What if Gortys...

Was controlled by other characters such as Fiona, Sasha, Vaughn etc...? What could be her moves?

For example: I think Fiona would make Gortys either shoot elemental bullets or develop her "visual thinking ability"


    • Fiona: Gortys would gain the ability to see outcomes before they happen.
    • Sasha: Sasha's a pretty trigger happy chick so maybe Gortys' hands would turn into machine guns.
    • Vaughn: I got nothing.
  • For Vaughn, Gortys would get abs which would wow the Traveller and make him instantly fall in love.

  • edited October 2015

    Also, AI Jack would attempt to strangle the Traveler xD

  • Vaughn would create a large exercise bike.

  • Vaughn would come at him with spreadsheets and those rock hard abs. Vallory would have been interesting with the giant rocket launcher. Yevette would pretend to befriend the traveler and then stab him in the back that evil Redacted! I know its a stretch, but Bossanova? I think he'd have some "sick beats yo." I would love to see what they would have done with that driver Psycho from episode 1.

  • edited October 2015

    I got one for Vallory

    Vallory would probably get her ass kicked and scream "THIS ISN'T OVER! and then she summons 2 more giant Gortys that beat the shit out of the traveller and then she says: "Do you feel that Traveler? Now it's over"

  • I want to strangle you for bringing up my manfu

    TheTP87 posted: »

    Also, AI Jack would attempt to strangle the Traveler xD

  • i agree that fiona would have elemental damage, i think sasha would make gorty be just covered in guns firing hundreds of bullets at once, and vaughn would maybe make gorty have lightning eyes

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