The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I was there, that was when CoDpatrol was there right? Then you left so I left, but from the way things sound, you all started again and I was completely unaware of it.

    ....but i DID make an official announcement....i even tagged your ALWAYS

  • will?

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    YAY! ^-^

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Stop pressuring me with your hype I will upload a video on me singing tomorrow confirmed OK jeez

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    Stahp. ;_; that gif. Its sad!! -cricket sounds at stage-

  • Yeah, then i said i would come back when there was more people...i even came back at least each 30 minutes to see if anyone showed up. Did you receive my PM ?

    Anyway, tonight was a bust, but hopefully there won't be any connection problems or nobody showing up tomorrow.

    I want as much people as possible to hear Joseph's voice and to bid him farewell before he goes on his vacation to the Dominican Republic. :P

    Rigtail posted: »

    I was there, that was when CoDpatrol was there right? Then you left so I left, but from the way things sound, you all started again and I was completely unaware of it.

  • edited July 2014

    Here's my character!
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    Gary-Oak posted: »

    everyone post a picture of your skyrim character! Here is my character! Also by the way add me on steam if you want my steam name is Gary Oak.

  • That second one, man XD

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    I would put up my khajiit character but he is on xbox so I will put up my pc characters @TheNarwhalKing My main character One of my new characters My other new character

  • edited July 2014

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    sry :D a nice one


  • Fuck, fuck, fucking fuck, I DID get the PM but I just now noticed it. Fuck me, fuck you, fuck everything. God fucking dammit.

    It's okay. You guys still on?

    Yeah, then i said i would come back when there was more people...i even came back at least each 30 minutes to see if anyone showed up. Did y

  • Rachelle... shh.

    Hmm, I'm trying to figure this thing out, apparently it's not detecting the mic. Going to see if I can fix this.

    That's not nice, Anthony.

  • I'd join, but I kind of suck. Plus I'm not a big fan of Payday 2. It's alright, but I get bored pretty quickly.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    Gary Oak and I are gonna play some Payday 2 we have 2 spots left if anyone is interested

  • Not enough people anymore...sorry, i will host tomorrow night once again.

    Rigtail posted: »

    Fuck, fuck, fucking fuck, I DID get the PM but I just now noticed it. Fuck me, fuck you, fuck everything. God fucking dammit. It's okay. You guys still on?

  • edited July 2014

    I just ate! But in all seriousness, don't say that please. :)

  • Yay! ^-^ Its k.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    sry a nice one

  • Nope you don't need a mic...i did it with my friends thousands of times before xD

    Rigtail posted: »

    Not sure, try it. Don't sing for them, that's just what they want. They're gonna try to manipulate you into singing. If you do it, then you are proving that you are weaker than them.

  • If you do it, i'll do it, if its as easy as everyone says...i would probably sing a Arctic Monkeys song :P

    I'm not shy or anything, i wouldn't even care if i did right now...but pressuring you guys into doing it first because you said so is just too tempting xD

    Rachelle... shh. Hmm, I'm trying to figure this thing out, apparently it's not detecting the mic. Going to see if I can fix this.

  • Alt text

    If you do it, i'll do it, if its as easy as everyone says...i would probably sing a Arctic Monkeys song :P I'm not shy or anything, i wou

  • STUPID PHONE. it took me 30 minutes to reply to this -___- . Anyways, y'all call each other by your first names but when it comes to me its CiD you'll never know my name NEVER

    Uh-huh. Sure, CiD.

  • Everyone is singing and I'm just here like: I'll pass....... No need for deaths on this forum.

  • They want to make me look bad for not singing myself :(

    Everyone is singing and I'm just here like: I'll pass....... No need for deaths on this forum.

  • Bro.... do ya need a hug?

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    They want to make me look bad for not singing myself

  • Yes ;-;

    Bro.... do ya need a hug?

  • Just looking back at my nicknames on this forum.



    Ronald McDonald (why did that start!?)

    Now I'm thinking: elf ears (zoom in on my profile picture and look at the ear on the right)

    Bill Nye (WHY!?!?)

  • NO! SING. NOW.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Yes ;-;

  • CiD...I thought we were friends! D:

    NO! SING. NOW.

  • Bill Nye (WHY!?!?)


    Just looking back at my nicknames on this forum. Pinhead CiD Ronald McDonald (why did that start!?) Now I'm thinking: elf ears (zoom in on my profile picture and look at the ear on the right) Bill Nye (WHY!?!?)

  • Singing sucks. So does dancing. So does doing anything that relates to music other than just listening to it. While I listen to music, I isolate myself in a state of peace where I imagine the Earth engulfed in flames, structures collapsing on top of innocent civilians, and death. Death everywhere. The sounds of their bloodcurdling screams echoing throughout the streets warms my heart. So much destruction. So much beauty. <3

    But yeah, don't sing unless you wanna make yourself look like a fool.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    They want to make me look bad for not singing myself


    TWDFan86 posted: »

    CiD...I thought we were friends!

  • But- ...okay -goes to a corner by myself- ;~;


  • Haha. In all seriousness I will never sing EVER. Unless I some how met one of y'all on Omegle.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    But- ...okay -goes to a corner by myself- ;~;

  • You're one strange guy, Riggy, lol. But yeah, I don't sing or dance. Although, I've played instruments before.

    Rigtail posted: »

    Singing sucks. So does dancing. So does doing anything that relates to music other than just listening to it. While I listen to music, I iso

  • And then there's me refreshing the page every to seconds hoping there is a new comment. v_v

  • CiD gonna call it a night. Gotta BIG decision tomorrow on this forum but we'll see. Bye my fellow brothers and sisters :D

  • Okay, good. Because I feel like the bad guy here :c

    Haha. In all seriousness I will never sing EVER. Unless I some how met one of y'all on Omegle.

  • What is this decision you speak of?

    CiD gonna call it a night. Gotta BIG decision tomorrow on this forum but we'll see. Bye my fellow brothers and sisters

  • Oh, I forgot about playing instruments. That can be fun I suppose, I just never played any before. What kind have you played?

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    You're one strange guy, Riggy, lol. But yeah, I don't sing or dance. Although, I've played instruments before.

  • I don't know if Lee has said anything but what is happening with the next part of the story? I went to bed and woke up and there were no new comments or anything did Lee say he was busy today or has no one heard from him?

  • edited July 2014

    Clem: O_O "I don't know" alright fine. Might tell all of y'all my name because I want to see how y'all would react and wat you think my name is. ATR DONT GIVE IT AWAY O_O

    Edit: Let's face it. This thread needs more things to talk about too.

    What is this decision you speak of?

  • edited July 2014

    Does it start with a 'L' or 'I'

    Clem: O_O "I don't know" alright fine. Might tell all of y'all my name because I want to see how y'all would react and wat you think my name is. ATR DONT GIVE IT AWAY O_O Edit: Let's face it. This thread needs more things to talk about too.

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