The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited July 2014

    Twau and tlou

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Everyone. Random question time! What is your fave game? (aside from walking dead) Mine is Dragon Age: Origins.

  • It would be unfair to choose pokemon.


  • Alt text

    TLOU and Bioshock Infinite dem feels ^

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Everyone. Random question time! What is your fave game? (aside from walking dead) Mine is Dragon Age: Origins.

  • Alt text

    Stop trolling :O

    Watch me get Hate..... Call of Duty

  • Alt text

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    OMG U LUV CALL OF DOOTY?! DO U EVEN 360 QUIKSCOPZ M8? I'm just shitting with you I must admit I actually loved black ops 2 ghosts was shit and advanced warefare actually looks decent

  • I would play TLOU but the price to buy it is too much!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    TLOU and Bioshock Infinite dem feels ^

  • And why are you still friends with him?

    So many things are wrong nowadays... at least there are still diamonds among the shit XD Yap, he indeed has. If you play anything else than those games he will call you a hipster. Lol I know.

  • edited July 2014

    That's messed up Mark :,(
    Edit: I didn't dislike it.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Stop trolling :O

  • Heh, I can't just pick one... I honestly don't know.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Everyone. Random question time! What is your fave game? (aside from walking dead) Mine is Dragon Age: Origins.

  • Red Dead Redemption maybe.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Everyone. Random question time! What is your fave game? (aside from walking dead) Mine is Dragon Age: Origins.

  • Mark!? Alt text

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Just to say be honest for once idc I missed you all so much this week I found out I need you guys and gals more then you need me believe me.

  • Price? The game is priceless seriously It's worth every penny :D

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I would play TLOU but the price to buy it is too much!

  • just watch a walkthrough before you do make sure you like it I bought it and I haven't even played it.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I would play TLOU but the price to buy it is too much!

  • Holy Fudge! What happened to Lee's eyes!

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    Season 2 would be so much better like this a blind Lee being lead by Clementine through the dangers of the world

  • edited July 2014

    I tried it at a friend's house, it's pretty good. B]

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Price? The game is priceless seriously It's worth every penny

  • Raging?! THE DARK AGES HAVE ENDED!!!1 Alt text

    Thanks. I'm glad I made it great! (?) You gave Raging_Blades a boost of self esteem

  • Why wouldn't I? It's just video games, we don't talk about them a lot anyway.

    Gobananas01 posted: »

    And why are you still friends with him?

  • I'm not saying the game isn't worth it, I'm saying i don't have enough money!
    It's $99.95 !

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Price? The game is priceless seriously It's worth every penny


    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I'm not saying the game isn't worth it, I'm saying i don't have enough money! It's $99.95 !

  • it's pretty expensive especially for people who don't have a PS3

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I would play TLOU but the price to buy it is too much!

  • well the theory goes like this as some people who are in denial say clem missed her shot well she actually didn't miss she just didn't kill him and got lee in his eye so she shot again and got him in his other eye but by using the power of urban plot armor he survived and he somehow magically got disinfected from his bite and was all good to go and the adventures of lee and clem continue from there

    Yo-da-Man posted: »

    Holy Fudge! What happened to Lee's eyes!

  • Australia


  • Welcome back :).

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Just to say be honest for once idc I missed you all so much this week I found out I need you guys and gals more then you need me believe me.

  • sigh TLOU is so awesome, I really need to play it again. T_T

    Markd4547 posted: »

    TLOU and Bioshock Infinite dem feels ^

  • I can't say a single game, but here is my top10 in a random order (I'm so tired so I might forget something):

    The Last of Us, Metal Gear Solid, Mass Effect, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Final Fantasy VIII, Flower, Witcher 2, Hitman: Blood Money, Heavy Rain AND THE WALKING DEAD S1!!!

    Come at mehhh broh!

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Everyone. Random question time! What is your fave game? (aside from walking dead) Mine is Dragon Age: Origins.

  • edited July 2014

    Jeez, have you tried online? Like Ebay or Amazon?

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I'm not saying the game isn't worth it, I'm saying i don't have enough money! It's $99.95 !

  • edited July 2014

    ah yes australia where our games are expensive and our classification board are a bunch of 70 year old women who think watching a video game character do drugs is harmful to us STRAYA god I can't wait for the people on the board to retire or die out so people who grew up with sega and nintendo can step in they might actually understand that games are not harmful

    Gary-Oak posted: »


  • Dude nah man that's some hardcore shit how do you guys even get games over there 99.95 Aus Dollars is like $94 US dollars. here you get the game and the DLC with that money.

    Gary-Oak posted: »


  • looks at name

    Alt text

    He back bitches. I'M BACK. CELEBRATION! I'M FREEEEEEEEEEE. Missed you guys so much! ))))))))). Group hug!

  • That was an interesting experience,...

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    Play the music and watch the owl dance.

  • it costs like $20-$30 for shipping if we buy from amazon it isn't worth it well at least that was how much it was when I bought my walking dead comics same with ebay usually its cheap but the shipping is expensive for most stuff

    Jeez, have you tried online? Like Ebay or Amazon?

  • I guess Minecraft. I don't really play it much anymore though.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Everyone. Random question time! What is your fave game? (aside from walking dead) Mine is Dragon Age: Origins.

  • I really loved TLOU, but the fans kind of ruined it for me and I now dislike the game due to most of the fans thinking there has to be a competition between TWDG and TLOU... le sigh.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    TLOU and Bioshock Infinite dem feels ^


    Jewfreeus posted: »

    Season 2 would be so much better like this a blind Lee being lead by Clementine through the dangers of the world

  • When I get a PS4 and it comes out for it I am going to play TLOU.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    TLOU and Bioshock Infinite dem feels ^

  • I can't say a single game, but here is my top10 in a random order (I'm so tired so I might forget something): The Last of Us, Metal Gear

  • edited July 2014

    its sort of the same with me I am a xbox and pc guy but I could see that tlou was a great game then I kept seeing people comparing twd and tlou especially here people would just bring it up when we are talking about something completely unrelated and people kept bragging about it saying that all xbox and pc gamers suck (mainly on the ign comments section) and they should all be jealous of it and it came to the point where I just couldn't stand it anymore

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    I really loved TLOU, but the fans kind of ruined it for me and I now dislike the game due to most of the fans thinking there has to be a competition between TWDG and TLOU... le sigh.

  • edited July 2014


    _Juice_Box_ posted: »


  • _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    I really loved TLOU, but the fans kind of ruined it for me and I now dislike the game due to most of the fans thinking there has to be a competition between TWDG and TLOU... le sigh.

  • What happened to random question time?

    But hi I guess.

    Gary-Oak posted: »


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