Episode 5 Bad Premature Ending (No Vault Hunters) ?

What happens if you have no Vault Hunters to choose from.

Like, what if you:

Didn't warn Felix about the bomb in the case, thus he dies.

Told Vallory that August was to blame for the Vault Key Deal, thus he resents you.

Encouraged Athena to kill Cassius, thus he resents you.

Didn't admit to being a Vault Hunter, thus Zero hasn't heard of your exploits and is off doing something else.

Didn't honor Scooter, thus Janey Springs isn't happy with you.

Didn't tell Janey Springs that Athena said "I love you" as her last words before she was captured, thus not fixing their relationship, therefore she is too sad and heartbroken to help.

And finally, not enough money to pay the Mystery Vault Hunters fee.

What happens then?


  • it's impossible to not have August, Athena, or Janey unlocked. Even if you didn't meet a certain requirement with said character it will just change the response on why they are unlocked.

  • Oh. thats interesting.

    it's impossible to not have August, Athena, or Janey unlocked. Even if you didn't meet a certain requirement with said character it will just change the response on why they are unlocked.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    Actually, it is possible for Janey to be locked. I think you're right about August and Athena, however.

    it's impossible to not have August, Athena, or Janey unlocked. Even if you didn't meet a certain requirement with said character it will just change the response on why they are unlocked.

  • You're right, except for Janey. She was locked in my alternative.

    it's impossible to not have August, Athena, or Janey unlocked. Even if you didn't meet a certain requirement with said character it will just change the response on why they are unlocked.

  • edited October 2015

    Oh? Wow, didn't know that...Maybe the choice doesn't take effect if you have absolutely no one else besides those 3, or if Janey's lock you'll still have Cassius...

    Deltino posted: »

    Actually, it is possible for Janey to be locked. I think you're right about August and Athena, however.

  • HoboStewHoboStew Telltale Alumni

    Yes, Janey can be locked. August & Athena are always available, and if those are the only 2 unlocked then Zer0 will grudgingly go along with you.

    Deltino posted: »

    Actually, it is possible for Janey to be locked. I think you're right about August and Athena, however.

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