The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Well I mean the guy has a job. He's still definitely too young to think he's going to be alone forever though.

    Chill out. She's not the only girl in the world and your'e still young.

  • You advanced a bit too fast, I mean had you even asked her on a date or talked to her like a normal human being before that?

    i finally asked the girl i had a crush on and she said as a friend so i asked if she would like to be more but she said no thanks so i am qu

  • Yeah I talked to her a lot and we had known each other for a while

    You advanced a bit too fast, I mean had you even asked her on a date or talked to her like a normal human being before that?

  • Thanks in just hate being rejected like a bad cassette

    joshua007 posted: »

    Does it make you feel better that I said to a girl I liked liked her but she said no... You are not alone my brother

  • One of my main fears is being alone

    Well I mean the guy has a job. He's still definitely too young to think he's going to be alone forever though.

  • So tired. Moving furniture up and down the stairs is not my forté. haha

  • edited June 2016

    Which game you're playing? Is it one of the classics? They can be pretty difficult at first, I ran into walls all the time when I first played them. lol

    joshua007 posted: »

    I started with the Resident Evil franchise a few weeks ago but I can't stand the gameplay so a friend of my plays the game.

  • the first 4

    RE2 has just began and that was fun. I'm looking forward to the remake I want to see how it looks like what is your favorite RE?

    Which game you're playing? Is it one of the classics? They can be pretty difficult at first, I ran into walls all the time when I first played them. lol

  • edited June 2016

    enter link description here

    You know you want it

  • edited June 2016


  • [removed]

  • edited June 2016


  • edited June 2016

    Two weeks ago we had to bring up and down washing machine ugh.

    So tired. Moving furniture up and down the stairs is not my forté. haha

  • edited June 2016

    Like I said, your'e young. You have plenty of time. Stop worrying about being alone when you should be enjoying the time you still can be alone. Alone isn't always a bad thing.

    One of my main fears is being alone

  • I'm so disappointed in myself. So today all Eighth Graders in my school have to go to reception and this girl I have crush on was there, I didn't have the guts to start a conversation with her. I'm not a very confident person, there is only one day left of the school year. We're going to the same high school next year, but it is big and I don't know if we are going to be in the same classes. What do I do?

  • I can vouch.

    Like I said, your'e young. You have plenty of time. Stop worrying about being alone when you should be enjoying the time you still can be alone. Alone isn't always a bad thing.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited June 2016

    Had my first 'warehouse' shift today. I am become pain.

    Barely seems worth it for 6.50 after taxes, but que sera, sera. At least it's not unemployment.

  • Rick and Morty, Regular Show, Star Vs The Forces of Evil, Steven Universe, RWBY and Star Wars Rebels are all really good.

    Gravity Falls has ended and new My Little Pony episodes will only come out in autumn. So, can anyone suggest me some good cartoon series? I'

  • LOL. But luckily that'll never happen. hehe, right?

    ZapThroat posted: »

    enter link description here

  • Cool war story about badass girl sniper

    I would post it in images but on phone so take hours to bring over each image so just share the link to it

  • edited June 2016

    Alright! When all the Batman news comes flooding in next month, I'll be ready with my new-and-improved, "Bat-Chicken" Avatar...


    Yeah, it's cheezy but I figured I'd change it to suit what is coming next, BATMAN!

  • Give yourself credit that you were brave enough to ask. There have been a lot of girls in my life where I wasn't, only to find out later that I really should have. Don't worry, there will be other chances in your future.

    i finally asked the girl i had a crush on and she said as a friend so i asked if she would like to be more but she said no thanks so i am qu

  • Go up to her on the last day, and tell her you'll miss her over the summer, and she should create an account on so you'll stay in touch. :)

    I'm so disappointed in myself. So today all Eighth Graders in my school have to go to reception and this girl I have crush on was there, I d

  • Oh my god! How come I never heard of this lady until now? She's such a badass!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Cool war story about badass girl sniper I would post it in images but on phone so take hours to bring over each image so just share the link to it

  • Sorry for late reply, I was resting for a bit.

    Ah, those are pretty good games in their own right. It's funny, that gameplay style was due to console limitations but look how popular it got. Resident Evil 2 was my first game, had it since the N64 days (which had a lot of good bonuses). The REmake is much bigger experience all together and has the potential to become much more difficult (Code Veronica was much more relentless).

    My favourite Resident Evil though... RE2 for old consoles, RE4 and REmake for a more modern console such as GC and PS2, and a tie between RE5 and 6 for the PS3/XBox360 days. It's hard to say which I like the best. lol

    joshua007 posted: »

    the first 4 RE2 has just began and that was fun. I'm looking forward to the remake I want to see how it looks like what is your favorite RE?

  • edited June 2016

    Well from knowing you Lee, I bet you'll get to know her soon and years later you'll marry her. Then after a long day of teaching at your University, you'll come home to find her in bed with a Senator, you'll then kill the Senator and be arrested BUT your story only starts for the role I play in your life, we cross paths in a meat locker later on...

    Aside from my Walking Dead knowledge and Saltiness, if you see her try to start a conversation with her about high school and classes if it doesn't seem like an awkward moment, the important thing is getting to know her and just being friends at first.

    I'm so disappointed in myself. So today all Eighth Graders in my school have to go to reception and this girl I have crush on was there, I d

  • Noice!

    AChicken posted: »

    Alright! When all the Batman news comes flooding in next month, I'll be ready with my new-and-improved, "Bat-Chicken" Avatar... Yeah, it's cheezy but I figured I'd change it to suit what is coming next, BATMAN!

  • I love people calling this joke, propaganda.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    enter link description here

  • Why thank you, good sir!


  • I think I might Batify my avatar too.

    AChicken posted: »

    Alright! When all the Batman news comes flooding in next month, I'll be ready with my new-and-improved, "Bat-Chicken" Avatar... Yeah, it's cheezy but I figured I'd change it to suit what is coming next, BATMAN!

  • I'm kind of late on point this out, but hey, you updated your avatar! (right?)


  • If you guys have not been following the E3 Batman news thread, monthly episode releases were all but confirmed for Batman, which I assume extends to Season 3 of Walking Dead as well. Looks like monthly episode releases are going to continue onward! :)

  • Yup. AChicken is making me want to add a Batman mask to it as well if I can. :P

    I'm kind of late on point this out, but hey, you updated your avatar! (right?)

  • I was in the very same situation at the end of my 8th grade year, and I didn't know what to do. I'm very shy when it comes to girls as well. In my case, I called her up in the middle of that summer and told her I had a crush on her and thought she was beautiful and great!

    Did that get me the girl? Nah, I ended up with her best friend, who's an angel in all her own ways as well. But I ended up being good friends with her and still am! I would say in your case, to either just get to know her and become friends and see just how much you really do enjoy her (Especially at her worst), OR go big or go home like me! In the end, I think you'll be okay either way. It is still the beginning of your life, after all!

    I'm so disappointed in myself. So today all Eighth Graders in my school have to go to reception and this girl I have crush on was there, I d

  • Haha! Yes, I will make a legion of Bat-people, who will all join me under the mask. We will no longer be the Telltale Community, we will be the Batman Community!! All will bow down to the Bat-family, ruler of all forums!...

    Yup. AChicken is making me want to add a Batman mask to it as well if I can. :P

  • Yeah I know when I should have asked in the past I'm hoping there will be more chances only thing is I don't know many girls so its quite hard to find anyone

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Give yourself credit that you were brave enough to ask. There have been a lot of girls in my life where I wasn't, only to find out later that I really should have. Don't worry, there will be other chances in your future.

  • There are days when one just feels shitty, and today is one of those days.

  • That's every day for me. Wanna lament to each other about how shitty our lives are?

    There are days when one just feels shitty, and today is one of those days.

  • I love you. I'd hug you, but I don't need the assault charges in my life. How about I just whisper some sweet nothings? If no one else hears it, it's just hearsay, right? Come here, forum. Just a little closer. Don't be shy. There you go. Well, hello there.

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