The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited June 2017

    There's too many sick bastards these days. It's a miserable thing that it became such a common occurrence in our lives too. This world is just so fucked. I remember years ago I used to be optimistic and believed people can live in peace together someday, but now after everything I've seen and heard... I don't think that's the case. :pensive:


    There has been another van attack in london ): This time muslims have been targeted. its a sad time to be alive when people cant even wal

  • Christ that animation is just... ugggnnnn!! So good! >.<

    But... dad dudes hair tho..

    Megumin posted: »

    Want an amazing anime movie to watch? or just an amazing movie in general? Watch Redline, you won't regret it.

  • Have you seen it!? Dude watch it!

    And he has a switchblade comb, if thats not cool I don't know what is

    Christ that animation is just... ugggnnnn!! So good! >.< But... dad dudes hair tho..

  • If you think his hair is something check out a character called binbo (or bean ball, the anime is full of puns) from excell saga it wont disappoint.

    Christ that animation is just... ugggnnnn!! So good! >.< But... dad dudes hair tho..

  • OK,but still I wasnjubwndering but if we start with a political discussion then we can talk about here or on a political discussion thread

    I wasn't really trying to start a discussion about politics, just sharing an interesting story on the geopolitics between Russia and the United States.

  • So I bought and started playing Stardew Valley. But I was like, "Ehhhhh this is really boriiiiiiing..."

    Then four hours passed and I don't wanna stop :(

  • edited June 2017

    Jesus Christ another attack this one is in France Suspected Attacker Drives Into Police Vehicle In Champs-Elysees Police Say

    The Attacker has been arrested and no injuries from this,but still things are getting crazy

    UPDATE: French security official: Attacker on Champs-Elysees 'most probably' dead; bomb squad on scene. I guess he was shot before they arrest him Also The Car exploded on hitting police van on Champs-Elysees, driver was armed the Car also contained a gas canister

  • For sure. Been listening to a lot of Madlib produced stuff lately.

    Been listening to rap still I hope... I've been on a kick recently.

  • Thank goodness the situation is under control before more innocent people died.

    But it's only a matter of time before another country suffers from another attack from these extremists.

    strwar3 posted: »

    Jesus Christ another attack this one is in France Suspected Attacker Drives Into Police Vehicle In Champs-Elysees Police Say The Attacker

  • So Macron is getting worst every day.
    He is going to legalize the state of emergency as a law for every day.

    Problem is that it is proven that the state of emergency isn't giving better results against terrorism but it is a great way to undermine and fight strikes and political protesters.

    Report of Amnesty International also show that police become more and more violent: for example they remove automatically the objects of first healing of people manifestating. They also attack the journalists in strike..

    With Macron preparing his fucking labor law, it's going to be hell next jully

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited June 2017

    Big ol' wall of text incoming...

    This has been on my chest for a long time, but recent events in the UK have driven the point home. Hopefully people don't take this the wrong way. I definitely don't mean to imply that terrorist attacks shouldn't be mourned and condemned.

    That said. honestly can't help but feel a bit disgusted at how we (collectively) react to tragedy.

    A few weeks ago there was a suicide bombing at an Arianna Grande concert, killing 26 people, mostly kids. The medi circus and public outcry was inescapable. The world mourned with Manchester. We send thoughts and prayers, cursed and condemned those responsible and demanded that something ANYTHING be done, so that it never happens again.

    Last Wednesday, an apartment building burned down in Kensington. 79 people have been reported dead or missing, while many others have been left homeless. It's come to light that the tower was likely not built to regulations and that concerns of the residents have been ignored by the local government for years. Compare the public response to that of the Manchester bombing. It's considered a tragedy in the UK, but in the US, it barely made the news. We've collectively said "tsk tsk tsk, what a shame." and moved on.

    I'll admit that there was a difference in context. The villain in the Manchester bombing was an international terrorist organization, while the villains of the Kensington fire were some neglectful bureaucrats, inept contractors or both.

    Still, I'm increasingly led to think that our response to terrorism has much more to do with the spectacle than anything else. To be blunt, I think we react the way we do, because terrorism makes for such great tv. In a fucked up way, we are excited and entertained by the whole bloody spectacle. It keeps us glued to our screens sure as any thriller, with ISIS dutifully playing the part of the damnable villain, who's gonna get his in the end. Like any good TV show, the latest episode (attack) becomes fodder small talk at the water cooler. Some people will wax philosophical about how mean people are to each other, while others will fantasize about "what I would do if I got my hands on those goddamn terrorist bastards". It sparks lively debates about religion, immigration and what-have-you, because after all terrorism is the one series that everyone's watched and has an opinion on. Most importantly, like any other iconic TV series, it's a big business. News sites bring in a fuckton of ad revenue with stories about terrorist attacks, the more sensationalist the better. YouTubers cash in with their shitty commentary and clickbIt titles. Sometimes there's even merchandising, like with the Charlie Hebdo attack, after which, vulture capitalists swooped in and made a fortune selling cheap, plastic crap with "je suits charlie" on it.

    Meanwhile the death of 79 people in Kensington just wasn't exciting enough to grab our collective attention, despite being objectively tragic and outrageous.

    One guy plowing into pedestrians doesn't say anything about to man's inhumanity to man. Our reaction to it does. We're voyeuristic monsters who sometimes literally buy and sell terrorism like a commodity. ISIS knows this and thrives by providing a steady stream of new content for us to consume. I'm certainly not above buying into the spectacle and don't have a solution, it's just something that's been burning a hole in me.

    Edit: some things.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited June 2017

    Does he want a sequel to May 68? Because that's how you get a sequel to May 68.

    Euron posted: »

    So Macron is getting worst every day. He is going to legalize the state of emergency as a law for every day. Problem is that it is prov

  • edited June 2017

    So,I guess you hate now Macron more than ever,right? @Euron looking at what he is now doing to labor by destroying them and just acting like smug sob(I hate him like you and also cause Le Pen is not in there and I wanted her to be in there instead of him) also since his party is now the major party in the Parliament during the legislative elections.I'm pray to god and that his party gets corruption in there,so the votets loses confidence with him.

    I think I'm looking forward and wanting to hear every single thing that happens in his party.

    Euron posted: »

    So Macron is getting worst every day. He is going to legalize the state of emergency as a law for every day. Problem is that it is prov

  • I'm 35 today.

  • Happy Birthday!

    AnimalBoy posted: »

    I'm 35 today.

  • Thank ya kindly!

    Happy Birthday!

  • Happy birthday, man!

    AnimalBoy posted: »

    I'm 35 today.

  • Thank you!

    BroKenny posted: »

    Happy birthday, man!

  • That fire was awful. It's been in the news a lot from what I have seen. Somebody better pay.

    I actually think the reason why terrorism and well violent crime in general is fundamentally, someone been murdered is more significant that someone dying in an accident. The fact that somebody willingly went out of their way to violate the most sacred of all rights, the right to life, is more distrubing to me, and probably lots of other people, then someone dying in a car accident. Of course I mean this as someone who would be not directly affected - it's far worse to the people who know the victims. Also accidents don't (normally) have a person to blame the same way violence would.

    Perhaps that's why. Not all death is treated equally.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Big ol' wall of text incoming... This has been on my chest for a long time, but recent events in the UK have driven the point home. Hope

  • I finished watching the first season of The Clone Wars. It was ok. I think this is all I remember about this show since I was younger. I don't think I know something about the next seasons. Anyway, my favourite episode was Episode 10.

  • edited June 2017

    I'm not happy at all right now.

    It feels like WHATEVER I say, it's just met with insults or something.

  • Ay my boy. Bloodborne's fuckin awesome my dude, glad you can experience that.

    jamex1223 posted: »

    fuck, bloodborne is so fucking good. i cant believe i didnt feel the hype for this game when it was first released. what an idiot, but now t


    lupinb0y posted: »

    So I bought and started playing Stardew Valley. But I was like, "Ehhhhh this is really boriiiiiiing..." Then four hours passed and I don't wanna stop

  • Well people are dicks and you're cool. You don't deserve to be insulted over words my dude

    J-Master posted: »

    I'm not happy at all right now. It feels like WHATEVER I say, it's just met with insults or something.

  • I'm not dorky enough to know what "Episode 10" is just by episode number, but I can tell you things get more interesting and complex as the seasons go on.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I finished watching the first season of The Clone Wars. It was ok. I think this is all I remember about this show since I was younger. I don't think I know something about the next seasons. Anyway, my favourite episode was Episode 10.

  • Got any tips? :P

    I'm poor and don't have a stable source of income.


  • Buy like 10000000 Amaranth in fall and sell every last bit of it except the one piece Marnie needs. Otherwise just farm normally and over time you'll gain more income. Going to the mines will help too. Fastest way to hold off until fall is to plant a ton of food, water it daily, then go out looking through every area for foraging and then wander the beach of washed up seashells. Repeat until the season's over while spending as little gold as possible and you'll probably gain about 15,000.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Got any tips? :P I'm poor and don't have a stable source of income.

  • It's the episode where Kit Fisto and his padawan, Nahdar, are going into General Grievous's lair and they were tricked.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    I'm not dorky enough to know what "Episode 10" is just by episode number, but I can tell you things get more interesting and complex as the seasons go on.

  • hey guys what if mr. x/tyrant from resident evil 2 wasn't actually a monster guy but just 15 ducks in a trenchcoat wouldn't that be fucked up

  • Huh. I always just assumed it was a sleepwalking Herman Munster.

    hey guys what if mr. x/tyrant from resident evil 2 wasn't actually a monster guy but just 15 ducks in a trenchcoat wouldn't that be fucked up

  • this is also a great idea

    Johro posted: »

    Huh. I always just assumed it was a sleepwalking Herman Munster.

  • edited June 2017

    Just started playing the Last of Us again after taking a bit of a break. Was about halfway through and oh my god. I've fallen in love with it all over again.
    This game is so freakin' good!

    This probably sounds really sad, but it's given me something to look forward to again, and I actually feel a little better now.

  • I would, but I would probably end up forgetting to finish it. xD It's been happening a lot lately.

    And he has a switchblade comb, if thats not cool I don't know what is

    That ain't cool.... That's smooth af.

    Megumin posted: »

    Have you seen it!? Dude watch it! And he has a switchblade comb, if thats not cool I don't know what is

  • searches the character on google

    enter image description here

    If you think his hair is something check out a character called binbo (or bean ball, the anime is full of puns) from excell saga it wont disappoint.

  • yes, man shit is very good. like i never played a souls game before and i got to admit the way people talked about them kinda scared me after the nightmare that was that ninja gaiden 2, i basically swore off hard games after this, so i was never really that attracted to hard games and ignored this game completely and that was a big mistake. sort off. i now seen the light and im glad i got this game.

    Ay my boy. Bloodborne's fuckin awesome my dude, glad you can experience that.

  • it is a great game, i also replayed it a couple of times. last time i played it... hmmm it was almost damn near a year a go, and the time to replay it, its probably soon.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Just started playing the Last of Us again after taking a bit of a break. Was about halfway through and oh my god. I've fallen in love with i

  • I don't think you're so blind as your username says...

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Big ol' wall of text incoming... This has been on my chest for a long time, but recent events in the UK have driven the point home. Hope

  • Uncharted The Lost Legacy = Uncharted 4 Chloe Edition

  • If you like Bloodborne you should definitely play the first two Dark Souls games. They're both challenging, interesting and a lot of fun. Dark1 is basically the perfect video game imo and Dark2, while VERY flawed, is still pretty good. Don't play 3 though. It's garbage.

    jamex1223 posted: »

    yes, man shit is very good. like i never played a souls game before and i got to admit the way people talked about them kinda scared me afte

  • Brussels Train Station Evacuated After Amid Reports Of Explosion And Gunshots

    man wearing 'explosive belt' shot by police after Small blast occurred at Brussels train station, suspect was immediately "neutralized." No casualties. Treated as terror attack. Bomber Screams "Allahu Ackbar!" at Brussels Train Station.So I guess this was Islamic terrorism.Glad no one was hurt and the bomber was shot and killed. But still these attacks are happening time after time and some times it is non-Islamic Terrorism and other times it is Islamic terrorism.But something needs to be done

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