@Welcome_to_Woodbury LOOK IT'S A TERM
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Sie Sind Das Essen Und Wir Sind Die Jager
Person … more1: Have you seen Attack on Titan?
Person 2: Oh yeah man, I love that anime!
Both (yelling loudly and in unison): SIE SIND DAS ESSEN UND WIR SIND DIE JAGER
@Welcome_to_Woodbury LOOK IT'S A TERM
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Sie Sind Das Essen Und Wir Sind Die Jager
Person … more1: Have you seen Attack on Titan?
Person 2: Oh yeah man, I love that anime!
Both (yelling loudly and in unison): SIE SIND DAS ESSEN UND WIR SIND DIE JAGER
I've accomplished all of these, we need some harder challenges up in this.
Also, you should add, "fool 4 people into thinking you're the opposite gender of what you actually are"
A) Sorry, didn 't mean to be rube. That is unfortunatly how I come off and I completly understand why you would be mad at me. < Still looking good in this shades. C) You actually did a fine job on making me look like a really bad gal. Well done. D) I just had a really long conversetion with Daniel (is his name Daniel? I am not sure, sorry about that.) and it just didn 't make sence to repeat everything I said to him. That 's all. E) You are right. I oftenly come off looking really negative. I should really work on that.
Still, you're being incredibly rude. He shared this heartfelt thing going on in his life and adding your own (negative) philosophy on it was… more unnecessary. The way you talk is really dismissive ("Go back to having a life", I'm not going to have the same conversation twice", "I have no intention to hear you say what Daniel said") and if you are going to say something completely irrelevant and disrespectful, at least let people comment on it without you shooing them away.
And you are right. Because you happen not to like one character it doesn 't mean they have the right to tell you to go kill yourself. That is just wrong... I bet you have your reasons for not liking him.
And before anyone else says anything I happen to like Kenny. So suck on that motherfuckers!
mein Führer liebt mich.
@Welcome_to_Woodbury LOOK IT'S A TERM
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Sie Sind Das Essen Und Wir Sind Die Jager
Person 1: Have you seen Attack on Titan?
Person 2: Oh yeah man, I love that anime!
Both (yelling loudly and in unison): SIE SIND DAS ESSEN UND WIR SIND DIE JAGER
I still don't get why some of the intro is in German...
mein Führer...
Eren ist die Führer!
It was a joke.
Why? Because Germany represents brotherhood, and patriotism.
It isn't related to the times when the National-Socialist party was in control.
Wait, are you a boy or a girl O_o
It's true.
I know movies are scripted.
I'm not stupid.
LOL, I don't know why he said that xD
It was a joke.
I don't see the pun
There isn't one.
Comments refuse to show hur
And yet you assumed I was stupid by thinking I didn't know wrestling was scripted.
Captain obvious here had to tell me something everyone already knows about wrestling
Thought I'd return the favor.
Then it doesn't meet the standards to be called a joke xDDDDDDDDDDDD
I'll just walk away... >_>
Why? You're not scared are you

Good! Cause there's nothing to be afraid of
I didn't assume you were stupid.
I was just saying that WWE is scripted, that's all.
Now everyone's starting to hate me because of an opinion.
I don't hate you at all :c
Yep she is the wordls biggest ''dick''.
Good thing I mostly wear boots.
Heels R 4 Peasants
A) Sorry, didn 't mean to be rube. That is unfortunatly how I come off and I completly understand why you would be mad at me.
< Still looking good in this shades. C) You actually did a fine job on making me look like a really bad gal. Well done.
D) I just had a really long conversetion with Daniel (is his name Daniel? I am not sure, sorry about that.) and it just didn 't make sence to repeat everything I said to him. That 's all. E) You are right. I oftenly come off looking really negative. I should really work on that.
I have to lay in my bed around 36+ hours more, yaaaay
You are not the only one.
And you are right. Because you happen not to like one character it doesn 't mean they have the right to tell you to go kill yourself. That is just wrong... I bet you have your reasons for not liking him.
And before anyone else says anything I happen to like Kenny. So suck on that motherfuckers!