How did you. . .
How did you honor Scooter in episode four?
In specific, what action did you see fit? Did you hug him, trade hats, kiss him? When everything was said and done, did you choose to send his satellite advertisement into space? If so, what did you write on it? If you didn't, why not? What's your reason?
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I traded hats. It seemed like a unique option to pick. Got it sitting on the dash of the vehicle/rocket ship. Also used his slogan on the satellite. Don't regret picking those choices.
How do you trade hats?
Step Three
In case anyone was wondering, I gave him a hug and wrote "See ya, Space Cowboy". Seemed appropriate enough.
Me trying to select what to choose and wondering if step 3 would really be kissing Scooter and then wondering if thats the best choice
And after I hit Step 3
Step 3 fam
And his catchphrase
If Fiona either keeps her hat or is wearing an outfit that has a hat.
^ Bingo!
I hugged him (I didn't realize what Step 3 meant until later lmao) and honored him with the "Hero, friend, hero." phrase.
What do you think is better? Trading hats or kissing Scooter?
I stuck to the plan
I was simply being smart and practical, I didn't want to risk the mission.
I chose
[Step Three]
step 3 and hero friend and hero
I kissed him and also chose to honour him with the "hero, friend and hero" slogan.
hugged him and honoured him with his catchphrase.
Step three and then "Catch-A-Ride!" because that was the only correct choice.
Step 3 and "Catch a Ride!"
I traded hats with him and honored him with his catchphrase
I was kinda scared kissing Scooter (first time around), thankfully I found out Fiona does it classy. Right on the cheek. But seeing Scooter's beautiful full head of hair after taking off the hat had me shock and aww.
Same here! Wish I'd realized what step 3 was, though!
step 3 and catch-a-ride!
I gave him the biggest hug, and wrote "Catch a riiiiiiiiide" on the satellite.
I chose to hug him and wrote his last words: Catch a Ride!!!!
Step 3 and catch-a-ride, but only because I'm a human with emotions.
I liked it way better on my second round where I was like, "See ya!" and refused to use the beacon. Lolz.
Hugged and sent the satellite with Scooter's catchphrase
i traded hats with him and honored him with `´see you space cowboy ´´
springs must have been royally pissed at you for that lol
Probably. Haven't gotten to that part yet.