join up with you might passively slow down your journey but you'll be safer once you get to Pandora. There could be events like you hear Gaige is on the planet, Epitah, and you can divert your path to go meet her. In truth it would be wasted time because she and Axton would already be heading back to Pandora by the time you arrive, but it would open up time to meet new characters and events could happen on Epitah. Episode 1 would be the group trying forming through mis/fortune (like in Season 1), Episode 2 would be adding a few members and things getting tougher. Episode 3, would be they get detained or somehow apprehended by authorities for reasons and their escape. Episode 4 is they finally have made it to Pandora and it's not safe at all. Episode 5 is arriving on Sanctuary but shit is going down (I don't know what but I'd like to think it'd tie into the start of BL3).

    As for new characters, I have some concepts I'd like to share. Any of these could potentially be the playable character in the game. Two characters in the game would be the faithful two who stayed subscribed to Gaige's echocast the entire time. They'd be her best and closest friends and the ones whose main goal is to reunite with her.One would be the person who won 2nd place at the science fair. I've put a bit of more thought into this guy, his science fair project was an emergency survival kit that he built, and that could get incorporated into the plot. He likes to take patented tech and improve it (he jokingly refers to himself as a modder) and resells it, which gets him in trouble with the law (this guy I thought up because in BL3, I want the ability to actually mod weapons and class mods instead of just selling guns as their level becomes obsolete/ throwing them into grinders and hoping :P). You could have a couple of jocks who think Gaige's success as a VH is a fluke and want to become greater than her. The Dahl dropout could somehow have a tie to Axton and/or Zarpedon (same drill sgt. or something believable). I'd like one character, no one in particular (probably one of the former classmates) to have a crush on Gaige, and when he/she finally meets her realizes she is insane, but can't help but find that hot.

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