A slight redemption for Jeff.

Remember Jeff from Gameinformer who pretty much crapped on this series from the start?

enter link description here

Well, here's his review of Episode 5 and it's weirdly positive.

enter link description here

Still proclaims that the first three episodes were utter garbage but hey, what are you going to do? Still don't think he was the right guy to review Tales especially after this quote from the Ep. 5 review:

reminded me why fans still like Telltale's adventures so much.


  • edited November 2015

    Meh. I don't see how this is "redemption" when he did nothing inherently wrong in the first place.

  • My thoughts on this TftB review...

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    No, but seriously.. I think even if you don't like the style of it, I think it was still easily one of ttg best pieces of writing. Maybe I'm just very biased, but I don't get why the strong hatred for the first three episodes? :')

  • No, but judging from his reviews, it's clear he was the wrong guy to review Tales.

    Meh. I don't see how this is "redemption" when he did nothing inherently wrong in the first place.

  • edited November 2015

    I like how he didn't even review Episode 4. I agree though. They definitely picked the wrong guy to review this series. I'm glad he liked Episode 5 though.

  • I found this and it seems that other people at Game Informer are liking Tales. (Kimberly and Andrew both work at GI).

    enter image description here

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited November 2015

    Not pictured: Jeff sitting in the corner of the room, staring angrily at everyone else while grumbling to himself

    I found this and it seems that other people at Game Informer are liking Tales. (Kimberly and Andrew both work at GI).

  • Haha, Love those Gifs. Ahh, reminds me back of when PewDiePie was still funny. Now he's just funny in an ironic pity filled kind of way.

    My thoughts on this TftB review... No, but seriously.. I think even if you don't like the style of it, I think it was still easil

  • Now wouldn't that be a funny thing to draw.



    Deltino posted: »

    Not pictured: Jeff sitting in the corner of the room, staring angrily at everyone else while grumbling to himself

  • Yeah, I get what you're saying. I only bother watching the odd video of his these days, because he's so different now. But I used to watch every video he would put out without fail. Sad times...

    Haha, Love those Gifs. Ahh, reminds me back of when PewDiePie was still funny. Now he's just funny in an ironic pity filled kind of way.

  • Yep. And I love when he does a Let's play every now and then, because those seem the be his biggest strengths, he's so calm and laid back. But sadly, unlike back in 2012. he rarely DOES let's plays anymore. I miss the good old days. I will say though, His friday videos are actually still really great. I just miss how it was back then, he was so cool, now it just kinda seems like he's trying way too hard.

    Yeah, I get what you're saying. I only bother watching the odd video of his these days, because he's so different now. But I used to watch every video he would put out without fail. Sad times...

  • Definitely seems like he's trying too hard. I agree, his lets plays were always my favourite too. I do enjoy his vlogs, they're always good. Just not fond of his gaming these days.

    Yep. And I love when he does a Let's play every now and then, because those seem the be his biggest strengths, he's so calm and laid back. B

  • Yeah. And there will be series like Until Dawn and Life is Strange that I'll watch and fall in love with, but when those games end, it's back to same old same old. I've been suggesting to his Facebook page over and over that he does Silent Hill 3, which is a direct continuation of the original Silent Hill which he's played, But sadly, since I'm a worthless and unnoticeable waste of space, he's not seeing my comments. XD I'd just love to see him return to his glory days, it's sad when something that once was so good gets so ruined by a few years of time.

    Definitely seems like he's trying too hard. I agree, his lets plays were always my favourite too. I do enjoy his vlogs, they're always good. Just not fond of his gaming these days.

  • Don't worry, he doesn't notice me either, haha. I've requested he play Tales From The Borderlands for ages now, I think he'd love it cause he's played the other telltale games and it'd be such a good let's play. But he must get over a million people requesting stuff to him all the time.

    I've just given up on him doing a full let's play for a while though. I hope he gets back into it though.

    Yeah. And there will be series like Until Dawn and Life is Strange that I'll watch and fall in love with, but when those games end, it's bac

  • Well he has completed Until Dawn, FNAF 2, and Life is Strange fairly recently, so those are some completed ones, but if you're like me, You probably burn through watching let's plays like wild fire, meaning those videos won't do much. I watched Cry's entire playthrough of Silent Hill 2 in one day. And those are like 40 min to 1 hour episodes, and there are 13 of them! I just wish that his fanbase was a bit more mature and requested some awesome games instead of the dumb ones that they have been requesting...

    Don't worry, he doesn't notice me either, haha. I've requested he play Tales From The Borderlands for ages now, I think he'd love it cause h

  • Yeah, as soon as I'm into a lets play that's it I binge it. I remember with Sips' Skyrim series I watched all 100 in like a week.

    We can only hope man, that he plays some good games not random one offs every single day.

    Well he has completed Until Dawn, FNAF 2, and Life is Strange fairly recently, so those are some completed ones, but if you're like me, You

  • Yeah, as soon as I'm into a lets play that's it I binge it.

    I know that feeling. I sat up all night one night binge watching all the Game Grumps' Sonic Boom let's play. I had never been so horrified yet at the same time so happy at the same time. Speaking of which, Sega needs to get their shit together. XD

    We can only hope man, that he plays some good games not random one offs every single day.

    I'm sure he'll find something good. And if not, I'll use my next payment and buy Silent Hill 3, Fatal Frame and Splinter Cell (Because we all love to see him sucking at stealth games. XD) and a PS2, and send them all to him and say: "These are your next 3 let's plays. I put good money into this, don't let me down. Also, you're welcome fanbase." XD If it has to come to that, I will do it. Besides, I've already bought everything I need, I don't want anything else. So I feel like making PewDiePie entertaining again would certainly serve me well. XD

    Yeah, as soon as I'm into a lets play that's it I binge it. I remember with Sips' Skyrim series I watched all 100 in like a week. We can only hope man, that he plays some good games not random one offs every single day.

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