The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Sure. PM or on this thread?

    That's every day for me. Wanna lament to each other about how shitty our lives are?

  • Whatever you want man, I've got an hour before my meds kick in and I pass out so It'd be nice to talk to someone and hopefully help them along the way.

    Sure. PM or on this thread?

  • That was the most beautiful and disturbing poem I have ever seen anybody write about a forum site.

    Johro posted: »

    I love you. I'd hug you, but I don't need the assault charges in my life. How about I just whisper some sweet nothings? If no one else he

  • Huh, the mask really fits well with your avatar.


    AChicken posted: »

    Alright! When all the Batman news comes flooding in next month, I'll be ready with my new-and-improved, "Bat-Chicken" Avatar... Yeah, it's cheezy but I figured I'd change it to suit what is coming next, BATMAN!

  • Haha sure....

    If you guys have not been following the E3 Batman news thread, monthly episode releases were all but confirmed for Batman, which I assume extends to Season 3 of Walking Dead as well. Looks like monthly episode releases are going to continue onward!

  • Man I haven't played a telltale game since tales from the borderlands ended lol :/

  • School feels just draining these days. Because we're in Year 10, they've been going on about which pathway we'll be choosing in Year 11; VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education) or VCAL (Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning). VCAL is for people who prefer to learn hands on, and VCAL students spend part of their week at a workplace. But I honestly look at both choices and neither one is particularly appealing. I really want to do VCE for the subjects it has on offer, but I'm also worried that I can't meet the standards. VCAL might be easier, but I can't see myself being all that happy there.

    And after that they talk about post-school education, such as university. I know that I want to be a writer (fiction being my first choice since I've already started publishing my own work online), but this year has been so dispiriting that I wonder if I'll ever be ready to go on to university and get the right qualifications. No matter where I look, there doesn't seem to be any sign of the pressure letting up.

    And that's just one subject (which is mandatory in Year 10). Other than English and Math, my other subjects have been infuriating. One elective subject (Thinking Socially) is nothing like it was last year. Last year, the units of work actually had potential for a discussion, and we could be a bit creative in what we did. This year, it's just researching information on a topic, putting it into a Powerpoint document and usually presenting it to the class. It's repetitive as hell, and our teacher isn't all that great. He talks for way too long and explains stuff that doesn't need to be explained, which eats into our working time. He also hovers over us a lot and watches us while we work, which just makes school look like a prison.

    Anyway, I'm not gonna make you read a massive wall of text, so I'll add more later. Thanks for taking the time to listen (when you manage it, I know this post is quite late). The worst part about struggling through a hard time is not having someone to talk to.

    Whatever you want man, I've got an hour before my meds kick in and I pass out so It'd be nice to talk to someone and hopefully help them along the way.

  • Hey, no problem man. I woke up for a second and decided to check my notifications and I read this in full and it sounds like shit is really tough on you man, I'm so sorry that you're going through that shit but chin up, it'll get better eventually. If you ever need to vent or anything send me a DM and I'll get to it as soon as I can and respond in the best way I can.

    School feels just draining these days. Because we're in Year 10, they've been going on about which pathway we'll be choosing in Year 11; VCE

  • As long as you can handle some minor cringe, I recommend Minecraft: Story Mode. It's pretty cool at most points, and others it's... laughable. I also recommend TWD: Michonne, it's pretty badass.

    Man I haven't played a telltale game since tales from the borderlands ended lol

  • Thanks. Sometimes it really is good to get this stuff off my chest. Thankfully, I'm at home now and I've only got six more days of school to go before a two-week break, so I'll be okay for a bit. Once the holidays come around I can get my shit together and start looking for a part-time job. Hopefully things will look up once I'm able to earn my own money.

    Hey, no problem man. I woke up for a second and decided to check my notifications and I read this in full and it sounds like shit is really

  • edited June 2016

    Maybe you should try some of the older Telltale games, if you have an urge to play some games from Telltale.

    I haven't actually played them but I've heard that the older ones, especially the Sam & Max series are pretty cool.

    Man I haven't played a telltale game since tales from the borderlands ended lol

  • Heh, this is amazing. :D

    AChicken posted: »

    Alright! When all the Batman news comes flooding in next month, I'll be ready with my new-and-improved, "Bat-Chicken" Avatar... Yeah, it's cheezy but I figured I'd change it to suit what is coming next, BATMAN!

  • I lost interest in Minecraft Story mode before I even finished Episode 1. Currently planning on doing a Let's Play of TWD Seasons 1 and 2 in preparation for Season 3.

    As long as you can handle some minor cringe, I recommend Minecraft: Story Mode. It's pretty cool at most points, and others it's... laughable. I also recommend TWD: Michonne, it's pretty badass.

  • So I assume you two haven't really talked before. You can't know what kind of a person she really is.

    Ask her what high school she is going to, just to check and spark up a conversation. Then add some comment how you're gonna miss this current school and ask her about that kind of a thing.

    You live on a blue planet that circles around a huge fire ball, so just calm down and know that you only experience every moment once.

    I'm so disappointed in myself. So today all Eighth Graders in my school have to go to reception and this girl I have crush on was there, I d

  • This.

    Also Tales From Monkey Island and Back To the Future.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Maybe you should try some of the older Telltale games, if you have an urge to play some games from Telltale. I haven't actually played them but I've heard that the older ones, especially the Sam & Max series are pretty cool.

  • I feel ya man, sore as fuck from yesterday.

    There are days when one just feels shitty, and today is one of those days.

  • warehouse shifts are the worse even though the one we had is not very big i used to be stuck there on my own moving boxes around and it was stuffy i used to have todo this 11hours overnight luckily i dont have todo this anymore but im on 16 hours per week now

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Had my first 'warehouse' shift today. I am become pain. Barely seems worth it for 6.50 after taxes, but que sera, sera. At least it's not unemployment.

  • edited June 2016

    As I mentioned, I said I was gonna share my creepypasta. This is the idea of my monster. I've never wrote one before so I dunno how it should be told. Lemme know how to tell it's story, cuz I like to explore this story a bit.

    The title of my creepypasta is called "The Fleshless."


    The story is about a little 6 year old boy named Adrian, living in a family of 2 other brothers older than him, the two parents and his Aunt Rhody. He was loved by his parents and aunt dearly, however the two brothers found jealousy towards his attention that is given so they picked on him. Abused since he was 3 by his brothers, he got worse and worse despite the brothers being punished. Adrian felt like a prisoner, alone in his cornered bedroom. But there was one thing that kept him comfortable when no adult was around, his big teddy bear with an undone hoodie jacket. When the picked on him once, he called to Aunt Rhody where she belted them as punishment. The brothers more angry then ever. One day, while his parents and aunt were away with their jobs Adrian was playing with his toys from his emptied box, the brothers forced him in it for tattling on them, locking him inside the box with his teddy bear. The brothers left the house with him locked in the box, planning to release him soon after but they later forgotten. He screamed for help becoming increasingly scared, not even his teddy would calm him down. Within the next few hours he suffocated. The aunt who was close to him, returned home and searched for him, but when she finally found him inside the box, dread fell upon the family.

    The brothers were then charged for murder and imprisoned. The rest of the family mourned for Adrian. However, one of the family members grew a sense of hatred and the urge for blood. Aunt Rhody. Little did the rest of the family knew, in a derelict house in a nearby forest, she practiced witchcraft. Stealing Adrian's urn and his teddy bear, she commenced a ritual to make him reborn. The ritual was a success, Adrian's ashes turned to black blood when his soul was recovered, entering the stuffed teddy bear. Aunt Rhody was pleased and happy, her plan to get revenge on the brothers is nigh. However, the ritual left Adrian's mind corrupted. The urge to kill has awakened in him. When he discovered his body is not the same, he panicked, wanting to have a human body that resembled him and to find his family. He didn't recognize Aunt Rhody in front of him. With rage surging through him, he attacked his aunt. In the scuffle both his new body was damaged with screws entering his back and his stomach torn wide open revealing his black blooded soul. From the fight, Rhody's face lands on the candles of the ritual site. Burning her alive.

    For a twisted reason, he removed his fingers on his right hand and replaced them with hooks. With them he digs into the charred corpse of what is unknowingly his aunt, taking out her skull. With it he made a mask imitating a hockey mask. He would then use staples to close off the stomach wound to seal his soul. He would then wander out of the woods, his faint memories guiding him. He returned to a familiar house, upon entering he find two grieving parents who soon became frightened at his presence, attacking him. The fight ended in bloodbath with Adrian leaving the house and wandering further to what is a prison. He would find two brothers escaping with a lone man to a forest. He would follow and stalk them, killing the man first by the hook to his neck, the one brother having his face bitten off by Adrian's sharp teddy teeth, the last brother died when pinned to a tree with Adrian pouring his black blood into him by holding his hand at his mouth, melting him inside out upon attempting to switch bodies. Adrian learned he is forever stuck in this fleshless body, upsetting him. He questions himself as to why he's living this curse, frustration rising until he realizes he still has his family to look for. To find a family he's happy to be with. And so he returned to the derelict house in the woods, hoping to one day find his family while murdering many other families in the process. And so the terror continues.

  • Just got out of oral surgery, had to have a baby tooth removed and have a post put in, and right now, even with my gum's feeling like a huge puffball, the entire left side of my mouth hurts.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited June 2016

    Tooth didn't come out when it was supposed to?

    Just got out of oral surgery, had to have a baby tooth removed and have a post put in, and right now, even with my gum's feeling like a huge puffball, the entire left side of my mouth hurts.

  • It's a long story. Basic summation, I was born without 9 permanent teeth (13 in total if you count the wisdom teeth), this was a tooth that didn't have a permanent one underneath it, and for years, my dentist didn't want to take it out as it was acting as a sort of placeholder for the other teeth their, keeping them in line and preventing them from shifting. But it was getting to the point where it was now starting to recede back into the gums, and since I'm 18, I am now old enough for them to start putting in implants, so they figured now was a good time to finally take it out.

    Long story short, my mouth is fucked up.

    Tooth didn't come out when it was supposed to?

  • Realy interesting read

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Cool war story about badass girl sniper I would post it in images but on phone so take hours to bring over each image so just share the link to it

  • Fun read I wish I was creative

  • aah

    It's a long story. Basic summation, I was born without 9 permanent teeth (13 in total if you count the wisdom teeth), this was a tooth that

  • What do you mean by that? Minecraft Episodes 1-4 and Michonne also had monthly releases, as did most Telltale games prior to Season 1. It's not like its unprecedented.

    Haha sure....

  • Just played with @TheFurryOne on GTA. Will be sharing our adventure soon!

  • Also Strong Bad's game.

    It's fun and easy to understand even if you're not familiar with the original material.

    This. Also Tales From Monkey Island and Back To the Future.

  • I just put some more games in my Steam wishlist. They're filled with horror games.

  • Yay?

    I just put some more games in my Steam wishlist. They're filled with horror games.

  • What, you got a problem with that?


  • Bat-ified avatars represent!

  • enter image description here

    What, you got a problem with that?

  • Uh no, why would I? I just showed my enthusiasm at you updating your wishlist.

    If I felt the need to post here every time I added a game to my steam wishlist I'd probably be banned for spam.

    What, you got a problem with that?

  • Alright then.

    Uh no, why would I? I just showed my enthusiasm at you updating your wishlist. If I felt the need to post here every time I added a game to my steam wishlist I'd probably be banned for spam.

  • enter image description here

    Bat-ified avatars represent!

  • I can't find a good cowl, darn it.

    Bat-ified avatars represent!

  • i read your post earlier on about getting a batman makeover then i finish work log intothe forums andhere you are great work btw looks good

    Bat-ified avatars represent!

  • so t hat girl that rejected me apologised to me about yesterday and said that we can stillbe friends which is ok

  • That is great!

    so t hat girl that rejected me apologised to me about yesterday and said that we can stillbe friends which is ok

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