How much will the upgrade cost?
Because if the diffrence is to big, I could wait a little longer till the paypal thing works. Any idea how far they are with fixing it?
The upgrade we're planning should make your total exactly the same as it would be if you bought the full season originally.
If you are someone who has been waiting for the PayPal option for the full season and you want to buy Culture Shock, go ahead. Please let me know via PM or email that you have done so and I'll make sure you are able to upgrade to the rest of the season for the right price, regardless of when we run that promotion.
Also, please purchase through our store, NOT through the demo. The PayPal path in the demo is a little messed up right now. (Another thing we're working on! )
I would also be interested in purchasing such an upgrade through Paypal, if it wouldn't be too much trouble. I've already bought the first episode. Sadly I haven't gotten to play it yet, due to a messed up graphic card, but I'm sure I'll love it, so why not?
hmm ok, then I think I´ll buy the game via Emily´s way, too.
But because I´ve never used Paypal before I´d like no know how all this stuff works...
Do I have to transfer the money to my paypal account first and then to you? Or do I have to transfer the money to my paypal account first and then I give you the permission to access my paypal accout and transfer the money to you yourselves? OR can I keep the money on my regular bank account so that you "ask" Paypal for the money and they access my bank account and send it to you?
No, paypal lets you do direct transactions. If you're just using paypal to purchase things with there's no reason you'd ever have any money/credit in the paypal account.
The only time you end up with money in your paypal account is if someone else pays you, or something.
If you go to the help site on paypal there are good descriptions of how it works
You'll want to get the Basic paypal account.
Soooo...I was able to buy the first episode via Paypal and informed Emily of everything concerning the whole season and stuff like that. Aslong as I can buy the whole season for the same price when all the Paypal problems are solved it´s ok with me
Because if the diffrence is to big, I could wait a little longer
If you are someone who has been waiting for the PayPal option for the full season and you want to buy Culture Shock, go ahead. Please let me know via PM or email that you have done so and I'll make sure you are able to upgrade to the rest of the season for the right price, regardless of when we run that promotion.
Also, please purchase through our store, NOT through the demo. The PayPal path in the demo is a little messed up right now. (Another thing we're working on!
...and now, if you'll excuse me, there's an annoying white rabbit waiting for me.
Bought Culture Shock a few hours ago and sent you a mail. Now relax and take your time making this paypal thingy work.
But because I´ve never used Paypal before I´d like no know how all this stuff works...
Do I have to transfer the money to my paypal account first and then to you? Or do I have to transfer the money to my paypal account first and then I give you the permission to access my paypal accout and transfer the money to you yourselves? OR can I keep the money on my regular bank account so that you "ask" Paypal for the money and they access my bank account and send it to you?
The only time you end up with money in your paypal account is if someone else pays you, or something.
If you go to the help site on paypal there are good descriptions of how it works
You'll want to get the Basic paypal account.
Do I now just have to put my paypal-E-Mail-adress into the order and then that´s it?
Maby it works for you though.