Favourite/ Least Favourite

So this was inspired by a thread which asks for your favourite characters but I wanted to see people's favourite and least favourite characters

Any here are mine

Favourite: The One, The Only... Gabriel!, this was probably already obvious by my name but I love his voice and his character fits in with the story way more than Petra, you already have enough friends to care about, his experience in all dimensions( Overworld, Nether and End) make him a wise and likeable character

Least Favourite:This is sorta a group one but The Ocelots (excluding Lukas of course) I don't see how Lukas fits in with those jerks, they are so mean and have no empathy, aidens voice is annoying and I hate this bit of the ocelots so much which I will quote. "Look it's the Order Of The Losers, again!" "Hahahahah, good one Gil." Come one how is that funny guys?

Anyway post your own opinions down below


  • Favorite: Too hard to choose, it's Jesse, Reuben and Lukas.
    Least Favorite : Aiden, Olivia.

  • No, why would save someone you have just met for a few hours when Jesse just knows Petra for a few years I asume? What would you really do? Save a hero or save your closest friend?

  • This one is supposed to be your most favourite character and your least favourite character, that discussion is for your favourite and least favourite

    There's already a thread on it, sorry to burst your bubble https://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/101635/what-characters-you-like-and-who-you-dislike

  • I made my desicion on how I liked them during the time period of us actually playing MCSM not how long we supposedly knew them for.

    AronDracula posted: »

    No, why would save someone you have just met for a few hours when Jesse just knows Petra for a few years I asume? What would you really do? Save a hero or save your closest friend?

  • Same thing different order....

    This one is supposed to be your most favourite character and your least favourite character, that discussion is for your favourite and least favourite

  • Favorite: Lukas Least Favorite: Ivor

  • edited November 2015

    Favourite: Ivor. This is obviusly another Georgie, one of the big villians that does get screentime.

    Least favourite: Aiden. He has been a dick to everyone for no absolute reason

  • Favourite: Jesse (female).

    Least Favourite: Axel. It would be Aiden or Magnus, but Axel has had more screen time to prove he can be likeable, yet he has squandered it. Hopefully this will change soon.

  • Favorites: Lukas, Olivia, Reuben, (Soren might end up as one as well).

    Least favorites: ... The Wither Storm? Really, I even like the jerkies of the story.

    enter image description here

  • Lukas obviously.

  • Favorite: Jesse, Magus, Gabriel, Lukas and Olivia

    Least Favorite:
    -Axel is stupid and so up tight
    -Aiden cant stop being a jerk

  • Guys Thai discussion is supposed to be for your most favourite and your most loathed character not a selection of the few you like and hate

  • Favorite: Ivor (I like a good, mysterious villain, and Ivor is certainly a mystery at this point)
    Least favorite: Magnus (I'm not a fan of his attitude, although I might change my opinion later on, as it's still early on in the series yet)

  • I have to agree with what you said about it being too early to judge Magnus I don't hate him but I don't like him ethier, can't wait to see how his character plays out in ep3

    Jennifer posted: »

    Favorite: Ivor (I like a good, mysterious villain, and Ivor is certainly a mystery at this point) Least favorite: Magnus (I'm not a fan of his attitude, although I might change my opinion later on, as it's still early on in the series yet)

  • edited November 2015

    Um... i made a thread about this already. The one that is number 1 is the most Favorite/ Least favorite in my thread.

    But i guess ill have play along with your little game. :P

    Favorite: Reuben

    Least favorite: Magnus

  • Is pretty much the same in my thread. In my thread you tell your Favorite Character/ Hated Characters in a order. This thread just tells your most favorite character and most hated character. But is the same thing in my thread. Did you understand why i put those numbers in my description?

    Guys Thai discussion is supposed to be for your most favourite and your most loathed character not a selection of the few you like and hate

  • Is that so? Sorry thought this one would be a twist

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Is pretty much the same in my thread. In my thread you tell your Favorite Character/ Hated Characters in a order. This thread just tells you

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