I'm just a bit curious..n confused

Ok, so the finale was brilllllliiaaannntt! 1000 on 10 rating... Why did LB beat Rhys so much in ep1 and throughout s1... Why did he treat them like this, why did he keep em walking, why didnt he just sit at a place and ask them their stories without revealing himself...


  • He asked Fiona to keep Gortys safe, and then he sees her blowing her up

  • What still doesnt add up is why loader bot beat the living shit out of Rhys... the hell man xD

  • Harmless slapstick or taking his anger out on someone.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    What still doesnt add up is why loader bot beat the living shit out of Rhys... the hell man xD

  • You can actually ask that as Rhys and he just says that it was because he didn't trust them.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    What still doesnt add up is why loader bot beat the living shit out of Rhys... the hell man xD

  • Why didn't he stay at one place? He was looking for parts for gortys

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