Who do you like and who do you dislike?

I saw this thread at the Minecraft section and I feel like making a tales one. Here is who I like and who I dislike in my opinion.
the Main Characters (Rhys, Fiona, Vaughn, Sasha, gortys (cute) ,August (redeemed himself) and loader bot.)
Claptrap (hilarious)
Scooter (R.I.P)
Wallethead (Vasquez, also hilarious but too bad he died early on)

Handsome Jack AI (after everything I've done for him, he still betrays me!)
Yvette (betraying bitch)
Asshole Lee (Finch)
Asshole Bigby (Kroger)
Brick and Mordecai (how dare they mess with Fiona!)


  • I honestly liked everyone but Vallory. I liked Finch and Kroger too, until they shot August and loaderbot, but I probably only wanted them to be redeemed because of their voice actors :p

  • Like: Sasha, Rhys, Fiona, Loader Bot, Athena, Scooter, Zer0, Gortys, Vasquez, Handsome Jack, Finch, Kroger, Grease Face

    Dislike: August, Vallory, August, Vaughn,

  • How could you dislike Vaughn??

    Like: Sasha, Rhys, Fiona, Loader Bot, Athena, Scooter, Zer0, Gortys, Vasquez, Handsome Jack, Finch, Kroger, Grease Face Dislike: August, Vallory, August, Vaughn,

  • Like: Athena, Scooter, and Jack

    Dislike: Vallory

  • edited November 2015

    Like : Pretty much everyone.

    Dislike: Rudiger, Vallory, Finch, Kroger

  • edited November 2015

    Like: AI Handsome Jack, Sasha, Zer0, Vasquez, Finch, Kroger, Brick, Mordecai, Athena, Cassius, Felix, Vaughn, Yvette

    Dislike: ClapTrap

  • Like: Rhys, Fiona, Sasha, Vaughn, Loader Bot, Gortys, Handsome Jack and Vasquez

    Middleground: Claptrap

    Dislike: Yvette, August, Vallory, Finch and Kroger

  • edited November 2015


    1. Loader Bot
    2. Rhys
    3. Handsome Jack
    4. Sasha
    5. Vaughn
    6. Fiona
    7. Gortys
    8. Zer0
    9. Scooter
    10. Athena
    11. Janey
    12. Cassius
    13. Felix
    14. Vasquez
    15. August
    16. Claptrap
    17. Brick
    18. Mordecai


    no one

  • Dislike August AND Vaughn?

    How dare you.

    Like: Sasha, Rhys, Fiona, Loader Bot, Athena, Scooter, Zer0, Gortys, Vasquez, Handsome Jack, Finch, Kroger, Grease Face Dislike: August, Vallory, August, Vaughn,

  • Pretty much everyone was great. Even Grease Face.

  • What the hell did Vaughn do? He was Rhy's bro to the end. :(

    Like: Sasha, Rhys, Fiona, Loader Bot, Athena, Scooter, Zer0, Gortys, Vasquez, Handsome Jack, Finch, Kroger, Grease Face Dislike: August, Vallory, August, Vaughn,

  • I like everyone.

  • I knew I shouldn't have trusted a snake like you

    Like: Sasha, Rhys, Fiona, Loader Bot, Athena, Scooter, Zer0, Gortys, Vasquez, Handsome Jack, Finch, Kroger, Grease Face Dislike: August, Vallory, August, Vaughn,

  • I like everyone but Jack.
    I like his character and VA but I hate everything else about him

  • I like basically everyone but my favourites were Rhys, Fiona, Vaughn, Athena, Zer0 Gortys and August. The only character I didn't like was Sasha, but I felt Vallory was a disappointment as an antagonist - she just didn't feel legitimately threatening or interesting or very original either unfortunately.

  • Like: Main 6 (Rhys, Fiona, Vaughn, Sasha, Gortys, Loaderbot), Athena, August, Cassius, and Scooter of course.

    Dislike: Yvette! (P.S., sorry for leaving you in a jail cell of a crashing space station)

  • Really Hated : Yvette
    I love everyone in the game, They are so Well-written.
    Except, Yvette. ugh. (oh yeah, she is well-written too)

  • edited November 2015


    • Loader Bot
    • Rhys
    • Sasha
    • Fiona
    • Vaughn
    • Gortys
    • Athena
    • Zer0
    • Cassius
    • Janey
    • Handsome Jack
    • Scooter
    • Vasquez
    • August


    I used to hate Yvette before the finale but I regret shocking the hell out of her. I dislike no one.

  • Like: Rhys, Sasha, Loaderbot, Gortys, Vaughn, my main man Vasquez.

    Dislike: Vallory, August, those weird Handsome Jack fanatics with the masks.

  • I don't dislike or hate anyone, which is shocking cosidering in telltale game.

    Here is my like list:
    Athena, Rhys, Fiona, Loader Bot, Gortys, Vaughn, Sasha, Janey, Handsome Jack, Scooter, Zer0, August, Vasquez, Felix, Cassius
    I also thought that Vallory was pretty good character too, but I'm feeling neutral about her.

  • edited November 2015

    I like everyone~ I had a hard time getting attached to Sasha though. (I only started to really like her around ep3-4)
    I kinda hated Yvette after ep4 but after episode 5 I love her again. (since she explained the betrayal thing)

  • All the characters are amazing I'll their own way.Ever one of them is special to me

  • I kinda hated Yvette after ep4 but after episode 5 I love her again.

    So I wasn't the only one, that really liked her in episode 5. I even forgot that she betrayed me. :P

    I like everyone~ I had a hard time getting attached to Sasha though. (I only started to really like her around ep3-4) I kinda hated Yvette after ep4 but after episode 5 I love her again. (since she explained the betrayal thing)

  • Honestly, I liked everyone

    But I loved some characters more, like...(in order)

    1. Rhys

    2. Sasha

    3. Handsome Jack's AI - although I missed Jack's colors, ugh all the blue. All that damn blue hurt my soul...

    4. Vasquez

    5. Gortys

    6. Fiona

    7. Loaderbot

    8. Vaughn

    9. Zer0

    10. Dumpy

    I loved Vallory but she is a female antagonist in a Borderlands game. So she kind of had to have a shitty end. That is kind of their shtick...
    August, Finch, and Kroger are alright...

  • edited November 2015

    Liked: The main four, August, Gortys, LB and Yvette

    Disliked: Vallory, Flinch and Kroger

  • edited November 2015

    Liked: Rhys, Fiona, Jack, Vaughn, August, Athena, Gortys, Finch, Kroger.

    Not dislike, but have a hard time attaching to/didn't attach to as much as other people: Sasha, Loader Bot, Scooter.


    Like: Sasha, Rhys, Fiona, Loader Bot, Athena, Scooter, Zer0, Gortys, Vasquez, Handsome Jack, Finch, Kroger, Grease Face Dislike: August, Vallory, August, Vaughn,

  • Liked:

    • Main cast (Rhys, Fi)
    • Supporting cast: Sash, Vaughn, Gortys, LB, Jack, The Stranger, Vasquez
    • Minor characters: Cassius, Athena (in her weird albeit badass way), Scooter

    Neutral: August, Yvette, Felix, Vallory

    meh: Brick, Mordecai (Their roles were too small)

    Disliked: Finch & Krogger, Sasha (sometimes)

    I really really really really REALLY really HATE YOU: Moon Zoomy Girl/Kraggon Slayer/Whatever (Janey Springs)
    I cannot stand her voice/attitude here and in TPS

    Special Mentions: Shade, Bandits in Episode 1 (The one that Rhys tried to take on but failed, The Hat Lady/Glasses Face bandit), Dumpy, Marcus, Meat-Buddy Psycho (Pretend that I'm a good person/ Life come, Life go... go, go, go, go), "Handsome Rhys", CL4P-TP, Bossanova (My woofer!)

    Special Awards

    • Fiona & General Pollux get a Golden Spork Award
    • Zer0: <3 Award
    • CL4P-TP: Most Annoying Character of the (Borderlands) Universe Award
  • Well tbh.. I liked pretty much everyone. the only person I didn't like was Vallory.

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