The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I'm sorry :(

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Please don't meme me.

  • Can't argue with that.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited June 2016

    Meanwhile in Trumpetville

    WARNING: Tinfoil hat required beyond this point.

  • edited June 2016

    Guess whose birthday it is, yup... Some people in india seem really happy about it

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Meanwhile in Trumpetville WARNING: Tinfoil hat required beyond this point.

  • Oh my god I clicked the link before the edit!!!!! I DIDN'T WEAR MY HAT!!!!!

    so what exactly are they angry about women, muslims, or black lives matter? and do the like gay people now because they can use the tragedy to their own ends?

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Meanwhile in Trumpetville WARNING: Tinfoil hat required beyond this point.

  • I guess they dont realise trump is so narrow minded he cant tell the difference between hindus muslims seeks or any of the religious groups from that part of the world.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Guess whose birthday it is, yup... Some people in india seem really happy about it

  • I've only just skimmed through, but what is it they're saying wrong exactly?

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Meanwhile in Trumpetville WARNING: Tinfoil hat required beyond this point.

  • edited June 2016

    I'm not the politic guy here but if politics were like this I do turn my TV on everyday:)

    enter link description here

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited June 2016

    SJW cucks destroying western civilization (Cultural Marxism by any other name) conspiracy theory.

    New World Order Conspiracy theory.

    Bizarre (and incredibly sexist) genetics conspiracy theories.

    A surprisingly good poem.

    General hysteria.

    Basically this is the type of stuff I'd expect to find on Stormfront or Infowars, not the reddit for a presidential candidate. And I though the SandersForPresident subreddit was bad, Christ...

    DillonDex posted: »

    I've only just skimmed through, but what is it they're saying wrong exactly?

  • This makes me more glad I'm a Trump supporter.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Meanwhile in Trumpetville WARNING: Tinfoil hat required beyond this point.

  • And here I thought my old werewolf drawing was good.

    I also like how the skittles gradually disappear.

    Tbh I'm just excited about my drawing so I'll probably post it a lot. enter link description here

  • Yes yes yes and quite possibly; though I prefer to be charitable and assume it's a demonstration of solidarity.

    Oh my god I clicked the link before the edit!!!!! I DIDN'T WEAR MY HAT!!!!! so what exactly are they angry about women, muslims, or black lives matter? and do the like gay people now because they can use the tragedy to their own ends?

  • ship and let ship, you cyberbully xddddddddddddd

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I was browsing the Youtube comments on the teaser of The Walking Dead: Season 3 just for lols... Saw a comment that's about Clementine x Javier... FUCKING END ME.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited June 2016

    Kinda sad you'd buy into that stuff, truth be told.

    Then again, it's also kind of sad the Democrats are jerking about how their gonna exhume Feinstein and let her take another crack at passing her moronic assault weapon ban and that people on both sides want more surveillance and war.

    This shit's gonna make me go LP, I swear to god.

    This makes me more glad I'm a Trump supporter.

  • But.. you don't understand :/

    lottii-lu posted: »

    ship and let ship, you cyberbully xddddddddddddd

  • I must get likes for being cringeworthly satire, that's all I understand, my guy.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    But.. you don't understand

  • Are you really surprised that there are people already shipping them, especially after the Cluke nonsense? What I find more disturbing are all the people talking about how Clem (who's still 13-14) got hot and grew boobs, or are wondering what she does when she gets her period. I mean seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people, the game isn't going to focus on that and nobody gives a fucking shit about stuff like that.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I was browsing the Youtube comments on the teaser of The Walking Dead: Season 3 just for lols... Saw a comment that's about Clementine x Javier... FUCKING END ME.

  • Goddamn it, mother. >.>

    lottii-lu posted: »

    ship and let ship, you cyberbully xddddddddddddd

  • *father

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Goddamn it, mother. >.>

  • Are you really surprised that there are people already shipping them, especially after the Cluke nonsense?

    Honestly, I was expecting some of the Clavier bullshit... but I was still hoping there wouldn't be any of it.

    What I find more disturbing are all the people talking about how Clem (who's still 13-14) got hot and grew boobs, or are wondering what she does when she gets her period.

    The thought of it disgusts me... a lot... why would people even talk about it? Just why...?

    I mean seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people, the game isn't going to focus on that and nobody gives a fucking shit about stuff like that.


    Also, I swear, if I'm going to see a shipping thread dedicated to it, I'll lose hope to humanity forever and ever till my life ends, even if this is the internet.

    Are you really surprised that there are people already shipping them, especially after the Cluke nonsense? What I find more disturbing are a

  • Damn it.

    Flog61 posted: »

    And PC

  • No, that's my job, you have better things to do.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I must get likes for being cringeworthly satire, that's all I understand, my guy.

  • Your steam says that you're Mother Mercy, though. :I

    I'm way too confused.

    lottii-lu posted: »


  • Thanks, going to be my best!

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Wow, good luck! YOLO is all I can say.

  • The thought of it disgusts me... a lot... why would people even talk about it? Just why...?

    Because people are fucking gross and just plain stupid.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Are you really surprised that there are people already shipping them, especially after the Cluke nonsense? Honestly, I was expecting

  • Gosh... now I actually think that it is the end of humanity.

    The thought of it disgusts me... a lot... why would people even talk about it? Just why...? Because people are fucking gross and just plain stupid.

  • Someone else's work doesn't make yours invalid...

    And yes, that's my favorite part.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    And here I thought my old werewolf drawing was good. I also like how the skittles gradually disappear.

  • Yeah, I also found out people was serious about Clee and Kenny x Clementine on Tumblr - though this person (checking by the tags) seemed to defend a lot of awful ships abuse/pedophilla/incest etc.

    And honestly, I'm not surprised with people asking about if Clementine is on her period or finding her body development attractive because apparently there is also rule 34 of her from season 1 and 2.

    Are you really surprised that there are people already shipping them, especially after the Cluke nonsense? What I find more disturbing are a

  • edited June 2016

    people was serious about Clee and Kenny x Clementine on Tumblr - though this person (checking by the tags) seemed to defend a lot of awful ships abuse/pedophilla/incest etc.

    apparently there is also rule 34 of her from season 1 and 2.

    enter link description here

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Yeah, I also found out people was serious about Clee and Kenny x Clementine on Tumblr - though this person (checking by the tags) seemed to

  • Yeah, I also found out people was serious about Clee and Kenny x Clementine on Tumblr - though this person (checking by the tags) seemed to defend a lot of awful ships abuse/pedophilla/incest etc.

    And honestly, I'm not surprised with people asking about if Clementine is on her period or finding her body development attractive because apparently there is also rule 34 of her from season 1 and 2.

    For those people out there:

    enter link description here

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Yeah, I also found out people was serious about Clee and Kenny x Clementine on Tumblr - though this person (checking by the tags) seemed to

  • You have some insane skill! How long did it take you to get this good?

  • edited June 2016

    Funny thing is, I had no idea I could draw until about two years ago. When I was about 14 years old I wanted to draw something for a friend (it was a very complex drawing) At the time I didn't really intend on me being able to pull it off but to my surprise, I was able to. Since then Iv'e been drawing a lot more and finding out I'm able to do a lot of things I had no idea I had the capability of doing. When I was really young I used to draw a lot but gave that up while I was still very young so I'm not sure if that's what lead me to what I can do now. When I look back on my drawings from when I was young... lets just say I want to forget about them, lol.

    Anyway, I guess you could just say I'm lucky.

    You have some insane skill! How long did it take you to get this good?

  • Damn, I want some of your lucky talent!

    Anyway, keep it up, you got something great here.

    Funny thing is, I had no idea I could draw until about two years ago. When I was about 14 years old I wanted to draw something for a friend

  • The world would be a better place if more people learned to let their petty squabbles go. You shouldn't wake up the next day still thinking about someone whom upset you in passing. This is especially true on the internet. People: Just relax. Calm down. Think of fun things. Be happier.

  • i wish i could draw this good

    Tbh I'm just excited about my drawing so I'll probably post it a lot. enter link description here

  • xbox is brickbox

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    More like Lunchbox

  • I just saw the comment you was talking about in the discord chat and I'm not suprised it came from the Cluke Queen herself.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I was browsing the Youtube comments on the teaser of The Walking Dead: Season 3 just for lols... Saw a comment that's about Clementine x Javier... FUCKING END ME.

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